注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

shjwhg 2022-07-03

May I ask how your article turned out? Was it also directly rejected by the hospital of a certain medical university? Looking forward to your reply, thank you.

ZXHxiaoyu 2022-06-22

2022.6.6 submitted, currently (6.22) under review. Will it be rejected? I'm so nervous.

chonga 1 2022-06-18

How long does it take for PubMed to index after publishing?

可爱空 2022-06-15

The payment was ultimately completed through cross-border remittance, and the publication was released the day after the payment was made.

H7 2022-06-14

Has the OP made the payment successfully? I made the payment once using Agricultural Bank of China credit card and it was successful. Did you use UnionPay credit card?

Helo-ying 2022-06-12

Recently, there have been a few solicitations for papers on sensors, biosensors, and nanomaterials. We are lacking funding for publication fees. Any experts interested in collaborating, please contact us through communication or email at vwznnan@163.com.

5520sdc 2022-06-11

May I ask how your current status is? Mine has also been pending review for three days.

H7 2022-06-10

Okay, thank you. My submission has been in the pending editor decision status for 20 days, it's agonizing...

可爱空 2022-06-08

I said it wrong, it should be "pending editor decision," and it turned into "accepted" on the same day.

可爱空 2022-06-08

My status changed from pending English to accepted on the same day. I didn't do anything in between.

H7 2022-06-07

May I ask, how long does it take for the status of "pending editor decision" for your article? What should the author do during this period?

可爱空 2022-06-06

I have been trying for over a week, but every time I try to make a payment with my credit card, it fails. After entering my VISA card number and relevant information, it displays "Payment Error" and "There was an error processing your payment by credit card. Please try again." I have tried many times and don't know how to resolve it. I asked the editor and the journal, and they suggested using a VPN, but it didn't work either. I'm afraid that not making the payment will cause problems. Does anyone have any experience or suggestions? Can you please let me know? Thank you, everyone.

H7 2022-06-01

Excuse me, OP, it has been 12 days since the status is "pending editor decision". Do I need to do anything or just wait?

H7 2022-06-01

The first review and the second review both took about two weeks. There was only one reviewer for the second review and no comments were given. Now it has been 12 days in the "pending editor decision" status. What's going on? Why was the process so fast in the beginning but slow when it came to the editor's decision? Is there anything I need to do?

key1 2022-05-31

It has been a month since my review.

小脑斧1023 2022-05-30

5.25 minor revision
5.28 resubmit
5.30 accept

可爱空 2022-05-28

I would like to ask everyone, is it necessary to make payment first before publishing online? Or is it possible to publish first and then make payment?

可爱空 2022-05-28

Hello, I would like to ask whether it is payment first and then online publishing, or if it is possible to publish first and then make the payment.

光 军 2022-05-26

Agree, this magazine is rubbish. As an editorial assistant, he asked me to send him the title and abstract, and replied that he was very interested in the initial draft. However, after I submitted it, he gave some irrelevant reasons and rejected it directly. Everyone, be careful when submitting contributions. Don't let yourself be fooled.

可爱空 2022-05-24

If it is a few pictures assembled together, I recommend using professional image processing tools, such as Photoshop. Even if the assembled image is compressed and placed in Word, it will still be very clear, although the exact principle is unknown.

crazy小芹菜 2022-05-22

May I ask how long does it take for the pending review status to start changing?

小脑斧1023 2022-05-20

submit 5.12 - This means that a certain document or task was submitted on May 12th.
under review 5.13 - This indicates that something is currently being reviewed or evaluated as of May 13th.
under review 5.20 - Similarly, this suggests that something is currently being reviewed or evaluated as of May 20th.

LBW624 2022-05-13

MDPI was originally intended for spamming, paying to publish articles, otherwise there would be so many warnings.

比kennyS还快的承德狙神 2022-05-12

mdpi's journal has only these 13 flavors. Previously, I wrote a similar article with my senior sister. She submitted it to Applied Soil Ecology and got accepted. However, when I submitted my article to mdpi's Agriculture-Basel with an impact factor of 2.9, I was instantly rejected (because my affiliation was only Jilin Agricultural University). Furthermore, this journal is filled with a large number of articles of the same level as the Journal of Jilin Agricultural University... Afterwards, I resubmitted to a journal with an impact factor of 4.3, and it was accepted within a month. To sum it up, mdpi, I can't help but complain.

小鱼儿@xiaoyu 2022-05-02

Just don't allow the use of QQ email, let them use institutional email. I also encountered this, and later I replied with the institutional email, and the assistant editor didn't say anything after that.

可爱空 2022-04-28

Yesterday I submitted an article and today I received an email: "This is a follow-up message. Please pay attention that Q Q emails are not allowed and corresponding authors should provide institutional email. Please provide a new email for us. Thanks!" Since this is my first submission, I don't know what this means and I am not sure how to provide it. I kindly ask for your help in clarifying my doubts. Thank you.

学术幻想家 2022-04-24

Did you receive it later?

古越 2022-04-19

Hello everyone. Has anyone encountered image problems? I have already adjusted all the images to 600 DPI, and the images are very clear. They are also clear when inserted into WORD. I have also disabled compression in the advanced options of WORD. However, the editor keeps saying that the images are not clear and the letters are not visible. They ask me to adjust them again. Has anyone encountered this situation? I have already tried adjusting it from the beginning, but there is no better solution. Can anyone tell me how to adjust the clarity of inserted images? Don't the editors look at the original uploaded photos?

tomato-king 2022-04-12

On the 11th, I consulted the assistant editor and received a reply with a review comment. Also, there is an expectation to have a favorable outcome before the 20th.

疯子 2022-04-12

I submitted an online article for 21 years, and it has been almost a month but it is still under review.

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