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儒生雄才 2023-07-27

Hello, Brother. I submitted my article on July 10th, and it has been in the "with editor" status until now, July 27th. I noticed that you also had a long wait in this status. Is this normal? Did you send an email to inquire about the progress with the editor during this period?

十三颗星星 2023-07-19

2022-10-12 Submit
2022-10-13 With Editor
2022-10-31 Under Review
2023-03-07 Major Revision
2023-04-20 Submit
2023-06-21 Minor Revision
2023-06-25 Submit
2023-07-07 Accept

2022-10-12: Submitted
2022-10-13: Under review by an editor
2022-10-31: Under review
2023-03-07: Major revision required
2023-04-20: Submitted
2023-06-21: Minor revision required
2023-06-25: Submitted
2023-07-07: Accepted

骑驴逛武大 2023-06-01

The feedback response was written for 2 pages and was accepted directly after revision.

骑驴逛武大 2023-06-01

The reply to the feedback was written on 2 pages and was directly accepted after modification.

wudixiaofu 2023-05-12

2022.6: Submission
2022.6: Rejected and resubmitted. The associate editor mentioned the need to include several types of crops for further validation of the algorithm's effectiveness.
2022.9: During the summer break, multiple locations were revisited to collect various crops, and the paper was resubmitted.
2022.11: Major revision. Three reviewers provided more than 150 comments. The first reviewer felt there was a lack of innovation, but the latter two believed that the modifications made the paper acceptable.
2023.1: Returned for revision.
2023.3: Major revision. No major issues, mainly focused on an efficiency problem with the algorithm and language-related matters.
2023.4: Returned for revision.
2023.5.11: Accepted directly.
The chief editor and editors of ISPRS are very reliable. It feels like they remind reviewers to provide feedback after about two weeks. So, even though my process involved rejection, resubmission, major revision, and acceptance, it took less than a year overall. The opinions of the three external reviewers were very helpful, and the paper has significantly improved since the beginning.
It's a great achievement to have my first remote sensing journal publication! I'm also thrilled that it is my second publication in a Tier 1 journal during my doctoral studies.

六十六个六 2023-05-08

20220922: Submit initial draft
20220926: Under review by editor
20221013: Under review by editor
20221208: Major revision required
20230206: Submit major revision
20230313: Required reviews completed
20230427: Reminder, changed to Decision in Process
20230503: Minor revision
20230506: Submit minor revision
20230507: Accepted

六十六个六 2023-05-08

Blow up the editorial system of iThenticate!

Crush0416 2023-04-29

I am currently in the same situation. It has been several days and it is still submitted to the journal. May I ask if the original poster has any updates on the status afterwards? I would appreciate an answer. Thank you!

一个跻身科研大浪的小白 2023-04-25

Is it still normal to be with the editor after 22 days?

liuchong 2023-04-16

Generally, it takes about ten days.

一个跻身科研大浪的小白 2023-04-08

Can I ask how long it usually takes for the article to be reviewed or rejected after submitting it with the editor? It's been almost a week and there hasn't been any progress.

redefinemean 2023-03-16

One of the target journals.

骑驴逛武大 2023-03-06

Posted on January 11, 2023, and received major revisions on March 4. Reviewer 1 raised several explanatory questions, while Reviewer 2 praised the article throughout. Hoping for a smooth process ahead!

Hi_ 2023-03-03

2022.09.19 submit and with editor
2022.10.01 under review
There have been several changes in dates during the process, as the journal continuously invites reviewers, who accept and submit their review reports.
2022.12.17 required reviews complete
2022.12.19 Major revise
2023.01.17 submit the major revision version
2023.01.23 with editor, under review
2023.02.25 required reviews complete, decision in process, minor revise
2023.02.26 submit the minor revision version
2023.02.27 with editor, decision in process
2023.03.03 accept
It took six months, and it must be said that the reviewers invited by ISPRS were very suitable, and their review comments were very professional and detailed, which greatly helped with the modification of the article. Support top-tier journals! Hope to have the opportunity to submit again.

yakezhai 2023-02-08

Excuse me everyone, if the "Guide for authors" redirects to Elsevier and cannot be opened, what should I do? How can I download the template file?

