认证评论 - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
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chem_is_try 2023-02-05

Not necessarily, this year's impact factor should be able to exceed 11.

DragonMa 2023-02-03

The article DOI is as follows: 10.1021/acsami.2c01617
It has been over half a year since graduation, and I have published a total of 3 papers in ACS AMI during my 5 years of studying for my master's and Ph.D. degrees. Let me summarize.
My own writing skills have gradually improved a lot, and my understanding of XAS and DFT has also deepened.
The quality of articles in ACS AMI varies. In terms of the difficulty of submission, the reviewers' requirements for my articles are getting higher every year. For the third article, I had 8 reviewers, some of whom even requested in situ XAS (which was quite challenging).
For someone like me who doesn't have the support of influential figures in the field, I think my ordinary research group has done quite well. I did the XAS experiments on my own, analyzed the data on my own, performed DFT calculations on my own, and wrote the entire paper, submitted it, made revisions, and replied to comments on my own. I believe most doctoral students are in a similar situation.
Wishing everyone a happy Lantern Festival, and may you have many more articles.

虫虫爱吃鸟 2023-02-01

There is no need to do this. If there is no ami, where would you submit so many articles as materials? If the impact factor continues to rise steadily, there is still hope to return to the first category.

虫虫爱吃鸟 2023-02-01

Although AMI has opened its doors widely, allowing many people to have articles with a score of 10 or above, it is not necessary to create a so-called "Materials and Interfaces" field and then self-proclaim it as a top journal. The reason why it has "interface" in its name is not because it was originally separated from Langmuir? In fact, it is essentially a materials science journal, and it requires clear material application data in the manuscripts.

鲜柠不加糖 2023-01-31

Hello, may I ask if there is a requirement for the plagiarism rate of ACS AMI? What is the ideal rate?

英特纳雄耐尔 2023-01-31

In the current academic circle, where journals are divided from each other, ACS AMI is still able to handle each manuscript fairly and justly, treating every author who submits their work. As scholars who have submitted or are familiar with this journal, we should all be aware that ACS AMI is undoubtedly a top journal in the field of materials and interfaces. It is unquestionably fair and steadily develops and disseminates influential academic achievements. Compared to some domestic journals and journals with impact factors in the range of 20-30 (some of which manipulate their impact factors and rankings, which we all know), ACS AMI can be considered as the conscience of the industry.

Yining_Z 2023-01-31

Haha, now it's completely turned into a second-tier district. Are you satisfied?

因你太美 2023-01-31

Has my submission on January 26th been delivered? Is it normal for it to still show as "Under Review"?

因你太美 2023-01-31

What is your current status? It seems like it has been two months already. Have you been rejected or have you already been accepted?

因你太美 2023-01-31

What is the probability of rejection after submitting a manuscript for review in this journal?

NSC publisher 2023-01-29

It is because of a bunch of family journals, including bio, engineering, electronic, energy, interface, nano, optical, polymer, 8 journals that cite each other, it would be strange if the impact factor is not more than 10.

jingda 2023-01-27

It's okay, you guys are doing great in chemistry. Designing super materials for applied physics and submitting them to this journal requires quite high standards. It's not so easy to succeed, I feel like it's still a matter of expertise.

LabXu 2023-01-14

This is my third ACS AMI, and overall, the requirements for innovation are quite high. For a relatively unknown small research group like mine, being able to publish in ACS AMI, a journal with a score of 10, I am very satisfied. In our school, either they look at a few articles in the top tier journals, or they look at how many articles are above a score of 10. It plays a significant role in evaluating job titles. This is just my personal opinion. Please be gentle.

Nonoletters 2023-01-13

That shallow on the third floor, you said it's a recycling bin, give it a try. This journal is at least a little fair, without any cliques. If the quality is good enough, it will be sent for review, which is why it is recognized by everyone. He also doesn't deliberately manipulate the impact factor. If the quality is not good, how can it increase to 10 or above? It's a grassroots top journal, I think it's pretty good.

我仿佛触碰到了黎明的曙光 2023-01-12

The instant impact factor is only 8.4. Can the impact factor reach 10 in 22 years? How are the instant impact factor and the actual impact factor calculated?

一头牛 2023-01-12

Actually, teams that are not famous are still not easy to deal with.

Shallow deep 2023-01-12

Although your comments are harsh, they are mostly fair. It's just that the people who posted don't want to listen. I have never seen any impressive articles in this journal. Either the experimental design is shallow with little theoretical depth, or they simply replicate what others have done and present it as their own work. This lack of innovation in a journal that publishes over 5000 articles a year falls short of being a top journal in the industry. Be cautious when reading the articles in this journal, as many of them contain theoretical errors and only a few can guarantee the basic authenticity of their data. I believe that the publication of this journal by ACS has greatly affected its overall quality. It even positions itself as being application-oriented while labeling other ACS journals as basic research, making it seem like a separate entity. In reality, it relies on articles rejected by other ACS journals to sustain itself. Have you ever seen a journal listing a bunch of other journal names in its own journal introduction? AMI does. It truly lives up to its reputation as a recycling bin.

狗儿狗 2023-01-11

Latest real-time IF8.4, can it pass 11 in 22 years?

灯火阑珊i 2023-01-10

The second round should not change the reviewer, right?

复旦彭于晏 2023-01-09

Mine too...

灯火阑珊i 2023-01-08

Has anyone encountered this situation? It took a month for the first review, with three reviewers. Two minor revisions were requested and one accepted directly. The editor-in-chief requested major revisions and it needs to be sent for a second review. It has been a week since the second review and there is still no news, which is very frustrating.

占上风 2023-01-07

May I ask all the bosses, AMI has an impact factor of 10.38 in 22 years, which I personally think is quite high. However, according to the upgraded version of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it is now classified as a second-tier journal. I am a rookie in scientific research and have just been lucky enough to have one article accepted by AMI. As the Lunar New Year is approaching, I mainly want to brag to others that I have published an article with an impact factor of over 10. Can any expert inform me about the impact factor for 23 years? I don't want to brag and then have the impact factor decrease, which would be embarrassing.

二本基尔希米 2023-01-06

It has been exactly three weeks, and we are still in the second review.

Kush 2023-01-06

It's only been a little over a month, I don't know how it turned into 7 months.

半π 2023-01-06

How did the backyard of the laboratory become the second district?

wedfsfs 2023-01-06

11.14 submit - Submit by 11th November
11.17 editor assigned - Editor assigned by 17th November
12.18 major revision - Major revision due by 18th December
12.28 submit revision draft - Submit revision draft by 28th December
1.4 accept - Accepted on 4th January

发好文章 2023-01-05

I have been reviewing this manuscript for a week, and both the first and second reviews took a long time.

占上风 2023-01-04

May I ask how long it takes to receive the revised manuscript after accepting the paper?

占上风 2023-01-04

Have you received the proofreading notification after your article was accepted? How long did it take to receive the proofreading after acceptance?

Kush 2023-01-04

Posted on November 23, 2022.
Received by editor (Prof. Tao Xie) on November 29, 2022.
Three reviewers reviewed it, two minor comments and one major comment. Editor provided feedback within 20+ days and requested revisions by January 3, 2023.
Due to the pandemic, I was only able to return on January 2, 2023. There were some minor issues pointed out by the editorial department.
Returned on January 3, 2023.
Accepted on January 4, 2023.
The editor's efficiency is very high, thank you very much!

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