认证评论 - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
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jml 2023-04-05

Similarly, it is still in the hands of this deputy editor until now.

ss_7 2023-04-05

Posted on March 25th, assigned to the deputy editor on March 26th, and still in the hands of the deputy editor until now. What's going on? If they want to reject it, they should have done it earlier. Does anyone know this deputy editor, Jun Lu?

阿9 2023-04-02

A few months ago, when I hadn't submitted my manuscript and was extremely anxious, LetPub provided me with a lot of help. Now that my article has been accepted, I am here to give back to society. My submission process is as follows:

January 12, 2023: Submitted
February 7, 2023: First-round comments returned (two minor comments, one major comment)
February 28, 2023: Submitted revised manuscript
March 20, 2023: Second-round comments returned (reviewer approved, editor requested some formatting changes)
Received acceptance within two to three days after resubmission.

Overall, the journal's efficiency is relatively high, the reviewers are rigorous and professional, and the editor is very responsible. I would like to express special thanks to Editor Rabah Boukherroub and wish the journal continued success! This is my first article and should also be my last. I am very pleased to have met the graduation requirements with only 87 days left until graduation. I also wish all researchers smooth progress in their scientific research, early achievements, and hope to meet again in the future.

Osteonecrosis 2023-03-31

2023-1-29 submitted
2023-1-31 Associate Editor Assigned (Prof. Srikanth Singamaneni)
2023-3-8 Major revision
2023-3-23 Revision submitted
The current status is unknown. Sharing the submission information with friends who may need it, hoping it can be helpful, and also accumulating some good luck for my own article.

狗儿狗 2023-03-29

The real-time score is around 8.9, will it eventually reach 10 and be difficult?

hzwe 2023-03-29

May I ask which editor you are using?

小奕在努力 2023-03-29

Specific edits are needed for the initial review... In general, it shouldn't take more than a week... If it exceeds a week, it could be quite risky.

师傅 2023-03-28

2023.3.21 submission
2023.3.22 assigned to editor
Until now, it is in the hands of the editor. What is the reason?

Warriors 2023-03-27

3.23 Submission 3.27 Suggesting to submit to Omega, even though it was rejected but the speed is acceptable.

Chem-Su 2023-03-26

I submitted it on March 17th, but it has not been assigned to an editor yet. Have any of you encountered this situation?

二本基尔希米 2023-03-22

What is the latest impact factor?

唐老鸭@ 2023-03-21

Very good! Excellent!

mumuliu 2023-03-20

3.15 submitted - The submission was made on March 15th.
3.16 associate editor assigned - An associate editor has been assigned on March 16th.

JBT 2023-03-18

Excuse me, did any of you guys get assigned to David Beljonne as an editor? How is he?

拼搏者 2023-03-15

Submission: 2022-11-21
Editing: 2022-11-25
First review: Major revision, three weeks
Revision: 2023-01-16
Second review: Minor revision, two weeks
Revision: 2023-02-25
Third review: Minor revision, two weeks
Revision: 2023-03-11
Accepted: 2023-03-15

fuuuo 2023-03-14

Click on the button in the upper right corner to see if it has been submitted for review.

抓住4月的尾巴 2023-03-13

Hello, how long after assigning the associate editor will the submission be sent for review? Will the article's status change after review? Thank you.

抓住4月的尾巴 2023-03-13

Hello, I would like to ask, how long does it take to send for review after assigning a deputy editor? After the review, will the status change to "in peer review"? Thank you.

抓住4月的尾巴 2023-03-13

Is there a result now? I added you as a friend. I have some questions that I would like to consult with you. I am also a deputy editor.

Akira12345 2023-03-05

Hello everybody,

Could you please share an example of the appeal letter?
My manuscript about battery materials was rejected after an external review (2 major revisions, 1 rejection). The reason for rejection is the lack of innovation.
I decide to appeal. So, if you have an appeal letter, please share it with me.
Thank you very much.

+和+ 2023-03-03

Those who say it will break 11, are they joking or just kidding?
There are two basic concepts. Firstly, the instant impact factor (IF) is the total citation count in 2022 (articles from 2021 and 2020) divided by the number of articles and reviews published in 2021 and 2020. As of March 2nd, the instant IF is (47845+59729)/(6144+5945) = 8.9; the instant IF in late March is basically the official IF announced in June. WOS will conduct IF statistics and manual corrections in April, but the official announcement will be made in June.
Currently, the instant IF is only 8.9, so how can it reach 10? We should be grateful if it can reach 9.5!

IT大佬低调飘过 2023-03-01

The impact factor is quite high, so the quality of ACS's chemistry journals is definitely good. Popular journals are loved by everyone and controversies are inevitable.

LabXu 2023-02-28

Just calculated, it is definitely more than 10 points. It is possible to reach 11.

多多发SCI 2023-02-27

Same question, I have been submitting for several days and it has been stuck in the hands of the editor-in-chief at KS. Any big brother who has recently submitted, can you share your experience?

中虎添翼 2023-02-27

sous revue 2.26 (French to English translation: under review 2.26)

小小曹同学 2023-02-27

In the hands of the editor at KS, it has been 8 days with editor, why hasn't the deputy editor been assigned yet? Lately, how long has it taken for everyone to be assigned a deputy editor?

vladimir hilary 2023-02-24

Nowadays, in China, awards and professional titles are mainly evaluated based on the impact factor and the journal's ranking. The journal's ranking is determined by referring to either the Chinese Academy of Sciences or JCR (Journal Citation Reports).

vladimir hilary 2023-02-24

Just calculated the impact factor for the next two years. This year's estimated impact factor is 11.1. The impact factor of the subsidiary journals is increasing, and there is a very low possibility of the main journal's impact factor dropping.

无名123 2023-02-24

It has been more than ten days since submission, why hasn't it been reviewed yet? I remember it used to be quite fast before. How long does it usually take for everyone to get reviewed?

爱吃芝麻酱 2023-02-23

Chemical Communications 2022 instant- 4.60, 2021- 6.10, 2020- 6.22. 22/21=1.33
Advanced Materials 2022 instant- 26.55, 2021- 32.10, 2020- 30.85. 22/21=1.21
ACS Energy Letters 2022 instant- 18.95, 2021- 24.00, 2020- 23.10. 22/21=1.27
Macromolecules 2022 instant- 5.14, 2021- 6.1, 2020- 5.99. 22/21=1.19

If it can still be multiplied by 1.2 in the end, there is hope.

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