认证评论 - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
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我不是大阳哥 2021-04-21

For major revisions, it usually takes about 2 weeks to receive feedback for a second review. For minor revisions, it usually takes about 1 week.

sunshine 2021-04-20

After submission, I received the reviewers' comments. There were two reviewers, one suggesting major revisions and the other suggesting minor revisions. The editor requested major revisions, and I replied with the revised manuscript on April 15th. However, I haven't received any response so far. I would like to ask everyone, in this situation, is it possible that my paper has been rejected?

穆小夭夭 2021-04-20

Thank you to editor Prof. Nicolas Voelcker, who was very patient. Sincere thanks.

穆小夭夭 2021-04-20

Thank you to all the experts for providing valuable experience, heartfelt gratitude. Finally, the article was accepted at noon today, grateful and thankful.
February 9th, submission.
February 11th, assigned to editor.
February 17th, peer review.
March 24th, received reviewer comments (two reviewers, both minor revisions) and non-technical modifications. Given 2 weeks, frantically conducted experiments, full of survival desire.
April 5th, submitted revised manuscript.
April 8th, received request for plagiarism check. As a novice contributor, I didn't know to check it in advance. Given 3 weeks.
April 15th, submitted revised manuscript.
April 19th, non-technical modifications, submitted on the same day.
April 20th, accepted, requested to sign the online journal publication agreement within 48 hours.
Once again, thank you all and wish everyone's wishes come true. Thank you.

buct小主子 2021-04-19

Be content! I had six reviewers and received feedback totaling over 18,000 words. I made four revisions in total, which is equivalent to the workload of at least three additional papers.

我不是大阳哥 2021-04-19

One of the PhDs we have here said that it takes about a month from acceptance to online.

Bro.Wong 2021-04-19

Hello, may I ask if your received articles can be found online now? Why can't I find my received articles online after 4 or 5 days?

我不是大阳哥 2021-04-18

Post interface - upper right corner - Instruction & Forms can view more specific article status, if submitted, it will display in peer review!

crystal0123 2021-04-18

Can I ask if the status "Under Review" has not changed since submission? Is this normal? Does it mean it has been sent for review?

科研小蛀牙 2021-04-18

Can you find your article on the AMI official website?

科研小蛀牙 2021-04-18

Can your article be found online now?

我不是大阳哥 2021-04-16

2.11 Submission
2.13 Editing and peer review
3.23 Received reviewer comments (both reviewers are in the top 20%, minor revisions were recommended by the editor, a 2-week deadline was given, feels a bit rushed)
PS: Although they are minor revisions, the suggestions made are quite critical. With the help of my junior colleague, I conducted additional experiments and analysis to address them.
4.6 Submission of revised manuscript
4.13 Technical revisions
4.15 Acceptance, followed by publication confirmation and transfer of rights
This article is the first one I wrote during my PhD. Previously, I had submitted to JACS, JMCA, CEJ, etc., but they were all rejected. Fortunately, this time the outcome was good!
Wishing everyone success in their endeavors, keep up the good work!

小太阳111 2021-04-12

Correction: R2 submitted on 4/12.

小太阳111 2021-04-12

3.1 Submission
4.1 Received reviewer comments (minor revisions)
4.5 Submit R1
4.9 Technical modifications
Delayed for a few days in between
4.13 Submit R2, received 10 minutes later

哈啊哈 2021-04-11

Four reviewers, two major revisions and one minor revision, one rejection. The editor gave a major revision with a 21-day deadline. After resubmitting the revised manuscript, it was accepted after 18 days. Thanks to Professor Guo Zai-ping, the editor. I am grateful.

瓦嘿哒 2021-04-07

Dear experts, do we need to upload the raw data after the acceptance of this journal? Thank you.

钓叟 2021-04-07

Deliver to the reviewer for peer review...

ljy 2021-04-05

"Under review" means what?

xc6511 2021-04-04

Yeah, I'm the same. After the technical modification, what's going on in the peer review?

jiafeimao123 2021-04-04

Excuse me, are there any bug enthusiasts here who are editors-in-chief? How is the submission situation going now? It has been two weeks since I submitted mine, but it is still not in peer review. Hopefully, it won't get stuck with the editor-in-chief...

jiafeimao123 2021-04-03

Brother, what's the situation now?

西屋 2021-04-01

I received the copyright email on the second working day after acceptance, and the publishing department will return the campus sample within 8 working days.

小时候很萌 2021-03-31

March 11, 2021. There are three reviewers' comments: two major reviewers (one initially 20% revision, revised to 20%; another 20%) and one minor reviewer. The editor requested a major revision (three weeks) and pointed out formatting issues with supporting information. The deadline for submitting the revised manuscript is March 31, one day before the deadline. Waiting for the results... Hopefully, it will be good.

AAAAAS 2021-03-30

After a few hours of acceptance, I received the transfer.


May I ask how many days after the article is received can I expect to receive the copyright transfer notification email?

AAAAAS 2021-03-29

Currently, this journal is the flagship of the ACS Applied series, and we have high hopes for its future prospects.

AAAAAS 2021-03-29

2021.02.06 Sub - February 6, 2021, Subject
2021.03.02 R1返回 - March 2, 2021, R1 return
2021.03.25 R2技术修改 - March 25, 2021, R2 technical modification
2021.03.29 接收 - March 29, 2021, Received
祝大家早日中的paper - Wishing everyone a speedy acceptance of the paper.

sunrizz 2021-03-29

Submitted on February 9th.
Received major revisions on March 5th with fifteen days given for modification.
Revised on March 10th. Accepted on March 25th! Overall, the speed was fast and the editor was responsible.
Wishing for an early increase in impact factor to 10.

AAAAAS 2021-03-29

How many days did it take for the technical modification to come back in peer review?

拜拜拜仁 2021-03-28

One reviewer rejected it, while another suggested major revisions. The editor directly rejected it and advised submitting to a subsidiary journal. The first reviewer did not provide any constructive feedback and just criticized it.

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