瑜画 2023-02-05

2023.1.12 resubmit
2023.1.31 under review
Looking forward to good results

Yangming_ak 2023-01-16

8.6 Submitted to journal - Submitted for publication, received by editor on the same day, under review on the next day.
10.15 Major revision - Received comments from the first round of review, two reviewers suggested major revisions, and the associate editor also provided comments as an individual reviewer, so there were a total of three reviewers.
11.09 With editor - Revised the manuscript according to the comments from the first round of review, conducted additional experiments, and wrote a response of 12,000 words, which was longer than the main text. Sent back to the editor on the same day.
11.25 Decision in process - The editor is making a decision.
12.04 Accepted - The paper has been accepted.

This was my first submission to ISPRS and it was accepted after only one round of major revisions. The process was very fast, and the most important factor was the professionalism of the reviewers and associate editor, who provided valuable suggestions that greatly improved the quality of the paper. The difficulty of submission was high, with high requirements for the quality of the article. Once major revisions were given, it was important to seize the opportunity and make thorough modifications.

llfzu 2023-01-07

How long does the external review process usually take? How many reviewers are there? It has been almost 2 months and the external review has not been completed yet.

MintyMing 2022-12-10

Yes, there are after every round of review.

风不习 2022-11-08

It is necessary to respond seriously to the comments and suggestions of reviewers and editors.

The first round of major revisions took two months, and a response of over 15,000 words was provided.

The second round of minor revisions took two weeks. The reviewer had no issues with the major revisions and recommended publication. The associate editor raised three questions, one of which suggested replacing a module in the proposed method. As a result, the minor revisions involved re-implementing three models for comparative analysis, demonstrating the advantages of the original method as proposed in the paper. It felt like a major revision as well.

In general, when responding, it is best to provide experimental evidence if possible. If it is not possible to provide actual evidence, citing high-quality literature as support is advisable.

云朵奥 2022-10-22

Excuse me, does anyone know if there is a "Decision in Process" status during the first trial?

naivechildghc 2022-09-17

It was written incorrectly, it should be received on September 17th.

naivechildghc 2022-09-17

Posted on June 10th, received an email for major revisions on July 1st, submitted revised manuscript on July 29th, and accepted on September 16th. The efficiency of the editor in handling the manuscript was very high, and the reviewer was very diligent and responsible, pointing out some logical loopholes and unclear areas in the article, which helped us improve the quality of the manuscript. Wishing the journal continued success.

科研小菜鸡yx 2022-07-25

2021/12/02 Post
There have been two major repairs and one minor repair during the process. The first review took 3.5 months, the second review took 2 months, and the third review took 1 month.
2022/07/24 Received

wuhanjinwurijin 2022-06-07

The editor is very capable, and the three reviewers also provided very constructive comments!

圈圈lyx 2022-05-27

2021.08.16 Submission.
2021.09.09 Rejection, due to the uploaded PDF being too large (200MB).
2021.09.13 Submission.
2021.11.15 Major revision. 3 minor revisions, 1 major revision.
2021.12.11 Submission of revised major revision.
2022.01.20 Rejection, the associate editor in the email stated "reject and resubmit".
2022.02.02 Resubmission.
2022.03.22 Minor revision.
2022.03.31 Submission of revised minor revision, entered "under review" again.
2022.05.24 Minor revision. Only one reviewer and they indicated acceptance for publication, the associate editor also stated no issues, the editor raised 2 minor questions, very small, only requiring a change in one sentence.
2022.05.26 Acceptance. Celebrate!

兄弟萌,冲啊! 2022-04-16

Posted on September 11, 2021.
Major revision on February 6, 2022 (2 minor revisions, 1 rejection).
Minor revision on April 14, 2022 (2 acceptances, 1 rejection).
Accepted on April 16, 2022.
The editor-in-chief is very efficient!

SherryBlue 2022-03-16

May I ask if, for this journal, is it a requirement for all authors to "confirm their consent to be listed as Co-Author" in order to enter the "with editor" status? I have submitted it three days ago and it has been in the "submitted to journal" status all along.

等结果ing 2022-02-09

It is estimated that due to conflicting opinions among the reviewers, additional reviewer arbitration is needed.

等结果ing 2022-02-09

The reviewer's comments are very professional, and the overall efficiency of the manuscript submission is also very high. As a student with a remote sensing background, being able to publish a top journal in the field is considered fulfilling a pursuit.

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