注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

臻宥 2023-07-27

The editor may have felt there were too few reviewers, so new reviewers were added again.

何弃疗啊哥 2023-07-26

2023.6.13 Minor repair
After the repair on 2023.7.12, it showed that the review was completed on 2023.7.25. However, today it is under review again.
Does anyone know the reason for this?

zlm 2023-07-17

"You are way too slow. I submitted my work 10 days before you, and it's still under review."

Qz 2023-07-16

So that's how it is, previously I could only see "invited 2+" on the track.

科研小白 2023-07-15

You will receive an email for the peer review meeting. There is a link to track your submission. After scanning it with WeChat, it will display the specific number of invited reviewers.

Qz 2023-07-15

How do you know that eight people have been invited?

科研小白 2023-07-15

It has been almost a month under review, invited eight reviewers but none of them accepted the review. Is this normal? ?

EXthan 2023-07-13

6.20. submit
6.25. under review
I hope for a good outcome.

二师兄 2023-07-10

The first review took one month, for minor revisions. The second review took 20 days, and it was accepted. The overall speed was very fast, and both the editor and reviewer were very professional.

冒了个泡 2023-07-09

2023.5.25 submit
2023.5.25 with editor
2023.6.3 under review
2023.6.15 required review completed
2023.6.18 revise
2023.6.24 with editor
2023.6.27 under review
2023.7.5 required review completed
2023.7.6 revise
2023.7.9 accept

科研小白 2023-06-24

6.20 submit
6.21 with editor
6.23 under review
I hope for a good outcome.

HMT 2023-06-24

Apr 10, 2023 Submitted to Journal
Apr 16, 2023 With Editor
Apr 17, 2023 Under Review
May 18, 2023 Required reviews complete
May 25, 2023 Minor revision and modification
May 30, 2023 Revision submitted to Journal
May 30, 2023 With editor
Jun 3, 2023 Under review
Jun 18, 2023 Required reviews complete
Jun 18, 2023 Minor revision and modification
Jun 20, 2023 With editor
Jun 24, 2023 Accept

Apr 10, 2023 - Submitted to Journal
Apr 16, 2023 - With Editor
Apr 17, 2023 - Under Review
May 18, 2023 - Required reviews complete
May 25, 2023 - Minor revision and modification
May 30, 2023 - Revision submitted to Journal
May 30, 2023 - With editor
Jun 3, 2023 - Under review
Jun 18, 2023 - Required reviews complete
Jun 18, 2023 - Minor revision and modification
Jun 20, 2023 - With editor
Jun 24, 2023 - Accept

Inspirations 2023-06-22

Brother, how are you doing? Has the first trial come back yet?

Inspirations 2023-06-22

It's not easy, right? Being rejected in the first trial, and five months is too long...

cast_alloy 2023-06-08

Did you send an email to inquire halfway through?

STRONGER008 2023-06-02

The journal's speed is extremely slow, including taking over two months to find two reviewers.
January 26, 2023 - Under review
May 26, 2023 - Under review
May 29, 2023 - Rejected
The first reviewer's comments were constructive and required revisions. The second reviewer didn't seem to understand anything and didn't even bother to look at the physical parameter table. They got the key parameters wrong and rejected it outright.
I was badly deceived while rushing to graduate. If you're pressed for time, be sure to avoid this minefield. This journal is highly specialized and consistently slow. I've never encountered anything like it before. I recently heard that someone had to wait one and a half years for acceptance, but of course, one and a half years is just 1/50th of a lifetime. It doesn't matter if there are no time constraints.

zlm 2023-06-01

2023.5.31 under review - Under review on May 31, 2023.
2023.6.1 under review - Under review on June 1, 2023.

zlm 2023-05-30

2023.5.230 under review translates to "2023, May 230th under review" in English.

zlm 2023-05-29

2023.5.16 Submission
2023.5.21 Under review
2023.5.29 Under review

cookietang13 2023-05-21

2023.05.11 submitted to journal
2023.05.12 with editor
2023.05.20 under review

Translated into English:

2023.05.11 - Submitted to journal
2023.05.12 - With editor
2023.05.20 - Under review

cookietang13 2023-05-13

Journals are still a premium choice in the field of heat transfer, and the review process is relatively fast.

Qz 2023-05-04

2022.10.19 submitted to journal
2022.10.19 with editor
2022.10.20 with editor
2022.11.05 under review
2022.11.13 under review
2022.11.15 under review
2023.02.26 under review
2023.03.20 major revision (editor: Khellil Sefiane)
2023.04.05 submitted revised manuscript
2023.04.05 with editor
2023.04.07 under review
2023.04.15 under review
2023.05.04 accept

The slow speed during the first round is because only one reviewer accepted the review, but the editor may have forgotten to continue inviting reviewers until February 2023. The first review required major revisions, which the editor requested. During the second review, one reviewer left and another took over, and the editor accepted the manuscript directly. It took a bit over six months, which is longer than usual as it typically takes around three months from submission to acceptance.

臻宥 2023-04-19

It's not easy. Previously, I would usually spend a maximum of one week in the hands of an editor. The editor I had was from Korea, relatively young and quite responsible. Especially when it came to revisions, they would submit them for review the next day. You might encounter editors who are more slow-paced.

200斤的小熊维尼 2023-04-19

Agreed! I had the same experience as the original poster. I have been waiting for a response from the editor for a month and a half, and it is extremely irresponsible. I will never submit articles to such a journal that is only interested in flooding the field with low-quality publications again. IJHMT is forever blacklisted. Goodbye and good riddance.

打爆你的小馒头 2023-04-19

Ever since this journal has had a high volume of articles published, it has started to feel like a closed circle. There are so many spam articles, and the editors don't even reflect on themselves properly. The experience of submitting articles is extremely poor, with no response from editor21 for days. It's really garbage, and I don't want to submit any more articles to this journal. Isn't Applied Thermal Engineering better? I suggest that everyone with good work submit to that journal.

何弃疗啊哥 2023-04-18

The first reviewer finished reviewing in a few days, but the review comments were extremely rubbish. They didn't even bother to read the content of the article and blindly pointed out issues.
The second reviewer took one and a half months to finish, and their review comments had some meaningful suggestions for improving the article.
In the end, the article was rejected, and I am preparing to appeal.

lijunfeng 2023-04-07

Mar 26, 2023 Submitted
Mar 30, 2023 With Editor

Translation: Mar 26, 2023 Submitted
Mar 30, 2023 With Editor

努力的磊啊 2023-03-09

Good experience, hoping for international heat and mass transfer to return to Zone 1!
The speed is not as slow as imagined, the reviewers are very professional, and the suggestions they made were quickly accepted after careful modification.
Submitted to journal on November 2, 2022.
With editor on November 2, 2022.
With editor on November 8, 2022.
Under review on November 18, 2022.
Under review on November 26, 2022.
Major revision on January 23, 2023.
With editor on February 12, 2023.
Under review on February 19, 2023.
Required review completed on February 24, 2023.
Accepted on February 27, 2023.

Iris Zhang 2023-02-27


lijunfeng 2023-02-10

Rejected, planning to resubmit.

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