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DEPENGSUN 2022-05-05

Edited manuscript, editor assignment pending for 4 months.

litao45 2022-05-04

I also encountered the same problem. May I ask how the author resolved it? I have already added an acknowledgement of funding and a conflict of interest statement in front of the References.

litao45 2022-05-04

I have also encountered the same problem, but I have already added funding support and conflict of interest statements in front of the references. Why was it still rejected, and it was also your comments that required modification. How can the original poster resolve this issue?

阿斌仔 2022-04-24

A brief overview in the field of reliability research took a total of 4 and a half months to be accepted, which is quite efficient. Before submitting a review article, it is necessary to send an email to inquire whether the journal requirements are met, and only after obtaining permission can the article be submitted. The timeline is as follows:

- January 2, 2022: Submitted
- March 5, 2022: Minor revision
- April 7, 2022: Revised version submitted
- April 23, 2022: Accepted

There were only two reviewers, and one of their suggestions was quite reasonable, including the addition of a few charts. After making minor revisions, the editor should have made the decision to accept without sending it back to the reviewers, as the status remained "awaiting editor's decision" until April 22, possibly due to a high volume of submissions recently. The second review process took over two weeks to be processed.

Wishing everyone a successful submission and an early graduation!

日和星 2022-04-18

Too slow, what does the editing department do all day?

日和星 2022-04-18

It has been three months since the submission, but there hasn't been any feedback on the manuscript.

Chao He 2022-04-08

The article I submitted has been in a pending status since January 3rd. It's now April 8th and it's still in the same state. So frustrating...

xiaosheng 2022-04-08

It took 13 months, but I finally got accepted. Let me share my submission experience.

March 28, 2021: Submitted
June 16, 2021: Received feedback, and one foolish reviewer claimed I had submitted the same paper elsewhere (because my preprint was available online), without understanding the situation properly, and rejected my paper...
June 17, 2021 to September 7, 2021: Appealed for three months, and the editor finally agreed to let me resubmit.
September 8, 2021: Resubmitted
December 24, 2021: Received feedback, major revisions required.
January 16, 2021: Submitted revised manuscript
January 17, 2021 to April 3, 2021: Pending
April 4, 2021: I thought pending for three months meant it was finally stable, but the editor again claimed I had submitted the same paper elsewhere and rejected it again.
April 5, 2021: Made another appeal, explaining the situation in detail. The editor blamed it on the system glitch and asked me to submit again...
April 8, 2021: Accepted! Finally accepted. I really have nothing to say about this journal. It wasn't too difficult, but there were too many issues. Please, never choose preprints, they really messed me up...

rex 2022-04-07

The initial review of the journal took nearly 3 months to provide feedback on the manuscript. After receiving minor revision comments, it took 10 days to make the necessary revisions and resubmit.

13133533301 2022-04-07

My submission has been pending for five months. The pending time for this journal has been very long recently, exceeding three months. You can send an email to the editor-in-chief to inquire about it.

通通饿昏了 2022-04-07

Hello, may I ask how long it will take for the editor assignment pending after the repair? It has been in this state on my side all the time.

darryl 2022-04-07

May I ask how long it takes to provide proof after being hired?

13133533301 2022-04-07

2021.07.31 PDF Built
2021.07.31 Author Submission
2021.08.02 Return Submission after Technical Check
2021.08.02 PDF Built
2021.10.24 Major Revise
2021.12.01 Revised PDF Built by Author
2021.12.02 Editor assignment pending
2022.03.04 First Reminder
2022.04.03 Second Reminder
2022.04.06 Accept

伊人夕岸 2022-04-06

2021.09.09 submitted
2021.09.11 under review
2021.11.03 reviews completed
2021.11.25 major revision
2021.12.09 Revision submitted
2021.12.13 Editor assignment pending
2022.03.16 First reminder for submission
2022.03.21 Second reminder for submission
2022.03.22 accept

Uzi 2022-04-03

I would like to ask you all a question. I am using the LaTeX template of this journal on Overleaf. After submitting the LaTeX, I found that the generated PDF is all garbled and the compilation fails. I wonder if anyone has encountered the same situation as me, and how did you solve it? I seek guidance and would greatly appreciate it!

yy1212 2022-03-28

I am too, may I ask what the following process is?

Dr.奶爸 2022-03-26

This journal is crucial at this time! Approaching graduation, I was worried that my manuscript would be rejected and delay my time. I decisively chose to submit to IJAMT, and it took a total of 3 months from submission to acceptance. During the process, the required reviews took a long time, about 20 days. I sent an email to the editor to urge for the review, expressing that I was nearing graduation and this article could affect my graduation speed. The editor replied that two reviewers had provided their opinions and one reviewer had not yet given any feedback, but they would pay appropriate attention to it. After about 10 more days, the article was accepted after minor revisions, which was very efficient.

Scramber 2022-03-22

21 Mar 2022 Editor Decision Accept
01 Mar 2022 Receipt of Revision
21 Feb 2022 Editor Decision Minor Revise
04 Dec 2021 Author Submission

21 Mar 2022 Editor Decision Accept
01 Mar 2022 Receipt of Revision
21 Feb 2022 Editor Decision Minor Revise
04 Dec 2021 Author Submission

john.wang 2022-03-19

It has been pending for a month.

Windy 2022-03-18

After the same reminder, there has been no feedback, and the status has been pending all along. It has been three months today.

13133533301 2022-03-17

May I ask if the reminder letter needs to be sent by the corresponding author? I am the first author, and it has been two weeks since sending the reminder letter without any response.

李云哲 2022-03-17

May I ask if this journal charges a page fee?

LLLL 2022-03-10

Is the renovation complete? Will it still be reviewed?

ck向北飞 2022-03-08

How long does it usually take for you to receive the Proof email after accepting it?

Qwen 2022-02-26

May I ask how long it took for the original poster to be hired after the repair was done according to the unanimous opinion?

Windy 2022-02-26

After the reminder, there was no response or any movement. This journal is too slow. Could it be that these reviewers don't submit articles themselves? When I review for others, I upload my comments within 10 days, and it only takes half a day to finish it. It shouldn't be delayed for several months.

liushanbei 2022-02-26

I have encountered a similar situation before, with only one suggested modification and no response from the other reviewers for a long time. After three months of urging, the editor-in-chief decided not to wait any longer and replied according to the only suggested modification. After a minor revision, it was accepted directly.

Windy 2022-02-25

I also want to urge for the manuscript. It has been pending for over two months after the major revision.

ck向北飞 2022-02-24

Correction: February 21, 2022 - accept

ck向北飞 2022-02-24

October 5, 2021 - Submission
November 27, 2021 - Feedback received (major revisions)
December 23, 2021 - Resubmitted after major revisions
December 23, 2021 to February 20, 2022 - Pending
February 20, 2022 - Reminder letter
February 27, 2022 - Accepted
It took nearly 5 months, the initial review time was decent, but the pending time was long. These milestones are provided for reference, and I also wish everyone's paper to be accepted soon!

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