认证评论 - ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
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ya-ya 2021-08-24

2021.8.23: accepted

永恒八一 2021-08-24

6.1 Submit research paper on inorganic chemistry
6.9 Editor suggests submitting to ACS AMI, decision to submit made on the same day
6.15 Appointment of Associate Editor (Prof. Lu Jun from Argonne Laboratory)
6.17 Sent for review
7.23 Major revisions (1 minor and 1 major revision, Associate Editor provided some suggestions)
8.7 Submitted revised manuscript
8.16 Major revisions (1 question from reviewer, editor asks for reduction in word count, editor provides a similarity rate of 33%)
8.20 Resubmitted revised manuscript (reduced similarity rate to 27%)
8.23 Accepted

Jincheng 2021-08-24

Very good Journal and editor. Very fast response.
It is my first Journal in my PhD study. Appreciated for their good suggestions.
The process totally took about 8 months. Submitted on January 5th, 2021, one was rejected and two required major revisions. On July 8th, I resubmitted. The result was received on July 28th with two accepted and one requiring major revision. I resubmitted on August 16th, 2021, and received feedback on August 20th stating that only the Table of Contents (TOC) was needed. I submitted the manuscript with TOC on August 23rd, and it was accepted.

一区top* 2021-08-23

Hello, may I ask how long it takes to assign an editor and how long it takes to submit after assignment? Thank you for your first submission.

Iloveranran 2021-08-23

Posted on June 21st, reviewed on June 26th, received first revision on August 5th, a total of 40 days. There were four reviewers, two minor revisions, one major revision, and one reviewer suggested submitting to JPCB. Strangely, the reviewer who suggested submitting did not raise any issues and, on the contrary, gave our manuscript high praise! The person who requested major revisions only raised a few questions and we sent it back on August 17th. It was accepted the next day. Thank you to the editor for the speedy handling of the manuscript. The entire process took less than two months, and ACS journals are indeed very professional!

hardlemon 2021-08-23

Overall it was quite fast. Submitted on May 30th and received the review in four days. Received the review comments on July 1st. There were five reviewers who suggested major revisions and gave 21 days to make the changes. Sent back the revised version on July 21st. Peer review took place one day later on July 22nd. Second review results came out on August 10th and minor revisions were requested. Sent back the revised version on August 14th. Accepted on August 22nd. Overall, it was very fast, both in terms of submission and review process. Keep up the good work!

ya-ya 2021-08-21

Nearly 30 questions, all asking for some details, basically without supplementary experiments. How long does it usually take for the second review to come out with results? Anxiously waiting.

咫尺天涯 2021-08-20

7.1投7.4送7.22修8.6收. (Literal Translation: Submitted on 7.1, sent on 7.4, revised on 7.22, received on 8.6.)

Has anyone received without receiving the copyright transfer agreement?
Now it's been five days since the proof, and it's still not online. I suspect it is related to not signing this, but I have never received it indeed.
The system shows "proof comments received."

tianshi 2021-08-20

You fixed it very quickly.

ya-ya 2021-08-20

2021.7.7: submitted
2021.7.12: associated editor assigned
2021.7.18: in peer review
2021.8.12: major revision
2021.8.16: revisions and resubmissions received by editorial office

2021.7.7: submitted
2021.7.12: associated editor assigned
2021.7.18: in peer review
2021.8.12: major revision
2021.8.16: revisions and resubmissions received by editorial office

咫尺天涯 2021-08-20

Hello, may I ask how it was finally resolved? Was it resolved online?

请帮我送审吧 2021-08-17

Original: 楼主,是多久被拒的呀
Translation: OP, how long ago were you rejected?

sunxiaodui 2021-08-16

Hello, what is ACS recommended paper proofreading?

mmmmmqqq 2021-08-11

The translation of the given text from Chinese to English is: "Rejected after two days of editing. I suggest submitting to ANM, good luck!"

请帮我送审吧 2021-08-09

2021.8.3: submitted
2021.8.4: associate editor assigned

子瓜cosmic 2021-08-07

I did not receive the revised manuscript email after receiving it.

快点毕业aa 2021-07-31

The speed is really fast, with three minor revisions and one major revision. After two days of making changes, the revised draft was submitted. During the editing process, it was pointed out that the order of a certain icon in the paper was incorrect, so it was modified and returned in one day. The following day, it was directly accepted, taking a total of 26 days.

The editor-in-chief is Dr. Holger Kleinke, who is very nice. This is the first article during the doctoral period, and I hope everyone's research goes smoothly!!!

Saga 2021-07-30

2021.5.31: Submitted to editorial office
2021.6.4: Associate editor assigned
2021.6.10: In peer review
2021.7.15: Minor revision
2021.7.26: Revisions and resubmissions received by editorial office
2021.7.30: Accepted manuscripts
Overall, I worked hard and was also lucky. At least my efforts paid off. The editor is Prof. Fengwei Huo, a great editor who provided timely notifications! Let us all encourage each other, hoping for good luck for all researchers!

提拉米苏000 2021-07-30

Hello, did you send the second round of external review? It took 34 days to receive feedback. It's been a long time. In the meantime, did you remind the editors?

zzh12345 2021-07-29

May I ask how long after editing is the submission made, and who is the editor?

随风的人 2021-07-29

2021.4.21 Submission
2021.4.24 Assignment of editing
2021.5.22 Feedback received, with two major revisions and one minor revision. A total of 29 questions were raised, and the editor gave 21 days for major revisions. Urgently conducting experiments and answering questions.
2021.6.10 Revised manuscript returned
2021.7.14 Editor's feedback received after 34 days, requiring technical modifications and raising a few minor issues. The system suggested minor revisions. Additionally, the editor mentioned the need for language polishing and recommended ACS official language polishing. Consequently, ACS official language polishing was contacted, which cost over 2000. One cannot help but admire ACS's language polishing service, which also provided an invoice and accepted payment through Alipay...
2021.7.22 Submission of modified version after language polishing
2021.7.29 Acceptance

不吃菜的小怪兽 2021-07-28

6.6 Submission
7.1 Review comments, two reviewers, minor revisions allowed within 15 days
7.19 Acceptance of the article
7.23 Immediate online proofreading completion
ACS is fast, and the editors are responsible and fair in assessing the quality of the articles. The whole process, from submission to publication, takes about one and a half months.

xiaoxiaoxiji 2021-07-23


难人 2021-07-22

May I ask how many days it will take to review or reject the manuscript assigned to the editor?

难人 2021-07-22

Can the state change?

难人 2021-07-22

Is it being reviewed now?

Sp1ke 2021-07-21

5.03 Submission
6.25 Major revision
7.09 Return of manuscript
7.17 Technical modifications
7.21 Accepted for publication

Lin 2021-07-18

Forgot the name, is a kind and friendly American professor who is chubby and white.

dataiyang 2021-07-16

Accepted on July 15, 2021.

一棵小草 2021-07-16

Which editor is it? So fast!

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