注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Samsara 2023-04-08

The review process is slow, and it is continuously being updated.
Mar 22 2023 12:21AM Manuscript Submitted
Apr 7 2023 8:58PM With Editor

脱发小卫星 2023-04-08

Does anyone know the contact information for Deputy Editor Kurt Barbe?

学术蜗牛 2023-04-07

Maybe we need to find a new reviewer.

zhengzkang 2023-04-07

It has been almost a month under review, and the date in the middle has not changed. It changed today. Does anyone know the reason for this? I really want to know.

风之小翼 2023-04-06

Hello, may I ask how things are going now?

letpubSCU123 2023-04-05

The translation of "4.5 Accept" into English is the same.

letpubSCU123 2023-04-04

4.4 Decision in Process: This means that a decision is currently being made or considered.

学术蜗牛 2023-04-03

Updated 2023.04.03 Major Revision Required

学术蜗牛 2023-04-03

2023.04.03 Major Revision Required
2023.04.22 Revised manuscript submitted
2023.04.29 With editor
2023.05.02 Under review
2023.06.13 Required reviews completed
2023.06.13 Decision in process
2023.06.18 Accept

letpubSCU123 2023-04-03

4.2 Required Reviews Completed

学术蜗牛 2023-04-02

No result, still waiting for editing processing.

彼岸花语123 2023-04-02

Excuse me, OP, can the images in the final submitted checklist be converted into PDF and submitted for each picture in the article?

彼岸花语123 2023-04-02

November 25, 2022, 4:41 am - Submitted to journal
December 21, 2022, 8:15 am - With editor
January 4, 2023, 11:25 pm - Under review
February 6, 2023, 11:25 pm - Major revision
February 25, 2023, 9:22 am - Revised manuscript submitted
March 12, 2023 - Under review
March 26, 2023 - Reviewer completed
March 28, 2023 - Decision in process
April 2, 2023 - Accepted

杨现实 2023-04-02

How is it? Did you get the result?

杨现实 2023-04-02

How is it? Did you get any results?

Hoki Yang 2023-04-01

2022.11.02 Manuscript Submitted
2022.12.27 Under Review
2023.01.22 Major Revision
2023.02.08 Revision Submitted
2023.03.19 Minor Revision
2023.03.21 Revision Submitted
2023.03.24 Accept

First time submitting to TIM, apart from the slightly long time interval between submission and "With Editor," everything else is great.

杨现实 2023-04-01

Mar 23 2023 9:48AM Required Reviews Completed.

Translation: The required reviews have been completed on March 23, 2023 at 9:48 AM.

学术蜗牛 2023-03-31

"You're not bad."

蹦跳的土豆丝 2023-03-31

Mar 19 2023 8:35AM Required Reviews Completed
Mar 20 2023 2:33AM Decision in Process
Mar 20 2023 4:17AM Major Revision Required

Mar 19 2023 8:35AM Required Reviews Completed
Mar 20 2023 2:33AM Decision in Process
Mar 20 2023 4:17AM Major Revision Required

学术蜗牛 2023-03-31

I don't know why I have become so fast. It took only a few hours from RRC to DIP.

杨现实 2023-03-31

I'm still in this condition since the 23rd of RRC.

学术蜗牛 2023-03-31

2022.12.08 Submitted
2023.1.07 With Editor
2023.1.20 Under Review
2023.3.30 Required Review Completed
2023.3.30 Decision in Process
Currently awaiting editor's handling, hoping for a smooth process. Just a major revision would be satisfying, it has already been four months.

杨现实 2023-03-30

Today is still RRC.

yuhaio 2023-03-30

Has your RRC time changed as well?

杨现实 2023-03-30

I haven't changed my status for a week already, am I out of luck?

zou 2023-03-29

Will non-subscribing authors not receive emails?

彼岸花语123 2023-03-29

Has RRC time changed?

杨现实 2023-03-29

It has been 6 days already, is it over?

杨现实 2023-03-29

Hello, may I ask for a favor? I started the "Required Reviews Completed" process on the 23rd, and it is still in this status. Is this normal? I'm getting really anxious now.

小饼干小心肝 2023-03-28

Can only communicate through messages to submit and view the process, so there is no accurate time comparison. Here is a rough reference for everyone.

From the first submission to acceptance, it went through a major revision, rejection and re-submission, and a minor revision, taking a total of over 1 year and 1 month.

Feb 16 2022 SUBMIT
May 18 2022 REJECT and INVITE
Feb 13 2023 Under Review
Mar 13 2023 ACCEPT

Wishing all researchers good luck and may they accumulate strength through accumulating luck. Let's all work hard!

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