认证评论 - ACS Nano
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

seekyu 2023-05-22

2022.5.22 Authorship Change Form Submitted
Article Status: under review / in peer review

cc-thri 2023-05-20

2023.3.5 submit;
2023.3.16 In Peer Review;
2023.4.2 Minor*2
2023.5.5 accept
The manuscript processing was fast. It was my first ACS article and the feedback was friendly. I am very satisfied. I am so lucky, thank you!

小白就是我 2023-05-18

Hi, host, how long does your review process take?

β-环糊精 2023-05-18

2023.05.16 Reference Format and TOC Modification
2023.05.17 revision submitted
2023.05.17 accepted

seekyu 2023-05-17

2023.5.16 revision submitted, awaiting.

科研哼哼 2023-05-17

I have gained a lot of experience on this website and I also want to share my own experience with everyone.
Submitted on January 1, 2023.
Assigned to assistant editor on January 3, 2023.
Two reviewers, major revisions on February 6, 2023; given two months.
Returned on April 1, 2023.
Pre-accepted on May 11, 2023, with a request to modify the format.
Returned on May 13, 2023.
Accepted on May 16, 2023.
Signed copyright agreement on May 16, 2023.
If anyone has any questions, I will reply when I see them.

柠檬苏打气泡 2023-05-12

ACS Nano is currently the best journal in the field of nanotechnology under Nature Nanotechnology. In the early years, the ranking of nanotechnology journals was actually Nano Letters ≥ Small ≈ ACS Nano (the flagship journal Nano Today from Elsevier has a small publication volume and is not discussed). However, in recent years, due to the single submission direction, the community and spamming phenomena, Nano Letters and Small have gradually fallen behind ACS Nano. Despite the general expectation of a decrease in impact factor this year and the fact that ACS does not manipulate impact factors, ACS Nano has still been able to maintain stability, which shows its stable influence. It is believed that ACS Nano will inevitably surpass an impact factor of 20+ in the future.

RookieWang 2023-05-09

The appeal failed, and the editor-in-chief considers the materials not very innovative, but the representation analysis is good. It is recommended to submit to another journal...

β-环糊精 2023-05-06

2023.05.01 accept pending formatting revision
2023.05.03 revision submitted

2023.05.01: Accept pending formatting revision
2023.05.03: Revision submitted

kkkk2 2023-04-28

As long as you have logical and persuasive arguments, it is still very possible. How would you know if you don't give it a try? Keep going!

三观比五官正 2023-04-27

2023.02.14 Submit
2023.02.16 in peer review
2023.03.14 minor revision, both reviewers gave minor revisions (5% and 15%), editor gave one month for modifications
2023.03.28 revision submitted
2023.03.29 in peer review
2023.04.28 result unknown

什么时候毕业 2023-04-24

The post submitted on April 19th is still in the "Submitted" status. When will the editor be assigned usually? Looking forward to good luck.

vvv 2023-04-24

Hello, may I ask if the "Submission Interface" shows that both "submission materials" and "all graphics" are required, should the graphics be placed in a separate file? However, the author's guide states that the graphics should be placed in the main text. Could you please explain how you handle this?

cckju 2023-04-20

2023.4.18 submit
2023.4.20 Assigned to Deputy Editor Chen Xiaodong, good luck
Unknown result

RookieWang 2023-04-20

May I ask if you think the chances of a successful rebuttal are high? Or do you feel unsatisfied?

RookieWang 2023-04-20

22.11.28 submitted - Submitted on November 28, 2022
22.12.16 In peer review - Undergoing peer review as of December 16, 2022
23.1.6 Major revision (1 minor revision, 1 rejection) - Major revision requested on January 6, 2023 (with 1 minor revision and 1 rejection)
23.3.23 Returned for revision, revision letter included over 10,000 words and added numerous experiments - Returned for revision on March 23, 2023, with a revision letter consisting of over 10,000 words and the addition of multiple experiments
23.4.19 Rejected, the reviewers raised several foolish questions that they believed we couldn't address... I found the questions easy to refute, they clearly didn't carefully read the paper - Rejected on April 19, 2023. The reviewers who rejected the paper raised a few foolish questions that they believed we couldn't address... I found the questions easy to refute, indicating they didn't carefully read the paper.

