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goodluck7 2023-05-16

4.28 minor - This means a minor issue occurred on April 28th.
5.9 resubmit - This means to resubmit something on May 9th.
It has been a week since the minor repair has been sent back, but there is still no news. Is this normal, everyone?
How long does it usually take for everyone to get their repairs done?

uhfiuayhf 2023-05-16

It should be divided among the deputy editors. This step will always be included.

别来读博 2023-05-08


On April 5th and April 25th, two papers were submitted for review. They both went through a 20-day review process and received feedback on June 19th and July 5th, respectively. Both papers required major revisions and were given 45 days for modification.

The reviewer was meticulous and paid close attention to details. After the major revisions, the quality of the articles improved significantly.

On July 25th, both articles were returned simultaneously.

On August 7th, the system showed that both articles were accepted at the same time. I checked it in the early morning and couldn't sleep well throughout the night. With these two accepted articles, I have met the graduation requirements for my doctoral degree.

The Shanghai outbreak delayed my experimental progress for a year. Finally, in the second semester of my second year, I have an article. During this period, I often found myself trapped in a cycle of torment and self-doubt, but in the end, I persevered and saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

xiaox 2023-05-07

Mid-November 2022, submit and deliver to associate editor two days later.
Early December 2022, in peer review.
Early February 2023, reject and resubmit.
Late March 2023, resubmit.
Late April 2023, accept.

goodluck7 2023-04-28

That's me, ae. It's too slow. How long did you receive the review comments?

uhfiuayhf 2023-04-26

Robert T. Kennedy

goodluck7 2023-04-26

Who is your AE?

uhfiuayhf 2023-04-26

I turned into in peer review in three days.

燕儿605 2023-04-26

May I ask what is the current status of yours? I submitted mine on the 18th, and on the 21st, it was assigned to an Associate Editor. It hasn't changed since then, and I'm not sure if it will be sent for peer review.

燕儿605 2023-04-26

Can I ask if the status "Associate Editor Assigned" means that the paper has been sent for review? How long does the "Associate Editor Assigned" status usually last?

uhfiuayhf 2023-04-24

Does anyone know what the status will be after completing peer review in ACS Publications?

旦专渣博 2023-04-14

2023.04.04 Submitted to Editorial Office
2023.04.07 Associate Editor Assigned
In the field of gas sensing, although it is an engineering domain, being able to submit to AC, which is a highly reputable journal in our industry, is desirable. I hope to have several papers published during my PhD. However, the editor is Dr. Jeanne E Pemberton, and it seems that this AE is relatively slow, and it is currently unknown whether it can be reviewed.
2023.04.20 Still Associate Editor Assigned, it seems that this AE is indeed slower...

goodluck7 2023-04-06

After you submit your manuscript, is there a status called "in peer review" assigned by the associate editor?

昕717 2023-04-05

The editor is very responsible. After four rounds of review, each round added a new reviewer. Fortunately, we persisted until the end. I had always dreamed of submitting an article while in college, and it truly feels not easy to submit to this journal.

昕717 2023-04-05

The editor is very responsible. After four rounds of review, each round had an additional reviewer. Fortunately, they persevered until the end. When I was in college, I dreamed of being able to submit an article. It really feels not easy to submit it to this journal.

goodluck7 2023-03-30

3.10 sub - Submitted on October 3rd
3.13 associate editor assigned - An associate editor was assigned on March 13th
What is the situation that it has not been in peer review in ASC publication until now?
Can someone explain it to me? Thank you.

一格木 2023-03-15

Can't find where the ACS Publishing Center is located.

一格木 2023-03-15

Mine too, it became "under review" the next day.

hzdpx 2023-03-14

You can check the status at the ACS Publishing Center, and it will show "In Peer Review" during the review process. However, this system only updates once a day, so there may be some delay compared to the submission system.

hzdpx 2023-03-14

Two reviewers. One recommends minor revisions for publication, while the other recommends major revisions for publication.
From the initial submission to final acceptance, it took less than two months.
Overall, the efficiency was very high and smooth, as the editing process was extremely fast and efficient.

XYZ 2023-03-13

Why did the status immediately change to "under review" after submission?

XYZ 2023-03-13

May I ask, do I need to upload the pictures separately or should I upload them as a package or insert them into the WORD document? Thank you!

XYZ 2023-03-13

Do I need to upload the pictures separately, or should I upload them as a package or insert them into WORD and then upload? Thank you!

XYZ 2023-03-08

May I ask if it is necessary to use the template of this journal when submitting an article, such as for column division?

狗儿狗 2023-03-01

Currently, the RT IF is 6.8. Can it reach 8 points this year?

satan0220 2023-02-21

In the ACS Publishing Center system, you can see whether it has been submitted for review.

satan0220 2023-02-21

December 10, 2022 Submission
December 15, 2022 Under Review
January 11, 2023 Major Revision Three reviewers, two major revisions, one rejection. Scores are roughly good, excellent, and poor.
February 16, 2023 Revision submitted
February 18, 2023 Under Review (In Peer Review) Nervously waiting for the results again.

机智的张校长 2023-01-31

May I ask how long after receiving the acceptance email did you receive the publishing agreement email?

机智的张校长 2023-01-31

May I ask how long it usually takes to receive the journal publishing agreement email after acceptance?

jiaovv 2023-01-30

Submitted: 1.28
Under Review: 1.30

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