认证评论 - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

xingxy 2023-05-05

4.5 submitted
4.8 Assigned sub-editor
5.4 Return comments, two revisions and one rejection, editor suggests submission to ABM
The system cannot see if it has been sent for review, but it can be checked in the ACS Publish center if it is in peer review.

Justin123 2023-05-05

The amount of posts is too large, now it has already exceeded 60,000.

mumuliu 2023-05-04

4.21 submit - Submit by April 21st
4.24 分配副编 - Assign deputy editor by April 24th
5.4 还在编辑手里,为什么会这么久。。 - Still in the hands of the editor on May 4th, why is it taking so long...

Weijer17 2023-05-03

2022.4 Shanghai locked down, stayed in the dormitory writing drafts.
2022.07.01 Allowed to go out, had hotpot and drinks.
2022.7.17 Submitted to nature communication.
2022.7.27 Peer review.
2022.8 No message.
2022.9 No message.
2022.10 Email editor.
2022.11 Email editor.
2022.12 Rejected.
2022.12 Prepared for pre-defense, modified according to NC's suggestions.
2023.01 Got sick and felt like dying & celebrated Chinese New Year, didn't care about the draft.
2023.02 Graduation defense.
2023.02.28 Submitted to AMI.
2023.03.05 In peer review.
2023.04.01 Minor revision.
2023.04.09 Submitted.
2023.04.19 Accepted.
2023.05.01 Online.

After being reviewed by Nature Communications for half a year, the article was modified according to the rejection comments and submitted to AMI more smoothly. This work was the most dedicated during the doctoral stage, not used for scholarships or job applications. Graduated and moved on, it doesn't matter anymore. Wishing everyone a smooth submission.

mumuliu 2023-05-02

I voted on 4.21, and it is still in the hands of the deputy editor ?

Jack3119 2023-05-02

At the end of April, the number of submissions has already reached 60,000.

Jack3119 2023-05-02

4.26 Submission
5.2 Rejection, considering the direction is not suitable, suggest submitting to ACS Applied Electronic Materials
No review, editor provided direct results.

天池i 2023-04-30

Posted on February 17th, 23
Submitted for review on February 21st, 23
Three minor revisions on March 31st, 23
Repaired and returned on April 8th, 23
Format changed on April 15th, 23
Accepted on April 28th, 23

屁屁乐 2023-04-29

May I ask if it is in the peer review stage?

是周姑娘 2023-04-28

May I ask how the original poster (OP) is doing? Mine has been in the hands of this editor for 5 days, and I am trembling with anxiety.

yidingzhong2 2023-04-23

2023.03.05 Submission
2023.03.09 Under review
2023.04.06 Major revision
2023.04.11 Feedback returned
2023.04.17 Returned due to formatting issues
2023.04.17 Resubmit modifications
2023.04.20 Accepted

小菜鸟666 2023-04-21

May I ask how to see the number of submissions?

Justin123 2023-04-18

It's only April, and the number of submissions is already approaching 50,000 [scary]. No wonder the submission cycle is getting slower and slower!

magic--1 2023-04-17

From submission to acceptance, it took a whole 3 months. Very lucky.

Osteonecrosis 2023-04-16

Thank you for editing, thank you for the reviewer.

小西贝贝 2023-04-15

How is everyone doing now? I am still under this deputy editor's control. Do you want me to send it?

embrace 2023-04-15

1.31 Submit the article
2.1 Under Review
2.5 In Peer Review
3.1 Major Revision (2 major revisions, 2 minor revisions)
3.6 Submit
4.11 Minor Revision (accepted by reviewers, editor needs to change images)
4.11 Submit
4.15 Accepted

mumuliu 2023-04-14

Hello, may I ask which category should be selected when submitting a paper on electrochemical sensors?

zjrzjrzjr 2023-04-14

Submitted on January 31st
Approximately one week for review
Given major revisions on March 10th, with a deadline of 20 days
Revised on March 27th
Accepted on April 12th

妙蛙种子2022 2023-04-14

The real-time IF on April 15th is 8.927. Since IF is usually calculated at the end of March, this IF should be the final one, with a difference of no more than 0.1. It will be difficult for ACS AMI to reach 10 in the future as there is already a high volume of published articles.

ZYD 2023-04-13

2022.11.25 submitted
2022.12.28 minor revision accepted


2022.11.25 submitted
2022.12.28 minor revision accepted

Justin123 2023-04-13

The speed is a bit slow, it has been 10 days since I submitted.

小西贝贝 2023-04-12

Me too, I'm also in the hands of this editor, a bit slow.

IT测试请忽略 2023-04-10

The impact factor is quite high, and the quality of ACS chemistry journals is definitely good. Popular journals are loved by everyone, so controversies are inevitable.

坚持坚持再坚持 2023-04-10

How to check the real-time impact factor?

ss_7 2023-04-10

Today, it is still in the hands of the editor, speechless.

Justin123 2023-04-06

Why is this journal so slow now?

jml 2023-04-06

I submitted it on March 24th.

+和+ 2023-04-05

Breaking the 10 barrier is too much to hope for. But I hope it won't be lower than 9, it must be at least 9, and if it can reach 9.5, that would be even better...

ss_7 2023-04-05

How long has your thing been in his hands, classmate? I'm so anxious!

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