认证评论 - Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data
注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

要忘夏夜 2022-10-18

Looking back now, it feels like this journal is still relatively easy to get accepted in. At that time, with a bad mindset, I hesitated for a while and thought about submitting to other journals. So, from submission to major revision, reducing similarity, minor revisions, and finally acceptance, it took 6 months, but actually it could have been accepted in a maximum of four months.

Submitted on 16th April 2022.
First review ended with major revision on 19th June 2022, three reviewers suggested modifying the thermodynamic verification method and uncertainty.
Returned on 11th August 2022.
Minor revision required to reduce repetition on 13th August.
Returned on 26th August.
Returned from NIST database with minor revision on 21st September.
Returned on 1st October.
Not satisfied, another minor revision on 2nd October.
Returned on 13th October.
Accepted on 14th October.

CEIL 2022-06-07

2022.1.16 Submission
2022.3.7 First review completed. There were four reviewers. Reviewer 1 did not understand the article and suggested rejection. The remaining three reviewers suggested minor revisions for two of them and major revision for one. However, each person's comments were not extensive. The editor gave three weeks to make the revisions.
2022.3.27 Revised.
2022.5.7 Second review completed. Only three reviewers were shown. One accepted the article, one pointed out a grammar error, and Reviewer 1 still did not understand and suggested rejection. The editor asked for a major revision. Two weeks were given to make the revisions.
2022.5.17 Revised.
2022.5.26 Third review completed. Reviewer 1 suggested changing the term "water content" to "mass fraction." I clearly indicated it in the article and ppm itself means mass fraction. Unfortunately, I had to follow the reviewer's suggestion and added a note below the table.
2022.5.26 Revised.
2022.6.1 Accepted.
The first review took nearly two months, and the second review took one and a half months. Although some classmates had their articles reviewed faster, mine was really slow.

举头望明粤 2021-08-16

Passing halfway through 2020. To be honest, some of JECD's articles are quite good, with detailed and effective data, and basically no issues. If only JECD could remove the data, the impact factor should increase, what a pity.

小浪底 2021-07-23

Senior, can you please leave me a contact information? I want to ask about how to calculate the uncertainty of data. I really don't know how to do it. I want to try it out.

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