认证评论 - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
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wangzhuxian 2023-01-03

May I ask if I can urge for the submission? I submitted it on October 7th, and it was assigned to Deputy Editor Rizia Bardhan on October 12th, but I haven't received any updates so far.

二本基尔希米 2023-01-03

Is the second trial taking so long?

二本基尔希米 2023-01-03

One major overhaul and two minor repairs are scheduled for every month. It has been 16 days since the repair started, but there is no news yet. It's frustrating.

发好文章 2023-01-03

July 24 - Submission
September 20 - First review comments
October 20 - Revised manuscript
December 13 - Second review comments, mainly formatting changes
December 27 - Acceptance

LPGogo2717 2022-12-30

Just want to ask everyone, after the article is assigned to the deputy editor, does the author still need to send an email to the deputy editor?

复旦彭于晏 2022-12-29

12.24 minor revisions deadline 2023.1.14

I'm so disappointed. How did it become a second-tier zone completely? Does everyone know if the application for a super postdoc is based on impact factor or zone?

君子傲 2022-12-29

2022.10.19 - Submitted
2022.12.23 - Minor repair
2022.12.28 - Accepted

nico 2022-12-28

Can I add you as a friend? I have already sent you a friend request.

xsss7777 2022-12-28

Hello, may I ask if there is any news about your article? Mine has also been in the first round of review for 40 days, and it is also the same reviewer, but still no news.

是豆豆啊 2022-12-27

The classification of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is quite confusing. It's amusing to see Applied Surfaces Science in Zone 1? Rare Metal in Zone 1?

小时候很萌 2022-12-26

Is it not a big issue if it is in the first district? If the impact factor is greater than 10 and it is also steadily increasing, our school has a policy of giving students extra points if the impact factor is greater than 10, which is 1000 points. If the impact factor is less than 10 in the first district, it is only worth 200 points. So all in all, it's not a big problem. I have seen that both sub-journals of ACS AMI are in the second district, and personally, I think ACS AMI is still worth investing in.

Taqiangrentaqiang 2022-12-25

With the emergence of domestic materials journals, AMI will definitely be a perennial second-tier journal in the future. However, it is frustrating to see that a journal like Applied Surface Science is still classified as a first-tier journal by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It can only be said that the classification of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is extremely flawed.

dddddog 2022-12-25

It's heartbreaking to see such a good journal being downgraded in order to support domestic journals.

若金之在熔 2022-12-25

9.8 submit
9.19 in peer review
10.26 major revision
11.30 resubmit
12.16 minor revision and formatting changes
12.22 accept
Life's first article is generally slow, but luckily it succeeded.

nico 2022-12-25

I would like to ask everyone, it has been 2 months since I submitted my work, and it has been 45 days since the first review. Is this normal, or did it coincide with the Christmas holiday? The editor is A.k.Gaharwar.

ajkdajkld 2022-12-25

Keisuke Tajima

aswe 2022-12-24

May I ask which editor you are?

Justin123 2022-12-24

Supporting domestic journals

burstlink 2022-12-23

My comment has been sent and it is no longer possible to return to Zone 1.

1231465416 2022-12-23

Wasted. All the efforts on the sub-journal of District 2, but he is still in District 2.

皮蛋瘦肉周周 2022-12-22

Just being abandoned by the Chinese Academy of Sciences does not mean that researchers from other countries will also not submit manuscripts.

vitrimers 2022-12-21

Laughing to death, this magazine is useless, every year it's in the second district.

222很尴尬 2022-12-21

Domestic journals need to make progress, and sacrifices have to be made. In the future, it is feared that they will not be able to reach the top tier anymore; one can only say that China truly excels.

ajkdajkld 2022-12-21

9.03 Submission
10.20 Major revisions, three reviewers: one minor revision, one major revision, one rejection, editor suggests major revisions
10.29 Revised
12.15 Minor revisions. The second review process was also lengthy, but no new reviewer was assigned. There was a slight disagreement from one of the reviewers.
12.18 Revised
12.20 Accepted
Thank you, editor!

aswe 2022-12-21

Hello teacher, I had one minor revision and one major revision after the first review. It has been 15 days since the second review. I would like to ask if a new reviewer was assigned after my resubmission and if there is a need to provide additional experiments.

摸鱼小能手 2022-12-17

11.3 Submission
11.10 Under review
11.26 Major revision
12.13 Rework required
12.16 Accepted
Thank you to the editor and the reviewers for their approval.

小时候很萌 2022-12-16

2022-10-13 submit
2022-11-18 major revision
2022-12-05 resubmit
2022-12-12 accept
Quickly, but it took 4 days to notice that the JPA needed to be signed, which is overdue. Hopefully, it won't have any impact.

LZY1 2022-12-10

Dr. Mary Ann Meador

33mia 2022-12-09

May I ask who is the editor?

LZY1 2022-12-08

The luck is good, and the efficiency of the editors and reviewers I encountered is very high.
2022.10.20 - Submitted
2022.10.25 - Under review
2022.11.17 - Major revision
2022.12.1 - Returned
2022.12.4 - Accepted
Although I found 5 reviewers, fortunately, all of them were very efficient.

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