认证评论 - International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
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杨小小 2023-03-30

"Highlight is generally uploading separate Word documents, depending on the requirements of the journal. You will know whether it is necessary to upload related manuscripts when submitting the article."

Yang Bojin 2023-03-29

Does the word limit include the number of references?

accccept 2023-03-28

Yes, it is a separate file.

sj 2023-03-27

May I ask if "highlights" is meant to be uploaded as a separate Word document?

kyxtm 2023-03-19

Unified communication:
1. Regarding line numbers, I used LaTeX instead of Word.
2. At that time, the rejection rate was 22% due to similarity, so I reduced it to 12% and then it was accepted. I'm not sure how much JAG requires, but some say it's 20%.
3. I submitted in the direction of hyperspectral classification, maybe it was faster because the reviewers finished their funding.
On March 18th, the external review comments came back. The editor gave a major revision. There were 3 reviewers: 1 minor revision, 1 major revision, and 1 rejection. I need to revise it well. I wonder if anyone has a similar situation, and what is the probability of acceptance after revision in such cases.

whulzh 2023-03-17

Hello, have you ever encountered the problem of the content of the Word manuscript, which has line numbering, becoming a blank page after uploading and generating the PDF manuscript? May I ask how you annotate the line numbers?

accccept 2023-03-17

2022.12.16 Submission
2022.12.17 Rejected: The reason is that the word count exceeded 8000, the abstract exceeded 250, the plagiarism rate did not pass, and highlights were not submitted.
2022.12.18 Resubmitted after modification
2022.12.20 Under review
2023.02.07 Returned for major revision, provided 21 days for modification
2023.02.28 Returned for major revision
2023.03.10 Returned for minor revision, two reviewers had no comments, and one reviewer had three comments
2023.03.14 Returned for minor revision
2023.03.15 Status changed to "with editor" once
2023.03.16 Under review: Review invitations sent: 1; Review invitations accepted: 0
It is a very good journal, the manuscript processing is fast, and the editor is also very good. I hope it can provide some help to those who need to submit manuscripts.
Also, I hope to receive an acceptance for myself.

XXX00 2023-03-16

May I ask how much the repetition rate of jag needs to be reduced to?

吃大块di 2023-03-16

Brother, do manuscripts need to have line numbers?

吃大块di 2023-03-16

Hello, may I ask if line numbers need to be added to the submitted manuscript?

accccept 2023-03-16

May I ask if there are any changes in the current status date compared to the submission date with the editor?

Hykesico 2023-03-16

May I ask what position you applied for? The external audit is so fast.

kyxtm 2023-03-15

Posted on 3.7, rejected immediately, failed plagiarism check
Resubmitted on 3.8 after reducing the similarity percentage
Under review on 3.9, probably assigned to 3 reviewers
Received evaluations from two reviewers on 3.15

Hykesico 2023-03-15

With Editor, can I send an email to ask?

geo-hazards 2023-03-14

Excuse me, it has been nearly half a month since Xiao Xiu returned with the editor. Is this normal? Is urging effective?

Hykesico 2023-03-14

1. Repetition Rate: While some textual similarity with previous publications can be expected, the quantity of similarity (exceeding 12%) goes beyond the normal occurrence of standard phrases in our field. JAG's policy is to publish new and original work. The journal uses CrossCheck, provided by iThenticate software, to check the originality of manuscripts. If six consecutive words are found to be the same as any existing publication, it will be flagged as a similarity issue.

2. Word Count: The current submission length exceeds the maximum length for research papers, as clearly stated in the journal's author guidelines. Specifically, the length of a research paper should not exceed 8,000 words. This includes the abstract, footnotes, tables, references, and appendix.

3. Abstract: The current abstract length exceeds the recommendation of JAG, which states that the abstract of a research paper should not exceed 250 words. Additionally, it lacks necessary highlights, namely 3 to 5 key points (each point not exceeding 85 characters, including spaces).

Hykesico 2023-03-07

Is the content of the table very brief, at most a few hundred words?

璐璐公主 2023-03-06

Does the word count include the content of the table?

雾海上的旅人 2023-02-28

Good journal, but it may be difficult to find reviewers due to the research direction. Waited for ten months to receive major revisions. Accepted two months later.

Hykesico 2023-02-26

The word count should not include contents like acknowledgements, supplementary material, etc. References, author information, titles, and similar content submitted in the manuscript should be counted as part of the word count.

szg-s 2023-02-23

May I ask if the following counts as Acknowledgements, References, author information, titles, and so on? Also, does putting it in the Supplementary Material count towards the word count?

Hykesico 2023-02-15

2023.2.12 submit, over 8K words (approximately 8500+) reject, modify and resubmit
2023.2.17 resubmit, modified to approximately 8100+
2023.2.19 with editor
2023.2.20 under review
2023.2.24 Review invitations accepted: 2
2023.3.20 Reviews completed: 2, Decision in Process
2023.3.20 reject (Both reviewers mentioned lack of innovation and asked numerous questions about parameter tuning. It's frustrating.)

Hykesico 2023-02-15

8500+ was rejected, but 8100+ was approved upon resubmission. The word count check is quite confusing. Additionally, for the "hightlights" requirement, each line cannot exceed 85 characters (including spaces).

Yangming_ak 2023-02-09

"References also count towards the word count."

54法师CE 2023-02-07

Hello, may I ask if the word count limit includes references?

王先生 2023-02-07

Can be provided, can also not be provided, but it is recommended to provide code and data to improve the readability of the paper.

ziduouyang 2023-02-03

Hello, may I ask if you need to provide the source code and raw data to the journal?

王先生 2023-01-30

2022/10/14 pm17:10 Submitted to Journal
2022/10/16 with editor
2022/10/18 under review (First reviewer agreed to review)
2022/11/11 under review (Second reviewer agreed to review)
2022/12/08 Major revision
2022/12/27 Revised and returned
2023/1/20 Accepted (Paper accepted)
2023/1/30 Paper online

大航海家 2023-01-16

10.10 Submitted to journal. Word count must be less than 8,000. Recommend converting to PDF for statistics. Line numbers also count as words.
10.10 With editor.
10.12 Under review.
11.02 Required Reviews Completed.
11.04 Decision in process.
11.05 Major revision suggested by three reviewers, including additional experiments.
11.22 With editor for revisions. Accepted the same day.
11.24 Under review.
12.08 Required Reviews Completed.
12.09 Accepted with one major revision and two significant revisions.
12.20 With editor.
12.21 Under review.
12.29 Required Reviews Completed.
01.03 Accepted with two minor revisions. One reviewer still has some doubts and the editor requested major revisions.
01.09 With editor for revisions.
01.13 Decision in process. Skipped review and accepted directly.
01.13 Accepted.
The speed was very fast, and the reviewers were very professional. The questions they raised were very sharp. The difficulty level was slightly above average.

quanfan 2022-11-24

Posted on September 3rd
Major overhaul in mid-October
Completion of repairs by late October
Second review in November
Online on November 24th
Taking less than three months in total, the overall speed is good. Hope the journal will continue to improve. Recommend it to slightly experienced beginners.

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