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Seto Kaiba 2023-01-18

Ahora encontraremos el editor más adecuado para gestionar los próximos pasos de tu envío. Si tu envío tiene éxito, invitarán a revisores para realizar una revisión por pares de tu trabajo. Este proceso puede llevar algunas semanas.

bigbigpang 2023-01-17

"Editor appointed" in English means "editor has been appointed" or "editor has been assigned."

koves 2023-01-17

Posted on Snapp on June 14, 2022.
Sent an email inquiry in August and received a response stating that the review process on Snapp would take approximately 6 months.
Submitted for review on October 10th, and it showed "waiting for editor's decision" until October 19th.
Received major revisions on December 29th, with over 50 suggestions from five reviewers, requiring completion within 14 days. However, most of the suggestions were kind and the reviewers were responsible. Response consisted of 17 pages and was sent back on January 10th. The editor did not send it back to the reviewers and accepted it on January 16th.
Overall, it is a very good journal, with both the editor and reviewers being very helpful. The only drawback may be the slow process, so it is important not to constantly rush. If you do need to follow up, it is recommended to wait at least 5 weeks before asking again (excluding assigned editors, who generally take at least two to three months). The editor is very busy with many manuscripts.

Seto Kaiba 2023-01-13

Editor appointed 2023.01.13.

Mr.sun_1 2023-01-06

May I ask if you have any reminders within three months?

Baosir 2023-01-04

Share the experience of submission:
8.27: Submitted, continuously displayed "Editor appointed"
10.14: Sent reminder
10.17: Received reply to the reminder: Processing within 4 weeks. System status updated simultaneously.
10.24: System displayed response from the first reviewer (total of 5, later increased to 8)
11.7: Received reviewer's comments (2 weeks for revisions)
11.20: Submitted revisions
11.21: System displayed reviewer's review of the revisions
12.4: Accepted

12345lucky 2022-12-09

Hello, the current status displayed for me is "Editor appointed". I noticed that none of you have this status. Does that mean it's game over for me?

12345lucky 2022-12-09

Hello, I just submitted my contribution and the current status is showing "Editor appointed". I noticed that none of you have this status, does that mean it's been rejected?

minmin 2022-12-05

I would like to ask if anyone receives an "in review" or preprint publication email after submitting to this journal. When I submitted, I didn't click on anything, but I received an email saying that my paper has been selected for review. "If you have any questions about your paper being selected for review, please contact the submitting author. Once the preprint is published, you will no longer be able to opt out of the in-review process. If the preprint has not been published yet, submitting authors will be able to opt out by logging into their Research Square dashboard." I would like to ask everyone what should be done in this situation.

Zach_whu 2022-11-22

May I ask if there is a peer review status? How long does this status last?

Baosir 2022-11-07

Hello author, may I ask if your major revision was clearly stated in the email you received in response? The subject of my email was: The Journal of Supercomputing: Decision on your manuscript. It requested me to make revisions based on the reviewers' comments and submit them within 14 days. It did not specify whether it was a major revision or not. Looking at the reviewers' comments, they seem quite meticulous, and I'm afraid of being rejected.

DRCJKING 2022-11-04

Please make a correction for the typographical error.
15 Sep 2022 major revision

DRCJKING 2022-11-04

The journal's speed is very fast, taking more than 4 months from initial submission to final acceptance. When I submitted the paper, I used the EM system. It was said that they changed the system later, but my manuscript was still processed in EM. Here is a simple record of the timeline for everyone's reference:

Jun 14, 2022 - Submitted
Jun 14, 2022 - Editor Assignment Pending

This status lasted for 56 days, and then I sent a reminder email. The editor replied on the same day and sent it for review the next day.

Aug 10, 2022 - Under Review
Sep 15, 2022 - Major Review

I received comments from 4 reviewers after major revisions, and my paper was assigned the number 8, which means they probably sent it to 10 people and received feedback from 4. The comments were relatively mild, mainly involving modifications to the abstract, introduction, and conclusion. Two reviewers requested additional experiments. I was given one month to make the revisions. The paper went from 30 pages to 40 pages, and it was quite challenging to make the changes.

Oct 5 - Revision Submitted
Oct 6 - Under Review

The revised version was sent back to the reviewers and it took them more than three weeks to review it.

Nov 3 - Reviews Completed
Nov 4 - Accept

Overall, the speed was very fast, and the difficulty level was moderate. The reviewers and editor were very responsible. I recommend fellow students who are about to graduate to submit their papers to this journal.

MGG-M 2022-11-03

Hello, I would like to ask if the chief editor reviews the journal after major revisions, or if it will not be sent back to the reviewers anymore.

MGG-M 2022-11-03

Hello, I would like to ask if you sent it back to the reviewer for re-review after your major revision.

YLL00 2022-11-02

Hello, can't log in to this website recently? I have sent two reminders but haven't received any replies. What is the new website?

koves 2022-10-27

Has the OP made a decision yet?

起汉水之滨 2022-10-21

6.10 submit
10.3 Under Review
10.18 Ready for editor's decision
Hope to receive major revisions!

noxsine 2022-10-19

Submit for review after 3 months. After 1.5 months of review, received feedback from 8 reviewers. The reviewer numbers went up to 13. It was difficult for all 8 reviewers to make revisions, barely finishing on the last day with a 30-page response letter. The next day, it was accepted for publication without needing further review. Thankful that the major revisions were not required for review.

起汉水之滨 2022-10-13

Did it take a week for the host to receive the manuscript from the reviewers and for all the comments to be returned?

快乐的小锦鲤 2022-10-13

What is on the journal's homepage is also available on the submission system, Snapp, including a "Contact Us" section, which includes an email address.

清风asdfh 2022-10-12

Can the Snapp system send message reminders for manuscripts? I haven't been able to find it. Should I still look for the editorial email on the official website and send an email to remind them about the manuscript? Thank you very much.

koves 2022-10-08

I envy you. I submitted my application even earlier than you, and until now I am still waiting for the allocation of an editor. I have also followed up twice and received official replies, but now I don't know what to do.

快乐的小锦鲤 2022-10-08

Yes, it is possible that my submission was seen by the editor shortly after I sent an email informing them. Therefore, the editor had already reviewed my manuscript before the submission check was completed. So, this status did not last long, and a week would be considered a relatively normal speed.

SCIIIIIII!!!! 2022-10-07

Excuse me, do you have this status, Editor evaluating revision?

yuemo 2022-10-07

May I ask if you applied on the new system SNAPP?

yuemo 2022-10-07

Has there been any change in the status of your paper now?

yuemo 2022-10-07

Mine is also like this, it has been more than four months already [crying heavily].

yuemo 2022-10-07

My has been waiting to be assigned to an editor for over four months. I'm ready to withdraw my submission.

yt158 2022-10-04

Editor appointed for a month and still haven't found a reviewer, we can't afford to delay at this speed, please be cautious before submitting!

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