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IamAReader 2023-07-09

It is estimated that it is difficult to find reviewers, and the first review took nearly 6 months. Fortunately, the editor-in-chief is patient. The reviewers are internationally authoritative peers, and their evaluation is relatively positive. After careful revision, the article was accepted after the second review. Although this journal is not highly ranked in terms of field and impact factor, it is still considered one of the top three journals in computational mechanics by many scholars.

twtian 2022-11-25

One of the top journals in the field of computational mechanics, XFEM founder Ted Belytschko has basically published all his original papers on XFEM in this journal.

twtian 2022-11-25

Received the first-instance results after two months and eleven days. This is considered a normal time, right? Can you send an email to follow up?

YunFengBAI 2022-11-01

May I ask, how much does it cost to submit an article to this magazine?

YunFengBAI 2022-11-01

Excuse me, how much does this magazine cost?

Annia 2022-08-26

OP, hello. Our timelines are similar. I also submitted in March and then had my first revision on June 26. I still haven't received an email from the editor, and I'm a bit worried. Should I ask? Was your timeline exactly two months?

Harvey Ye 2022-08-26

I don't remember the exact dates,
Submission: March 2022
Revision: May 2022
Returned Manuscript: June 2022
Accepted: August 2022
Basically, there is a two-month cycle.

Annia 2022-08-24

Original text: 楼主,你好,为什么我的这么慢呢?一审都过去2个月了,还是没有音信,我要不要催催,催了会不会拒稿呢

Translation: Hi, OP, why is mine so slow? It has been 2 months since the initial review, and there is still no news. Should I remind them, or would that result in rejection?

Annia 2022-05-13

Original text: 楼主,你好,请问你是多久收到一审comments,我这个两个多月还在 under review

Translation: Hi OP, may I ask how long it took for you to receive first-round comments? Mine has been under review for over two months.

twtian 2022-03-24

submitted 11-Oct-2021
Revision option expired on 21-Jan-2022
Accept with Minor Revision (22-Dec-2021)
Accept (17-Mar-2022)


submitted 11-Oct-2021
Revision option expired on 21-Jan-2022
Accept with Minor Revision (22-Dec-2021)
Accept (17-Mar-2022)

HUANYU 2021-10-21

Hello, may I ask how you choose the "recommend editor" when submitting a manuscript?

YY0412 2021-10-04

The OP attached detailed information. It takes one month to receive a reply each time.
2021 04/22 Initial submission
2021 05/27 Decision received
2021 07/15 R1 submitted
2021 08/16 Decision received
2021 09/08 R2 submitted
2021 10/03 accepted

YY0412 2021-10-04

Submitted in mid-April, received revision information in mid-May, made a total of 2 revisions, with each revision taking a month to receive the information. Received acceptance information on October 4th, with a total duration of 5 and a half months, including 2 revisions.

Dynamo Pooh 2021-08-23

Without experiencing it oneself, do not advise others to be kind.

HC 2021-07-01

Don't worry about the journal not accepting a good paper, just switch to a better journal.

pskgg 2021-03-11

Waited for almost 4 months, only received one rejection letter with feedback from one editor, 2 unrelated and insignificant comments, making one doubt if they even carefully read the article, things that were clearly stated were claimed to be nonexistent, a meaningless waste of nearly 4 months, I have now blocked this journal. AE is Farhat, Charbel.

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