认证评论 - Journal of the American Chemical Society
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

缺舟一帆渡 2023-08-04

Biological materials, does not involve a lot of chemistry, is there an opportunity?

科研界的小裁缝 2023-07-18

May I ask why my submission is still under review on the 7th day? How can I find out which editor it has been assigned to? How can I check it in the system?

Li77 2023-07-15

May I ask if the editor is quick to reject the article? I submitted my article to him on the same day, but it has been several days and there is still no response. Thank you.

乙酰土杨酸 2023-07-14

It took a total of 3 months, overall it was still very fast.

科研小菜坤 2023-06-11

The characteristic is speed. The review process takes three weeks, with four minor revisions and one major revision. It takes only three days to make the necessary corrections and go online.


Not being rejected, but rather stating that it is not suitable to publish at this stage. Let us complete it before publishing.


Three reviewers, one minor revision, one major revision, one rejection. The editor gave the opportunity for resubmission. May I ask if the chances of resubmission are high? Thank you.

违章110 2023-05-29

Brother, did you send an email to AD in advance for consultation when you resubmitted to JACS? Or did you directly resubmit? It seems that the journal now requires obtaining AD's consent before resubmission.

ssg 2023-05-15

May I ask what direction is the author's article and who is responsible for editing it?

ssg 2023-05-12

I want to ask the original poster, what is the status shown in the system before the major review?

ssg 2023-05-12

The manuscript submitted on March 6, 2023 was sent for review to the associate editor the next day. It has been under review all this time, along with peer reviews. Now it's already mid-May, which is more than 60 days. I have sent three emails, and only received a reply for the first one, asking me to wait. There has been no further communication since then. What should I do? The wait feels torturous. Has anyone else experienced this? I'm seeking help.

qwe309 2023-04-20

At first, I submitted to JACS Communications. It was rejected twice with minor revisions, and the editor suggested submitting to ACS Catalysis instead. To be honest, it was a pity. Then, I submitted some experimental results to Angewandte Chemie, but it was also rejected twice with minor revisions. The questions raised were quite critical, making it difficult to modify, let alone argue. So, I expanded another topic (with a minimum focus on ACS Catalysis at that time) and prepared to submit to Nature Communications. However, I felt it would be a loss, so I resubmitted to JACS. This time, it was a full manuscript, and I replied to each previous reviewer's comments. After one month, I received major revision comments. After making the revisions, I submitted it again, and it was accepted smoothly.

Adesci 2023-02-11

2022.12.20 Submission
2022.01.11 Major Review (Two minor revisions by reviewers, one rejection. However, the reason for rejection was unreasonable, the editor was generous, and gave a major revision.)
2022.02.06 Re-Submission
2022.02.11 Acceptance

woodrow33 2023-02-06

In November, the review comments were only given, stating that the first round of differences was too significant, and two rounds of review were conducted.
The final review comments were minor revisions and major revisions in the first round.
The second round was accepted directly.
The article went online at the end of December.

嘻嘻哈哈1234 2023-01-23

2022.12.14 Post
2022.12.16 Review submission
2022.12.30 First review completed, minor revisions from two reviewers
Accepted after two to three weeks of revision, within five days

Thumbs up for JACS' speed!! The great editors even work on Christmas! Happy New Year! Bring on more papers!

期刊试金石 2023-01-14

2022.08.10 Post
2022.08.24 Submitted for review
2022.09.27 Received review comments, minor revisions and major revisions
2022.10.23 Likely rejected for major revisions
2022.10.26 Argue
2022.11.05 Continued review
2022.12.12 Minor revisions and formatting changes
2023.01.02 Response
2023.01.14 Finally accepted, it was quite a process, almost half a year, but the outcome is good
I was anxious and procrastinated online for several days, finally relieved. Submitted two articles at the end of the year, one by the junior boss and one by the senior boss. I was worried about conflicts, but fortunately the results turned out fine. Keep working hard, JACS, keep going everyone, I wish all the hardworking people achieve what they want. Happy New Year.

Loogria 2022-12-13

It can be considered as a leading research group in the United States, but the significant weakness of the group is the dismal publication record, usually in PCCP or JECS. Submitting to JACS is the first time.

Mlxg 2022-12-10

After submission, it takes three days for the first round of editing. The editing process is fast, and after one and a half months, the first review comments are received. After one month of revisions, another month passes to receive the second review comments, which require format changes. Three days later, the revisions are made. The requirements of a good magazine are indeed strict, and the reviewers' opinions are very professional. It was very challenging to wait for one month for the feedback from the first review, but fortunately, I persisted and received good results.

tianshi 2022-12-07

It should be the research group of the Big Cow.

Loogria 2022-11-16

Why can't the submission results be updated directly?

小阿玮 2022-10-27

Submitted on 2021-12-16
Accepted on 2022-10-26

One paper in the small research group was really difficult. It went through rejection, arguments, and multiple revisions. We had about seven reviewers in total and it took nearly a year to get the result. I have to say that JACS has very strict requirements, and it's well-deserved for its good reputation.

Loogria 2022-09-21

2022-9-6 Submitted
2022-9-7 Assigned to editor
2022-9-10 Under peer review
2022-9-22 Major revision
2022-10-27 Revision submitted
2022-10-31 Minor revision
2022-11-7 Accepted
Fast, too fast. Submitted for review in one day, delivered to reviewers within three days, returned for major revisions in about two weeks, returned for minor revisions three days after submission of changes.

薛定谔猫 2022-09-11

How long does it usually take to receive the editorial notification after receiving the email notification? How long does it take for the edited manuscript to be published online?

tlyer 2022-08-27

2022.06.07 Submission
2022.06.14 Under review
2022.06.29 Received reviewer comments, major revisions, given one month to make changes
2022.07.28 After one month of effort, resubmitted revised manuscript
2022.08.23 Editor replied via email, agreed to accept, requested formatting changes to meet journal requirements
2022.08.24 Editor notified acceptance of manuscript via email
JACS can be said to be the place where every chemist dreams of publishing a paper. I hope to continue striving and working hard in the future.

何时成为学阀 2022-08-27

If you take it seriously, you will lose.

Sara-germany 2022-08-04

But the exams in the country are so difficult, it's really hard for students who are not top-notch. I submitted my paper to a journal, and the editor turned out to be a PhD graduate who knows nothing about my field. They rejected it. It shattered my perception because I always thought journal editors were at the professor level.

Sara-germany 2022-08-04

The text "8888888" is a numerical sequence and does not have a specific meaning in English.

PDR 2022-08-02

Strongly recommend that the Chinese Academy of Sciences remove all journals from the "Ugly" series from the classification table. As a researcher, starting from myself, I will never submit to any journals in the "Ugly" series in the future, and I will not submit to any other 4th tier journals either. Ugly people are simply trash, and I deeply despise them from the bottom of my heart!!!

qwe309 2022-07-18

May I have the honor of reading your esteemed article?

周淙淙 2022-07-05

At the ACS publishing center, you can see the status "Status," and it shows as "in peer review" during the submission process.

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