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半月痕 2023-07-02

Posted on December 30, 2021, received in May 2023. During the period until June 2022, there was no feedback from the journal regarding finding reviewers and it entered the next round of review. In January 2023, a major revision notice was received, and it was revised in April 2023. I have to say, this journal is really slow. Couldn't they have notified me earlier if they couldn't find reviewers? It made me wait for a long, long time.

WowSky 2023-06-29

Overall, the experience was extremely poor, and the handling of manuscripts was extremely unprofessional. The chief editors were extremely arrogant. One detail: we have been following the work of a certain associate editor, who submitted a manuscript in February 23rd to a certain journal of computational mechanics and it was published in June. The content is in the same narrow field as our work. Whether there is any connection here, I won't speculate. I hope that scholars in our country will continue to strive for more influence internationally!

WowSky 2023-06-29

Submitted at the end of November 2022, the system status changed to "invite 2 reviewers, 1 reviewer accepted, 0 submissions" two months later. However, this status persisted for seven months after submission! In the sixth month, I contacted the Journal Manager and communicated for one month, also providing additional recommendations for reviewers. During this time, the J Manager copied the email to the Editor in Chief and a certain associate editor (presumably the handling editor), and I separately sent professional and polite emails to the EiC and the associate editor. However, neither of the two editors responded, and there was no substantial progress in the review status of the paper. After discussing with some scholars and seeing the decline in the impact factor of JCP in 2023, it felt like this might be JCP's style. Therefore, I replied to all, politely stating these facts and our pressure, and requested to withdraw the submission. The J Manager asked how the EiC should proceed. Surprisingly, the EiC quickly replied, saying "this is fine for me" in a very disdainful manner. As a result, the withdrawal was quickly processed.

马达加斯加 2023-05-06

2022.11.06 Submit - Submitted on November 6, 2022.
2023.03.29 Major Revise - Major revision requested on March 29, 2023.
2023.04.17 Minor Revise - Minor revision requested on April 17, 2023.
2023.05.06 Accepted - Accepted on May 6, 2023.

leeroket 2023-04-24

2023.1.8 submit
2023.1.23 under review
2023.4.23 review completed
Currently waiting for the review results, hoping for the best. Good luck!

winterfell 2022-12-26

After major revisions, I was accepted. This journal has received high evaluations from mentors, so its reputation should be good. However, there might be fewer researchers studying my topic, as the editor kept saying they were looking for reviewers. The first review took nearly two years, but luckily I submitted early, so it didn't delay my graduation and I could wait. Only after issuing an ultimatum did they return the results of the first review. The reviewer's comments were quite good, suggesting major revisions. I carefully revised it for two months and resubmitted it, and the second review directly accepted it.

Both JCP and SISC are included. Perhaps we leaned more towards the engineering direction, and mentors believed that JCP was slightly higher than SISC. The latest ranking not being a top journal is also strange, but based on the ranking of CiCP, I don't really think the Chinese Academy of Sciences' ranking reflects the real situation.

leeroket 2022-12-21

2022.5.13 Submission
2022.5.18 Under review
2022.7.15 Review completed
2022.8.25 Major revision
2022.10.21 Resubmitted
2022.12.09 Accepted

xxxxxxsda 2022-09-21

2022/04/05 Submission
2022/06/29 Major revision
2022/08/19 Submit revised manuscript
2022/09/21 Acceptance
The research topic is CFD grid algorithm, and the review process was quite fast. There were a total of 5 reviewers for the initial review, with three minor revisions accepted, two neutral, and the raised questions were constructive. The review reply was nearly 10,000 words long, but fortunately, it ended with a positive result. Wishing the journal continued success!