I am truly speechless. Despite half a year of back and forth, it was ultimately rejected. I feel the second reviewer didn't have a good understanding of this field but still provided many comments, which is truly disappointing.

临床样本00049 2023-04-18

Too high expectations are always easy to disappoint.
Wishing everyone good luck, I'll take my leave first.

dhtnumber1 2023-04-18

Add one point that was forgotten to be mentioned above: apart from the second day of the first round where each author can receive an email notifying the assigned editor, any other process may only be received by the corresponding author.

dhtnumber1 2023-04-18

2.16 submit - Submitted on February 16th
3.1 in peer review (Many comments in the comment section mention that it takes half a month for the review process)
3.14 Four minor revisions, editor gives one month for revisions
3.28 R1 submit - Revised version 1 submitted
4.5 prepare to accept
4.9 R2 submit - Revised version 2 submitted
4.10 There is still a formatting issue to be addressed (Doesn't need to strictly follow the publication's formatting revisions, just follow the template provided by the journal)
4.11 R3 submit - Revised version 3 submitted
4.11 accept - Accepted for publication
During the submission process, I have gained a lot of help here and I hope I can provide some references for everyone as well.

搬砖民工 2023-04-16

Please be patient and wait a little longer. It should be soon. For this journal, minor revisions and resubmissions often take more than a month.

缺舟一帆渡 2023-04-16

It has been almost a month since the second round of minor repairs, but there is still no news.

临床样本00049 2023-04-14

In order to innovate, I chose a relatively niche and blank field to work on. I believe it has a breakthrough potential, but being niche also means it's difficult to gain recognition. It has already been rejected by Angewandate and NAR, so I submitted it to ACS NANO. It has been three days and it is now in the hands of Associate Editor Warren Chan, who specializes in nano-materials for cancer treatment. I don't know if he will approve it or not.

EricX 2023-04-14

2023.3.24 accept
2023.3.27 proof
2023.3.28 online


2023.3.24 accept
2023.3.27 proof
2023.3.28 online

Melex 2023-04-14

Is the rejection rate high for William Chueh as an editor?

金槑 2023-04-12

4.11assigned Dr. Chen Xiaodong
4.12assigned Dr. Paolo Samori
4.14rejected Suggested to submit to ACS AMI, rejected. Planning to submit to Wiley instead.

到明天有多远 2023-04-12

2023.1.3 submitted
2023.1.25 Review comments returned, minor and major revisions requested, editor gave two months' time
2023.3.19 revision submitted
2023.4.7 Provisionally accepted, some formatting changes required
2023.4.10 Officially accepted
It can be considered relatively smooth.

seekyu 2023-04-11

2023.4.11 Revision Requested Ten lines of comments took nearly two months.
The editor sent the previous two reviews and revision comments back to Reviewer 1. The reviewer requested the addition of an animal category and provided four major revisions that took two months to complete.

科大孙笑川 2023-04-11

2023.3.19 submitted
2023.3.20 with editor (chenxiaodong)
2023.3.22 assigned to Il-Doo Kim
2023.3.25 in peer review
2023.4.09 Revisions and Resubmissions Requested by Editorial Office
Major revisions, 29 comments from four reviewers.

RWsrwS 2023-04-09

Translated text: Submitted on the morning of April 3rd at 9:00.
Assigned deputy editor on the evening of April 4th at 22:00.
Still assigned deputy editor on April 9th.
May I ask if the assigned deputy editor is Prof. Young Hee Lee? What is his rejection rate like?

清林雅轩 2023-04-06

2023.04.06 submitted.

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