注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

swswsw12221 2022-08-03

This journal is a traditional core SCI journal, with good and responsible editors. The entire submission process is also well organized. The quality of the papers can reach the level of excellent journals or above, so it is recommended to consider it.

灯下黑 2021-08-12

My article is mediocre. The review process after submission was quite fast, but the reviewers or editors seemed to be inexperienced or wanted more content, as they even asked me to add a statistical table for variance analysis... The publication process is really slow, it has been delayed for a year. The number of experiments conducted was really limited, even with a slightly higher number, it could have been published in a higher-tier journal. It depends on my own situation.

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