注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

期盼毕业 2023-03-31

The speed was very fast. The article was sent for external review on the third day of editing. There were two reviewers. The first reviewer took about 10 days to complete the review. The second reviewer, probably due to summer vacation, delayed it for almost two months. However, luckily, the second reviewer suggested revisions and the editor accepted it after the revisions were made. The editor provided minor revisions, and after the revisions were made, the article was directly accepted. It took over half a month for proofreading and another half a month for publication. Overall, this journal is really good, with fast speed and no delays!

江苏普朗克 2023-03-28

After going back and forth for more than 6 months, we went through two major revisions. The reviewers chosen by the JAP were all industry experts, and their questions were very sharp. We had to rewrite almost all the explanations related to physics and conducted a lot of additional experiments. It was really not easy to complete one paper.

D.Hiluluk 2023-03-01

• Submission Date: November 15, 2022
• Acceptance Date: February 5, 2023
• Online Publication Date: February 27, 2023

Sent to reviewers on November 21.

Received a revision letter on December 21, with 20 questions from two reviewers, which were not very critical (later found out there were three reviewers, but the editor only provided feedback from the first two).

Requested to submit revised manuscript by January 14.

Agreed to accept the paper on January 20 (but initially chose an Open Access option and later decided to withdraw, which took some time for communication).

Sent the proof on February 6.

Publication scheduled for February 27 (however, there was no communication during this time, and I was anxiously waiting until suddenly an issue date appeared on the submission panel).

打铁匠 2023-02-25

2022.11.09 Submission
2023.01.12 Received reviewer comments
2023.02.01 Responded to reviewer comments
2023.02.08 Accepted
Overall, I feel that the editors and reviewers of this journal are responsible and professional. They did not raise any confusing issues. Additionally, the journal provides specific information on the progress of the manuscript review, which can be checked in real-time, which is very nice. During the proofreading stage, the assistant editor also helped to correct some typos, showing great dedication. Overall, it was a satisfying submission experience. Although the journal is currently classified as a third-tier journal by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, I hope that it will gain more recognition internationally and improve its impact factor.

Trifles 2023-01-29

It took 7 months, from APL to JAP, with back-and-forth struggles with the reviewers, it was really not easy.

wkk2020 2022-12-23

Submitted 10.26.2022
All Reviews Received 11.29.2022
Decision Sent to Author 11.30.2022
Revised Manuscript Received from Author 12.13.2022
All Reviews Received 12.21.2022
Accepted 12.22.2022

鼻尖的许许花香 2022-12-03

Can I download templates for Word? Why can't I find them? Please let me know, thank you.

XJTUjoyk 2022-11-23

The first article.
Three days for submission, 18 days for the first review, nearly two weeks for self-revision, and directly accepted within 4 days after resubmission, totaling 40 days.
Before submitting, I didn't know that the direction I took was the same as the editor-in-chief's until I received the decision letter for the first review. It turned out that the editor-in-chief is a renowned expert in the field (I didn't pay much attention to who the editor-in-chief of the journal was before). The editor-in-chief found three reviewers in total. There were over 30 comments in total. When I found out that the editor-in-chief is a big name in the field, I thought there was not much hope of being accepted, but it was accepted just 4 days after submitting the revised manuscript. So fast!

打铁匠 2022-11-10

When submitting an article, there is a progress bar. The submission starts on November 9, 2022, and an editor will be assigned. Looking forward to it, hoping to be selected. After being selected, I will write my thoughts and experiences.

Felix35 2022-11-02

The progress bar is very considerate, and the reviewers are also very professional. Their suggested revisions were very helpful.
I developed a new simulation method in COMSOL. I had previously faced rejections from two journals, IEEE and APL, because I didn't conduct any experiments. Finally, it was accepted.
It's really tough to do pure theoretical work these days.

23-Aug-2022 Submission
14-Sep-2022 Major revision
06-Oct-2022 Revised manuscript returned
01-Nov-2022 Accepted

Trifles 2022-11-01

AIP has always been on the white list of Moonlight.

任sir 2022-10-26

Fast speed, professional reviewers, every state can be observed, a very good journal.

任sir 2022-10-26

Submitted on August 3, 2022, received review comments after 40 days, revised after 16 days, and accepted for the second review on October 13th.

蓝梦木子白水 2022-07-25

In this situation, you can write an appeal letter to the editor, stating that your article has significant value in your research field. Additionally, attach a new list of potential reviewers, preferably including several foreign reviewers who can understand your article. This way, you may have another chance to submit it for review.

chuanboy 2022-07-25

13-May-2022 Submit
08-Jun-2022 Major revision
01-Jul-2022 Resubmit
15-Jul-2022 Accept

13-May-2022 Submit
08-Jun-2022 Major revision
01-Jul-2022 Resubmit
15-Jul-2022 Accept

努力发论文的人 2022-07-23

Posted on May 22nd, received feedback on July 22nd. The manuscript was returned because a reviewer could not be found. It is good that this journal allows us to see the current status of the paper at any time, but it is unfortunate that I waited in vain for two months.

AO__AO 2022-07-14

Not necessarily, we have an article in our group, and a reviewer returned their comments in just one day, suggesting acceptance.

Dahai_succeed 2022-07-02

Big brother, have you received any news after submitting the submission? How long does it usually take to receive a reply for the initial review?

Skyrmions 2022-06-08

Industry veteran magazines, such as APL, JAP, OL, etc., are considered classics. The quality of the applied physics articles published in them is good, and knowledgeable people will read and follow up on the work discussed in these articles, rather than focusing on the impact factor. Being rejected should not bring you down; it is a common occurrence for researchers.

Skyrmions 2022-06-08

Old-established journal, trustworthy.

Steven Rer 2022-05-10

The paper was submitted in February, and it took nearly three months to receive major revisions for the review. After making the revisions, it has been with the associate editor for half a month, but it has not been sent for review yet. Is this normal? Can I request an update?

fortunate。 2022-04-20

Excuse me, does this journal have a Word manuscript template? I couldn't find it on the official website, only the LaTeX template. I wanted to ask if there are any requirements for the overall style of the submitted manuscript. What kind of manuscript did you submit? Looking forward to your reply.

laserpeeling 2022-03-29

Submitting one manuscript to multiple journals, is there no bottom line of academic ethics?

最强大脑中国好声音 2022-02-24

It's a perpetual motion machine, what else could it be if not pseudo-science?

jason 2022-02-11

So what is the result?

tianshanyijian 2022-01-28

My first review had a reviewer who returned their comments in just one day, displaying "review received". Does this mean it's over?

累了来局英雄联盟吧 2022-01-25

Does submitting multiple drafts not waste the time of editors and reviewers? Moreover, if everyone submits multiple drafts, will it be your turn to be under review?

胡高土 2022-01-23

2021.11.26 Submission
2021.12.04 Review process begins
2021.12.20 Received reviewer comments, major revision
2022.01.02 Revised manuscript submitted
2022.01.07 Received revision comments, minor revision
2022.01.13 Revised manuscript submitted
2022.01.17 Accepted

ForDream 2021-10-09

Click into this person's space and see, an impotent and furious pseudo-scientist.

Cola-Guan 2021-10-09

Brother, submitting one article to multiple places is a serious academic misconduct. Please spare your supervisor's reputation.

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