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妙蛙种子2022 2022-05-24

Surprisingly slow. There has been absolutely no response from the editor for a month.
This magazine is really relying on its reputation. In the past two years, the acceptance rate of the journal was as high as over 30%, almost reaching 35%. After the introduction of the new editor, the acceptance rate finally dropped to around 24%. However, it is slow, slow, slow, and really slow. Moreover, to be honest, the quality is just average. There is one article that I really don't want to submit anymore.

秋风吹落叶 2022-05-23

The first trial has been 12 months already, incredibly slow. Is the editing efficiency so low?

cleveland 2022-04-26

submitted Feb 17, 2022
with editor Feb 19
with editor Feb 26
under review Mar 4
revision Apr 10
resubmitted Apr 18
accept Apr 25, 2022
Minor revisions, passed in one round, the journal's processing speed is very fast.

MRrc 2022-04-20

First time submitting a paper, I didn't know a lot of basic knowledge during the process. From conceptualizing and writing in Chinese to translating into English, there were many small and big issues along the way. Fortunately, I managed to endure and overcome them little by little. The entire submission process went relatively smoothly, and I was shocked to see that it only required minor revisions. As a beginner in this research field, I was amazed and grateful to receive recognition and appreciation for my article. I feel extremely excited and fortunate. I would like to give a small piece of advice to my peers who are submitting their papers for the first time: complete each step seriously, and you will definitely reap rewards.

MRrc 2022-04-20

Jan 16, submitted to journal
Jan 19, with editor (date changed once during the process)
Feb 13, under review
Mar 6, minor revision
Mar 18, resubmitted
Mar 23, under review
Apr 20, accepted

tompps 2022-04-07

Hello, my situation is the same. After updating the date with the editor, it has remained as "with editor". May I ask what happened afterwards?

Prof_Crab 2022-02-17

Finally saw the acceptance today. Submitted on November 8th, there was a delay of nearly half a month due to author confirmation issues. Sent for review in early December, received the first review on January 4th. There were six reviewers with a total of thirty to forty comments. Some recommended revisions for publication, while others questioned the novelty and rejected it. The editor-in-chief was very nice and gave minor revisions, with a two-week revision period. So, I hurriedly replied with 50 pages in two weeks. Ten days later, the comments came back, and the first reviewer still had some doubts. So, I was given minor revisions and another two weeks. This time, the content of the response was less. I replied on February 10th, and it was accepted on February 17th. It was not easy, my friends! Wishing everyone good luck in the future! I also hope to have good luck myself. Additionally, I'm starting to like this journal more and more. It feels great to submit research on heat transfer to this journal. It has a good reputation in the field of heat transfer and decent overall influence, although the speed is slightly slower.

paperplusplus 2022-02-14

Made a mistake, it should be submitted on January 25th!

paperplusplus 2022-02-14

Submitted on January 15th, with editor on January 27th, then the date changed to February 6th, but the status remained with editor until now. It doesn't seem as fast as the outside world claims!

run 2022-01-18

Translated into English:

Submitted Sep 27, 2021
revision Oct 29
resubmitted Nov 21
revision Dec 4
resubmitted Dec 15
revision Jan 7
resubmitted Jan 14
accepted Jan 17, 2022
The three rounds of revisions were done very quickly.

Tree 2021-12-28

Why did it change to Zone 2? I'm sad.

小东西 2021-12-16

August 26th, submitted to journal
September 7th, under review
October 11th, revision
November 3rd, resubmitted
November 8th, under review
December 13th, revision
December 14th, resubmitted
December 16th, accept

fred001 2021-12-07

Now, it is true that as long as the editor is reliable, the speed of reviewing is still fast. Bro, leave a V and let's communicate more in the future?

Olaf 2021-12-06

Posting is not easy. I have been reading everyone's experiences before and gained a lot. Sharing this submission experience, HMT's processing speed has always been fast.
Sep 29, Submitted to Journal
Sep 30, With Editor
Oct 03, With Editor
Oct 05, Under Review
Nov 07, Minor revision
Nov 21, Resubmitted
Nov 22, With Editor
Nov 24, Under Review
Dec 05, Required Reviews Completed
Dec 06, Accept

Maria墅 2021-12-04

I submitted it on April 26th, and by December 3rd, the opinions were already enough. I am currently waiting for the results. It's been less than 8 months, which is indeed very long. I'll wait patiently. I was also very anxious at the 5-month mark.

秋风吹落叶 2021-12-03

Has it been over half a year for the first trial? Has anyone encountered this situation?

全yy 2021-12-03

Submit for review in about half a month, receive first-round feedback in two months, and notify of acceptance five days later. The editing process is fast, but the overall speed depends on the reviewers.

wowwww 2021-11-20

November 6th - Submitted
November 8th - Under review by editor
November 13th - Under review by editor
November 19th - Rejected
The reason for rejection is that the research content does not align with the journal's research interests. It is suggested to submit to another industry journal.
What specific issues does International Heat and Mass Transfer Journal care about? Can friends who frequently submit manuscripts share their experiences?

Shanow 2021-11-17

Submitted in early July, the manuscript was sent for review to three experts by the editor almost a month later. Two months later, the opinions were received, and the editor provided minor revisions. A week later, the revised manuscript was resubmitted by the editor for review, and one month later, it was accepted.
The editor, Professor Khellil Sefiane, was relatively efficient and responsible.

wowwww 2021-11-15

Does it now take at least half a month to submit for review with an editor?

cyzw 2021-11-15

Brother, you have been sending for review for many days behind me. My current situation is similar to your previous one, also two times with the editor.

超暴风雪 2021-11-13

I also encountered the situation of repeatedly required reviews completed. Does anyone know the reason for this?

fengzi 2021-11-11

May I ask how long it takes to receive a DOI number after proofing for this journal? It has been 10 days since I returned the proof to Elsevier, but I have not received a DOI number yet.

fengzi 2021-11-11

May I ask how long it takes to receive a DOI number after proofreading for this journal? It has been 10 days since I returned the proof to Elsevier, but I have not received a DOI number yet.

秋风吹落叶 2021-11-05

The first trial has been over 5 months, and there is still no response. It's really slow.

wqg1804 2021-11-03

What would be the situation if this iteration has required reviews completed repeatedly?

Zhang张 2021-11-01

2021.10.11 Post
2021.10.12 With Editor, there was a change in the date on 10.14, and it is still in this state until now. Why is it so slow? Is this considered a tragedy?

wendell99 2021-10-31

The given text is already in English and does not require translation.

梁公子丶 2021-10-30

Received at Editorial Office
4 Jun 2021
Article revised
4 Oct 2021
Article accepted for publication
20 Oct 2021

Received at Editorial Office
June 4, 2021
Article revised
October 4, 2021
Article accepted for publication
October 20, 2021

lcs1795192 2021-10-10

Jul 15, 2021 Submitted
Jul 16, 2021 With Editor
Aug 01, 2021 Under Review
Aug 27, 2021 Minor revision
Sep 01, 2021 Resubmitted
Oct 08, 2021 Accept
My first SCI paper, I am very happy. I wish the journal continued success.

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