注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Denxiao 2022-09-29

The journals under IEEE Transactions are generally quite formal and rigorous. There are a total of three reviewers for the first review, and their comments accumulated to as many as 8 pages. The comments are both objective and professional, and I responded with 24 pages. For the second review, there were only two reviewers with comments, and I replied with 16 pages. My paper is only 13 pages long.

By the way, although this journal is not open access and does not have article processing charges (APC), there are requirements for the number of pages. It seems that there is a charge for exceeding 8 pages, and it is divided into different tiers: a fee for 8-10 pages, and another fee for exceeding 10 pages. The downside is that the first review process is too long, a full 4 months. How many doctoral students can afford four months just for review? It's fortunate that it wasn't rejected, as the cost of nearly half a year would be unacceptable. I always believe that being non-open access should not be a reason for a long review cycle.

Lastly, I would like to mention that although this journal is in the third tier of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, IEEE Transactions has a great reputation. I hope this journal can steadily improve.

Denxiao 2022-09-29

2021.12.28 - Submitted
2022.4.10 - Received first decision - Major
2022.5.9 - First revision
2022.6.1 - Awaiting recommendation
2022.6.13 - Awaiting decision
2022.6.14 - Minor revision
2022.6.24 - Second revision (Under review)
2022.7.12 - Awaiting recommendation
2022.8.11 - Awaiting decision
2022.8.13 - Accepted after review
2022.8.16 - Transfer copyright
2022.8.20 - Online published
2022.9.27 - Final official publication (with volume and issue number)

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