认证评论 - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
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镍镍镍镍 2021-05-14

I am here to fulfill my wish. This article is as difficult as the Journey to the West!
Submitted on January 8th, reviewed two days later.
On February 15th, the first review feedback came back: minor revisions, major revisions, and rejection. The editor asked for a resubmission after rejection. Two editors provided very good suggestions. The reviewer who rejected the article didn't understand it and had a bad attitude.
My advisor has never experienced rejection and resubmission before, but still believes there is hope.
Revised and resubmitted on March 2nd. Sent for review again the next day.
On April 3rd, the second review feedback came back: one accepted with direct modifications, one rejection. The editor rejected it. I felt really down at that time because the reviewer who rejected it still didn't understand the article. I firmly believed that my innovative point could withstand the test. I spent two days carefully writing an appeal letter, hoping for one last chance.
On April 12th, my advisor sent the appeal letter to the editor.
On April 13th, the editor agreed to the appeal and asked for a new submission. I was a little excited at this point.
On April 17th, I resubmitted. It was under review for over 20 days, with no peer review. I started thinking about sending a reminder, couldn't wait any longer.
On May 11th, the editor sent a pre-acceptance email, asking to confirm the originality of the TOC figure.
On May 12th, it was accepted.
Rejected twice, resubmitted three times! Just replying to the feedback took nearly 15,000 words, but the result is good, and I am already very happy.
The important lesson is: always stick to your innovative point and don't easily be swayed by the opinions of reviewers. Persistence is victory!

菜根谭 2021-05-14

The translation of the text into English is as follows: "As soon as I submitted it, the status became 'under review'. It has been a week, but there have been no changes. Does it mean it hasn't reached the hands of the editor yet?"

一起卷起来 2021-05-13

It has been over a month and still no news. I don't know if I should send an email to remind them.

roy 2021-05-12

The amount of articles being published is too large, and the instantaneous impact factor and Carbon ratio differ too much. Carbon is about to surpass it.

zz123 2021-05-11

It has been 25 days and there is no news at all. [Heartbroken]

科研仕子小马 2021-05-10

The responsible editor is the chief editor, but there has been no movement for a week... The chief editor is so busy.

云胡不喜 2021-05-09

After the article was heavily revised at ACS Nano, it was rejected again. The whole process took more than 4 months, which was really frustrating. I had no choice but to submit it to AMI. Fortunately, the final result was acceptable. This is the first article during my master's period. I hope my future scientific research journey will be smooth sailing.

February 24th: Submitted.
March 31st: Received reviewer comments from three reviewers, one major and two minor. The evaluations were generally positive, and the issues were not significant, so there was no need to conduct additional experiments (probably because most of the major problems had already been addressed at Nano). The editor requested a major revision and asked for the manuscript to be returned by April 20th at the latest.
April 9th: Revised.
May 6th: Accepted (this time really took a long time, as I saw others getting accepted in 1 to 2 weeks, but I had to wait for a month. Fortunately, the result was good).

sunsky633 2021-05-08

Finally, two minor revisions were accepted, and the formatting change took a bit longer, but it should not have been sent back to the reviewer again. Each time it was returned, it took about a week to receive a reply.

约定之舟 2021-05-08

Can someone please inform me how much the page fee and review fee are?

LabXu 2021-05-07

Which unit is this?

不发二区不毕业 2021-05-07

What was the final result?

熬夜的博士 2021-05-07

From the end of last year to three days after submitting to Angew, the reviewer delayed for more than 2 months. I felt that it could be revised, but it was rejected by the editor. Then I submitted to NC without review, and finally it was accepted by ACS ami. Thanks to ACS ami. Thanks to the editor. Thanks to the reviewer. Finally, the fourth first-tier article before my PhD graduation. I wish everyone many more articles.

七月西藏 2021-05-07

I need people here. Please send your resume to tibetcn@aliyun.com.

zz123 2021-05-07

4.16 Submission
4.20 Assignment to an editor
4.23 Under review status
How long does it usually take to get results after a submission of 21 days?
As long as the result is not a rejection, I am willing to wait however long it takes.

