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ZTZT 2021-09-02

04 Jul 2021 - submit
05 Jul 2021 - with editor
07 Jul 2021 - with editor
15 Jul 2021 - under review
16 Jul 2021 - under review
17 Jul 2021 - under review
01 August 2021 - under review
17 August 2021 - Require review completed
24 August 2021 - Require review completed
25 August 2021 - decision in process
26 Sep 2021 - Transfer pending

Frank90 2021-08-19

How long did the first review take? How long did it take from submission to acceptance?

Frank90 2021-08-19

OP, how long did the first trial take?

Frank90 2021-08-19

What happened in the end? Did you win? Here is my timeline:
8.14 Committed
8.16 With Editor
8.17 With Deputy Editor
8.17 Under Review
8.18 Under Review

Joie 2021-08-18

Reference checking is conducted for journal citations. If a journal citation has a Scopus or CrossRef link, it has been verified. If "Not validated" is displayed, the citation could not be verified and is likely not a journal citation. Have any of you encountered this situation? What does it mean?

Joie 2021-08-18

I also want to know how long is the review time for the second trial after the major revision.

Joie 2021-08-18

The first two submissions were in PDF format. I don't know why, but when I tried to submit the revised version, I realized that the system no longer accepts PDF files. However, LaTeX is still acceptable.

MhaM 2021-08-02

Excuse me, sir, is it required to submit the manuscript in Word format?

KFC_Grandpa 2021-07-31

Written in December 2020
Submitted on March 28, 2021
First review on May 15, 2021
Submitted in early June 2021
Decision pending on June 30, 2021
Accepted after minor revisions on July 21, 2021, and submitted again the next day
Accepted on July 25, 2021

This is my first time submitting to SCI, and I'm fortunate to be accepted! My senior submitted to the same journal in January, and they still haven't received the first review. They emailed the editor-in-chief, who said the reviewers rejected the submission. It really depends on luck. The reviewers' comments were quite professional, and they had high expectations for grammar. They suggest getting professional help with grammar editing before submitting and including proof of it.

公渡 2021-07-30

Modified twice, it took a total of 1 year, and the review process was slightly long. The editor-in-chief requested language revisions for the second time, and after language polishing, it was finally accepted. The journal is very good, and the editor-in-chief is very responsible, except that the review speed is a bit rushed. Keep up the good work, graduation is within reach.

Joie 2021-07-22

I want to ask if the second trial is the same as the previous experts? How long does the second trial take?

Joie 2021-07-13

After resubmission, three months passed with no news. I then followed up once, and the editor said there were four reviewers. However, after two weeks, only three reviewers' comments were received, with one of them being the same expert as the previous review and thus not providing any suggestions. The other reviewer also did not provide any suggestions. Only the second reviewer had more comments, but overall, the suggestions for revision were good. I hope it can be accepted.

YiFeng 2021-07-09

The initial review took 10 months. There were two reminders in between, but there was no substantial acceleration. Perhaps this research is relatively niche, and suitable reviewers couldn't be found. In the end, there were only two reviewers. One of them provided acceptable opinions, which were just minor suggestions. The other reviewer only mentioned the lack of innovation without any other comments. As a result, the editor rejected the submission. It feels quite frustrating to wait for 10 months and still get rejected. It's a bit of a delay, and it can only be said that the review process is extremely slow. Please consider carefully when submitting, and I hope everyone has a smooth experience. I hope every manuscript will be handled promptly.

yumanman 2021-07-03

May I ask how long does it take to receive a response for the third review? Have additional reviewers been added? Thank you.

Eowyndd 2021-07-02

2021.2.10 submit
2021.2.12 with editor
2021.2.14 under review
2021.3.11 required reviews complete
2021.3.12 decision to revise
Reviewer 1 and 3 each raised two minor issues; Reviewer 2 raised 8 questions, very professional. We conducted additional experiments, which took over a month. The editor allowed 40 days for revisions, luckily all the issues were resolved.
2021.4.17 re-submit
2021.4.19 with editor
2021.4.24 under review
2021.6.20 decision to revise
Minor revisions, both Reviewer 1 and 3 agreed for publication, Reviewer 2 had no comments, possibly due to lack of time for review. The editor raised two minor issues, such as language polishing and limiting references to 50.
2021.6.30 re-submit
2021.7.1 accept
2021.7.2 proofreading
It's my first time submitting on INS, not as experienced as you experts, but I still wanted to share my submission experience. Also, special thanks to the reviewers and editor for their considerate feedback and fast review process!

cyber insecurity 2021-07-01

I submitted it in January this year, and it was accepted after exactly five months. There were three rounds of reviewers and one round of the editor. The questions asked were average, focusing more on grammar and rhetoric. However, I was too timid and didn't argue with them, so I made the revisions honestly. But their system is really annoying. When I received the final confirmation for revisions, I found out that they used the version after my second modification instead of the latest one.