楼船夜雪 2022-09-08

01/03/2022 Submitted to Journal
01/05/2022 Editor Invited
01/15/2022 Editor Invited
01/26/2022 Under Review
02/07/2022 Under Review
05/24/2022 Major Revision
06/05/2022 Revision Submitted & With Editor & Received by Editor
06/07/2022 Under Review
07/12/2022 Accept

01/03/2022 Submitted to Journal
01/05/2022 Editor Invited
01/15/2022 Editor Invited
01/26/2022 Under Review
02/07/2022 Under Review
05/24/2022 Major Revision
06/05/2022 Revision Submitted & With Editor & Received by Editor
06/07/2022 Under Review
07/12/2022 Accept

Hyman_XJTU 2022-08-02

2021.10.04 submit
2021.12.21 reject

To be honest, this journal is highly regarded in my mind, but the reviewers and editors I encountered were very unprofessional. Firstly, two out of three reviewers suggested major revisions, and the last one outright rejected it. In just one line of comments, not only did they fail to provide any reasonable grounds for rejection, but they also made mistakes in describing our methodology and research subject. It's completely irrelevant. After I rebutted with the editor, they refused to acknowledge their mistake and even claimed that the rejection was not based on the third reviewer's recommendation. Well, I'm speechless!

tongtong 2022-03-16

30-Sep.-2021 Submitted to Journal
7-Oct.-2021 Received by Editor
14-Oct.-2021 Under Review
12-Jan.-2022 Reject & Resubmit
21-Feb.-2022 Submitted to Journal
23-Feb.-2022 Received by Editor
7-Mar.-2022 Accepted
2 reviewers, both reviewers asked relevant questions, no negative feedback, mainly considered the Numerical Tests section to be weak, and one reviewer even kindly helped design the Numerical Tests. After revisions, the paper has improved significantly. The resubmitted manuscript is expected to follow the process and format of major revisions and will likely be sent to the same two reviewers. This is the first submission, interdisciplinary, and related to unstructured grid algorithms. It is clear that the reviewers have a deeper understanding of numerical aspects rather than algorithm aspects. Perhaps mathematicians find programming implementation to be trivial, haha. Currently, considering the audience and publication volume, this journal is not difficult to submit to and has good efficiency.

度哈哈 2022-03-15

Boss... If you want to say he's not competent, you can give another example... Professor Shu Qi Wang is a top-notch computational mathematician...

nvnvnv 2021-08-07

May I ask what kind of person you are, and what qualifications do you have to comment on Shu? So what if you have published 100 articles, even if you publish 200 articles, it actually proves the quality and authority of the journal. Are you shamelessly making such grand claims because you have a shallow knowledge, or do you have ulterior motives?

hahaSIAM_MZ 2021-07-28

1. From a historical perspective, JCP has a high quality.
2. The quality has truly declined in recent years. On one hand, the previous peak was too high, and now computational physics is gradually reaching a bottleneck. Only a few directions still have significant room for development, but WENO/DG is not one of them. Thank you.
The second aspect is that, perhaps influenced by domestic pressure, many teachers from non-double first-class universities have found ways to publish articles. Several small directions can ensure that only those few Chinese reviewers are assigned. You know what I mean... I'm not saying that teachers from non-double first-class universities are incapable, but I just want to say that many papers are not up to standard. It is disrespectful to Professor Shu to publish them in the same journal as his classic contributions.

3125 2021-06-26

It's crazy and unchanged. There are many JCPs among the teachers from non-key universities. ... Check out the contribution of Chinese universities to JCP in a year! I'm impressed, even in the field of computational mathematics, there are so many trolls. They even dare to criticize Professor Shu Qiwang. First, take a serious look at Professor Shu's contributions!

IGA 2021-03-29

This magazine is a very average magazine in the field of computational mathematics. Many teachers from non-double-first-class universities can easily publish in it. Some Chinese computational mathematicians have published over 100 articles in this magazine, making it a very easy journal to publish in.

abigile 2021-03-17

Boss, I need help. Can we communicate and discuss?

hydraul 2021-03-05

In addition, the SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis focuses more on numerical analysis, while Mathematics of Computation leans more towards applied mathematics. The SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing and Numerische Mathematik have a similar level to the Journal of Computational Physics (JCP) and have a preference for new numerical algorithms. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering contains many articles that lack significant innovation in algorithms, mainly focusing on engineering-oriented algorithms, similar to the Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (AMM) journal.

hydraul 2021-03-04

Who is Shu Qi Wang and what is the problem with publishing over 100 articles in JCP? The algorithms they have developed, DG, WENO, SSP-RK2/3/4, are being used in various fields. It is an honor for JCP to have someone like them willing to publish in their journal.

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