认证评论 - ANALYST
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

UJN-BYJ 2023-07-20

6.12 Submission
6.22 Major renovation
7.14 Return for feedback
7.17 Minor repair
7.19 Return for feedback
7.19 Acceptance

Moonquakes 2023-07-12

2023.06.03 submitted
2023.06.05 initial assessment
2023.06.05 with editor
2023.06.06 in peer review
2023.06.11 with editor
2023.06.12 in peer review
2023.06.23 major revision
2023.06.30 submitted revision
2023.06.30 with editor
2023.06.30 in peer revision
2023.07.06 accept
2023.07.07 online

2023.06.03 submitted
2023.06.05 initial assessment
2023.06.05 with editor
2023.06.06 in peer review
2023.06.11 with editor
2023.06.12 in peer review
2023.06.23 major revision
2023.06.30 submitted revision
2023.06.30 with editor
2023.06.30 in peer revision
2023.07.06 accept
2023.07.07 online

科研搬砖民工 2023-06-30

5.2 dropped to 4.2

smiledong 2023-04-10

Do you have a submission template? Thank you very much!

Wangruiduo 2022-12-28

This year, one of my papers was accepted. It took a long time when I submitted it, and I had to follow up twice. However, the two reviewers didn't ask too difficult questions and accepted it. The editor was really great. It was initially submitted to the second-tier journal, but later downgraded to the third-tier. I was sad about it. Recently, I submitted another paper because my previous experience was generally good. This time, the editor was much more efficient, and after about a month, I received feedback. It was still reviewed by two people, and they suggested major revisions. I am currently in the process of making those changes. But surprise! After just one year, it was upgraded back to the second-tier journal of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It was an unexpected joy. Friends, I can responsibly say that the difficulty of submitting papers is not very high, but it is slightly more challenging than the average third-tier journal and easier than a six or seven-point second-tier journal. So, let's keep up the good work and look forward to achieving a new high impact factor. I hope to break six next year.

shaxuanyu 2022-12-25

The 22-year division is Zone 2~ Same happiness, same happiness.

Yu Han 2022-12-07

The review took one month to receive comments, and after the revisions were submitted, it only took one week to be accepted. I don't know why the upgraded version of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is in Zone 3, but this year I scored 5 points and I hope the Chinese Academy of Sciences will be in Zone 2 for a smooth graduation.

王亚丽 2022-12-02

Quite fast. Two reviewers, one minor revision, one major revision. Not many issues, but all very detail-oriented. After the modifications, it was miraculously accepted the next day. Very fast.

光选中的@ 2022-11-07

There is also mention by the editor that permission is required to obtain the images in the paper. The permission for most of these images can be obtained for free. Click on the official website link of the article, and usually under the article title, there will be a "right and request" option. Clicking on it and filling out the required information as per the instructions will suffice, and in most cases, the final settlement will be 0 USD. If there is indeed a need to pay, it is recommended to choose another image, haha.

光选中的@ 2022-11-07

I submitted a mini-review article in July 2022 and received a response after waiting for two months. During this period, the status of the manuscript kept changing between "with editor" and "peer". I received feedback from two reviewers, and the editor requested major revisions and asked for a prompt resubmission. After spending three weeks making significant adjustments to the content of the article, I resubmitted it on October 6, 2022. It was quickly sent for review and then stayed with the editor for a while. Due to concerns about the editor's request for a prompt resubmission within two weeks, I contacted the editorial office to request an extension. The editorial office replied on the same day and agreed to the extension request. The article was accepted on November 2, 2022.

shaxuanyu 2022-10-27

October 27th, Minor Revision
The journal editor is quite responsible. I was previously worried about not being able to find reviewers for my research topic. From the system, it seems that it has been sent for review multiple times, enduring for a month. Thanks to the editor from the United Kingdom.

shaxuanyu 2022-10-24

August 3rd, submit.
Switched between "with editor" and "under review" over ten times.
October 3rd, major revision.
Returned after major revision on October 24th.
Waiting for the result.

bluebell-627 2022-09-05

I see that it is no longer the first district now, right?

nicolas2 2022-07-08

IF broke 5, isn't it?

rambo 2022-07-03

Already got it, finished within a month, pretty fast. Two reviewers and four suggestions.

sci_accepted_毕业 2022-06-29

Have you submitted your thesis for review?

yigenaisideren 2022-06-20

May I ask how long the collaboration with the editor lasted?

379068335@qq.com 2022-03-23

2021-11-18 Submission
2022-1-18 Major revision
2022-2-27 Resubmission for revision
2022-3-14 Acceptance

W 2022-03-11

Submitted in September 21. The review process was incredibly slow. After 4 months, when planning to send a reminder letter during the Chinese New Year in January 2022, suddenly received a response from the reviewer with several unrelated and insignificant questions, requiring major revisions. 10 days later, the editor requested the revised manuscript again. 2 days after submitting the revised version, it was finally accepted. It took until the second quarter of 2021 and the third quarter of 2022. What a loss.

rambo 2022-03-01

I would like to ask everyone, do we need to sign a copyright agreement for this submission? I saw online that not signing it would result in no processing. I have been submitting for four days and it is still "with editor."

西瓜 2021-12-11

Hello, I would like to ask what the submission template looks like.

没天理 2021-11-17

Submission on October 5th, notification of acceptance on October 24th, evaluated in the top 10%. Need to answer two to three questions and make modifications. After revision on November 1st, it will be accepted and published online on November 5th.
Selected as a hot article of the current year.
Previously, this article was directly rejected by the associate editor of CC without even being reviewed.

kookie 2021-09-16

Which editor are you?

biosenser 2021-09-05

I hope it is fast.

阿左 2021-08-31

The speed of reviewing the manuscript is quite fast, within a month. I hope it will continue to improve.

jianghe 2021-06-25

May I ask which editor you have chosen?

luoxi 2021-01-14

Two articles have been submitted and both have been accepted. The review process was quite fast, and the editors were also very good. Both articles are recommended for the cover, hoping for a higher impact factor.

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