Pisc 2021-07-01

The second review has been with the editor for 20 days and I dare not push or ask about it.

lingling's 2021-06-29

May I ask where did you find this latex template for the magazine? How should I submit it?

少爷阿斌 2021-06-20

It took half a year to complete one paper in the field of neural networks. The overall efficiency is acceptable, but the language requirements are high. It is recommended to submit and give it a try, but it is unknown if it will consistently remain in the top tier.

寒江独钓9527 2021-06-18

How do I submit the manuscript? That garbage submission system doesn't work at all! Uploading the manuscript (including abstract) in PDF format is not acceptable!! The automatic generation is not functioning properly, and it cannot perform the final step of generating the file. After setting the LaTeX file as Manuscript (including abstract), the resulting final PDF file is mostly a mess of random formatting and content.

alanxuji 2021-06-09

Indeed, the amount of accepted submissions is quite large. However, if you look at the number of submissions, you will be astonished by the large volume. They are employing a strategy of "selling goods in heaps"!

大沙包 2021-06-04

Two reviewers, their opinions were okay, both mentioned that the work was interesting and provided some suggestions on the experiments. However, the editor-in-chief directly rejected it... A journal that publishes over 800 papers a year, quite proud, huh? Are rejections based on mood? Then why bother reviewing manuscripts?

水货小硕 2021-06-03

Update on the submission process:
2021.2.28 Paper submission
2021.5.10 Major revisions after the first review: Received feedback from three reviewers, suspected to be a prestigious research team, their comments were very insightful, mainly suggesting the inclusion of a significant number of experiments.
2021.6.20 Revised manuscript returned (still under modification)

WINJCS 2021-06-03

The reason for choosing Information Sciences as the first submission to an SCI journal is mainly because the overall quality and weight of the paper are sufficient, and the workload of the proposed plan and experiments gives a heavy feeling. Now let's talk about the acceptance process.

First round: Reviewer feedback received in 28 days - major revision, really fast. The two reviewers provided a total of about ten comments, which were not particularly sharp, mainly including the need to add comparisons between plans, an overview of the plans, and an explanation of the experimental settings. It took about 20 days to respond to the revisions (with about 4 rounds of revisions).

Second round: Reviewer feedback received in about 40 days - acceptance. Due to careful analysis and response to the reviewers' comments, I was fortunate enough to go directly from major revision to acceptance.

To summarize, the journal's quality is still very high, and it has high language requirements. It is best to carefully revise the manuscript before submission, use appropriate wording, and it will help the paper to be accepted sooner. Finally, I wish everyone success!

NPU 2021-06-02

Will this journal be demoted to Zone 2 non-TOP?

xiaomimi 2021-06-02

Explain why your thesis is not good, so the editor-in-chief does not want to publish it. Can't just blame the journal for rejecting it, right?

Songwtc 2021-06-01

Avoid submitting to this journal. I submitted on Double 11 last year, and it took 47 days for the editor to handle it. I had to remind them before it went under review. It was not until May 30th this year that I received the first review result. There were two reviewers, and the questions they raised were easily addressed. The second reviewer even praised my paper for being interesting and having several innovative points. However, the final decision from the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Witold Pedrycz, was, "I regret to inform you that, in view of the comments made, we are unable to publish your work in Information Sciences." This editor is really disappointing. I think the associate editor and the reviewers wanted major revisions, but the editor did not want it. There was nothing I could do, it's really frustrating. Another professor from our institute also submitted to this journal, and even after revising as per the requirements, the editor still rejected their paper. It's a waste of money to pay for revisions. This editor is truly disappointing.

论文君 2021-05-24

Have you submitted it? Manuscript cannot be selected for submission in PDF format, and Latex cannot be compiled. It seems like the only option is to submit in Word format.

10+SCI 2021-05-24

Is the PDF generated when submitting the LaTeX version garbled?

1936352208@qq.com 2021-05-21

2021.4.20 Submitted to journal
2021.4.23 With editor
2021.4.27 Under review
2021.4.28 Under review
2021.5.10 Under review
The "under review" status changed three times, indicating that there may be reviewer comments or new reviewers assigned. I will continue to provide updates on the progress of the article for your reference.

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