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科研小弱鸡划水小能手 2023-07-10

It has been three months with the editor and there has been no progress.

sunny93 2023-07-10

It has been three months since submission, and it has been "with editor" all along. I don't dare to rush them, but is this journal's efficiency really that low?

shrimphand_26 2023-01-09

Call [likeke], with such a strong hostility, what good work can someone like you produce? It's truly a joke!
If you look down on someone's work, you can directly send it to jmps for comments. What's the point of embarrassing yourself here?

likeke 2022-12-29

Have you ever read such a crappy article by shrimphand_26? What qualifications do you have to comment on it?
Our team has published JMPs, and we don't want our hard work to be equated with such lousy articles that clearly go through a biased review process by acquaintances.
What journal have you published in, shrimphand_26? What abilities do you have to call yourself something and what exactly are you?

shrimphand_26 2022-09-18

Since someone is able to publish in JMPS, it indicates that they have received affirmation from the editor-in-chief and reviewers, and have reached the level required by the journal. If you keep making ambiguous remarks about others here, do you have the ability to publish in JMPS yourself?

shrimphand_26 2022-08-31

The first opinion is a minor revision, but the questions raised by the reviewer are very insightful. The second review directly accepts it.

寻梦无痕乀* 2022-05-26

Currently cited 991 times, really impressive!

画在 2022-04-28

8.27 submission;
10.02 review;
12.16 acceptance

孤心无尘 2022-03-30

It has been 10 days without any movement. I sent an email to inquire, but it hasn't reached the editor yet. If it doesn't work out, they should reject it quickly, and I will switch to another journal...

搅局的圣徒 2022-03-29

On the 9th day, the submission was directly rejected ? The reason is that although it could pique the interest of JMPS readers, the level did not meet the requirements of the journal.

lxidea 2022-02-21

Submitted in January, reviewed by the end of March, major revisions in June, first round of revisions returned in August, minor revisions in the second round of review in September, second round of revisions returned by the end of October, minor revisions in the third round of review in December, third round of revisions returned in early January, and then acceptance.

搅局的圣徒 2021-12-05

Brother, is this journal always this slow towards the end of the year? It has been 8 days since I submitted on November 28th, and there hasn't been any progress yet. How many more days until the editor can provide a result?

搅局的圣徒 2021-12-05

Brother, has this journal become so slow at the end of the year? It has been 8 full days since I submitted it on November 28th, and there hasn't been any progress yet. How many days does it usually take for the editor to give a result?

rock fracture 2021-11-05

Submitted on the 26th.
On the 30th, received an email notification that the article will be handled by the associate editor.
It's already the 5th, and there hasn't been any new updates in a week. I wonder if it's a cause for concern? If any experts know, please let me know.

likeke 2021-06-13

Research specializing in the derivation of analytical solutions for battery electrode analysis, four months to complete;
This magazine is generally good in the field of mechanics, but sometimes the editors make judgment mistakes;
Recently, there was an article on electrode stability analysis which lacked any innovative numerical methods. It only replaced the finite element model from other articles and published it in this magazine. The entire article is riddled with errors, showing that there is also "rat droppings." Not retracting the article really lowers the standard of the journal. This opportunistic article is despised by diligent researchers.

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