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一条充满了梦想的咸鱼 2023-08-09

INFPHY-D-23-009xx translates to "Institute of Physics, Department D, Document 23, File Number 009xx" in English.

黄小旺 2023-08-07

The status has not changed from July 19th, when the required reviews were completed, until August 7th... What is going on?

whz_spl 2023-07-23

This publication is a bit of a scam.

whz_spl 2023-07-23

Posted on October 4th.
Rejected on June 30th.
Both reviewers provided major revisions. The editor directly rejected the submission without giving a chance for resubmission.

钰宸 2023-07-12

2023.04.17 Under Review
2023.05.29 Under Review
2023.07.03 Required Reviews Completed
2023.07.10 Accept

斗破苍穹 2023-07-08

Fair and just, we do not consider one's background but the quality of the manuscript.

卡拉咪 2023-07-06

At that time, I chose this one based on the hiring cycle and acceptance rate I saw on the official website. It has been three months now and there is only one reviewer's opinion. I have sent a reminder letter but have not received a response. I don't know what to do now.

sbiter 2023-06-19

Feb 27: Submission
Mar 1: Rejected due to official formatting issues, allowed to resubmit, resubmitted
Apr 11: Received reviewer comments: major revisions required
Apr 20: Submitted revised manuscript
Jun 19: Accepted

钰宸 2023-06-06

May I ask how to use "track" to view the review status?

吃瓜王 2023-06-05

Under review for over three months, it was rejected. Using the tracking feature, it can be seen that the reviewer took a long time to accept the review invitation and did not review it, which is quite disgusting.

伫望向东 2023-06-05

Recently, some members of our research group also submitted papers and got accepted. The main factor for acceptance is still based on the content of the articles.

paper_king 2023-06-04

It has been 23 years now. Has the reviewing standard improved a lot?

ColinLee 2023-05-28

Record it.
Submitted OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING on May 24th, and the editor asked to transfer it to this journal.
Transferred to with editor since May 26th.

伫望向东 2023-05-23

Received in the past 20 years, only recently have I had the time to share some of the papers I have reviewed.

cleverg1 2023-05-23

Submitted in early April, based on this speed, it's already June and there's still no feedback from the review process...

cleverg1 2023-05-23

May I ask if you received it in the 23rd year?

cleverg1 2023-05-23

Why are there only 23 comments on a 20-year-old article? Could it be that it was actually published in May 2023?

伫望向东 2023-05-23

2020.2.18 Submission
2020.2.20 Sent for review
2020.5.6 Editor Harvey Rutt directly agreed to accept, what an amazing editor!!!

Bazen 2023-04-26

2022.12.17 Submission
2023.2.25 Major revision, 2 reviewer comments asking for experimental details, final objectives, and minor formatting revisions.
2023.3.24 Revised manuscript returned.
2023.4.17 Accepted.
2023.4.25 Contacting the publishing center.

Fortunately, I had good luck, maybe because the article was a good fit, so it went relatively fast.
Wishing everyone success in submitting their work :)

钰宸 2023-04-10

2023.02.28 Revision Submitted to Journal
2023.03.01 With Editor
2023.03.08 Under Review
2023.04.07 Required Reviews Completed
2023.04.07 Major Revision
2023.04.08 Revision Submitted to Journal
2023.04.09 With Editor
After the major revision was submitted, I forgot to respond to the comments, which resulted in another major revision. It was a careless mistake.

我是四姨夫123 2023-04-06

Accepted in March 2023, it took me one year.
This is my first submission, and the experience was extremely unpleasant.
Another article I submitted to a different journal was accepted in just two months.

东木cy 2023-04-04

2023.4.3 Under Review: This means that something is currently being evaluated or examined.

2023.4.4 Required Reviews Completed: This indicates that all the necessary evaluations or assessments have been finished.

吃瓜王 2023-04-04

Jan 11, 2023, submitted
Feb 21, 2023, under review
Still under review to this day.

catsiom 2023-03-11

Dec 01, 2022 submitted
Dec 24, 2022 major revision
Feb 01, 2023 revised
Feb 17, 2023 major revision
Feb 28, 2023 revised
Mar 4, 2023 accepted
The overall efficiency is quite high, and the editor is very responsible.

东木cy 2023-03-07

On March 7, 2023, it is still under review, and there has been no change in time. It is still the time for submission.

钰宸 2023-03-02

"My Slow" August 1, 2022 - March 1, 2023.

东木cy 2023-03-02

Excuse me, how long did it take to get to this step from submission?

陈大圣 2023-03-01

On March 1st, the first submission had an error. I sent an email to the editorial department for correction. Within 10 minutes, it was sent back for resubmission. The speed was still very fast.

钰宸 2023-03-01

2023.01.28 Under Review
2023.02.06 Required Reviews Completed
2023.02.18 Major Revision
2023.02.28 Revision Submitted to Journal

2023.01.28 Under Review
2023.02.06 Required Reviews Completed
2023.02.18 Major Revision
2023.02.28 Revision Submitted to Journal

东木cy 2023-01-28

2023.1.13 Submitted to journal
2023.1.13 With editor
2023.1.16 Under review

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