LabXu 2021-05-07

The journal review process is fast. The submission is assigned to an editor for review within a week, and the first review is provided within a month.
After major revisions and data supplementation, the manuscript is resubmitted. Acceptance is notified after a week, but the reference format needs to be modified. After resubmission, acceptance is received within two days. Proofreading is provided after a week.
Today is May 6th, online.
This is my third first-authored paper as a postdoctoral researcher.
Next, I should start looking for a job. I specialize in polymer chemistry and biomedical polymers. If there are any suitable positions, please introduce them to me.

熬夜的博士 2021-05-06

Submitted on 3.10, reviewed on 3.20, minor revisions on 4.15 (the editor and reviewer provided helpful suggestions and questions to improve the article), requested to return by the 29th. Due to the chemistry conference, the process was slightly delayed, and the response was given on 4.25. Format modifications were made on 4.27 to reduce repetition. A response will be given on April 30th, with a 5-day holiday break in between. The duration for acceptance is unknown.

Kerwin-Chow 2021-05-03

Second submission, previously submitted in 2019 and was rejected immediately.
March 26, 2021: Submitted
March 27, 2021: Assigned editor
March 30, 2021: Peer review
April 13, 2021: Received first review, minor revisions requested, need to return by the 26th
April 19, 2021: Responded to first review, submitted over 3,300 words
April 22, 2021: Notified to modify TOC (Table of Contents) and formatting, been anxiously checking the system every morning
April 28, 2021: Accepted in the evening
Although I still haven't completed my PhD, at least I have one article accepted now, which is satisfying. I calculated that the instantaneous IF (Impact Factor) has already exceeded 9 before submission. It took about a month in total, and I am very pleased with the overall process. I hope everyone else can also achieve great success.

buct小主子 2021-05-03

This relationship is so strong, I'm envious. Usually, for us, these rotten fish and shrimps drafts don't get feedback until the first wave after a month.

峰哥亡命天涯 2021-04-30

Is the editor-in-chief too busy?

zzyyqqww 2021-04-29

No news for a week.

太阳花@love 2021-04-29

The speed was fast, and it was rejected in just 3 days. They said the materials were not new...

今年6月顺利毕业 2021-04-29

2020-12-10 Submitted the first draft, encountered the Christmas holiday, and the review process was slow.
2021-2-1 First-round comments came back, with three reviewers - two major revisions and one rejection. The editor requested major revisions.
2021-3-9 Responded to the review comments.
2021-3-27 Review comments came back, with two reviewers agreeing to accept and one requesting minor revisions. The editor requested minor revisions.
2021-4-12 Responded to the review comments.
2021-4-20 Accepted.
2021-4-28 Online.
The reviewers are highly skilled, and the editor is very responsible. I am very grateful!

sunsky401 2021-04-28

I am also prepared to accept it, let's change the format and send it back, it has been in peer review for 5 times, should I let the reviewers see the changes in format and table of contents? Will it be rejected?

Kerwin-Chow 2021-04-27

May I ask, when will Xiao Xiuxiu return? After two days of technical modifications and repairs, it is now in peer review. I anxiously wait every day, but it has been 5 days and there is still no news. I check the publishing center's status every day, but there has been no progress. How much longer do I need to wait?

保4争3 2021-04-26

Which one, AHM or ACS, is easier to submit articles to now?

瓦嘿哒 2021-04-23

2021.3.23 Submission
2021.3.27 Assigned as Deputy Editor
2021.4.3 Peer review
2021.4.8 Major revision (two reviewers, one for 20% after major revision, one for 20%, minor revision accepted directly)
2021.4.20 Upload revised manuscript
2021.4.22 Format revision, returned on the same day
2021.4.23 Accepted
From submission to acceptance takes exactly one month, awesome.

material super 2021-04-23

Congratulations in advance.

小时候很萌 2021-04-23

The article is accepted and awaiting DOI allocation. The efficiency is high and the reviewers found are quite professional. They have high expectations for the originality and data requirements of the article. The research results need to be supported by a large amount of characterization data and graphs.

小时候很萌 2021-04-22

2021.02.17 Uploaded
2021.03011 Major Revision (Reviewed by three reviewers. 1. 20% major revision after modification, 2. 20% major revision in progress, 3. 20% minor revision in progress)
2021.03.31 Uploaded revised manuscript
2021.04.22 Received message "Ready for Acceptance - Additional Information Needed," editing minor revision (modifying supporting information format)
2021.04.22 Uploaded revised manuscript and assigned to the original editor.

sunshine 2021-04-21

Thank you, please wait patiently for a moment, my heart is extremely anxious~

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