注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

effusive silence 2021-05-09

Submission for Christmas 2020, received first revision letter from AE at the end of February 2021. Major revision and 3 weeks given for revision.

There were three reviewers assigned, and it seems lucky that one of them did not provide any comments. The other two reviewers had a total of 7 comments, mainly covering issues related to applicability and comparative analysis, as well as a common request from the AE and reviewers to conduct additional experiments.

The experiments were completed by the deadline for major revisions, and a response letter of over 40 pages and a revised manuscript of 10 pages were submitted.

One month later, a minor revision request was received. The previous reviewers were satisfied, but the newly added reviewer felt that there was an imbalance between the content in the response letter and the paper, and suggested a major revision. However, the AE requested only minor revisions.

The revisions were completed on April 12th, and the paper was accepted on May 1st, after a 4-month process. This paper discusses measurement methods for photonic sensors, and the TIM journal is considered one of the best in this field. It must be said that the reviewers were very professional, and the article's quality improved significantly based on the major revisions. Overall, the journal has high efficiency in handling submissions, provides a good submission experience, focuses on innovation and experiments, and has a high level of authority in the field of measurement.

小鱼儿哇 2021-05-09

Top journal, TIM has a long history and a good reputation, with many masterpieces of the experts published in this journal.
Submitted in December last year, received reviewer comments in March this year, and after major revisions, it was accepted for publication.

GGidea 2021-05-07

Borrowing the building to continue from the previous.
Apr 19, 2021, 11:59 PM - Deadline
Apr 19, 2021, 1:24 AM - Revised Manuscript Submitted
Apr 20, 2021, 2:30 PM - With Editor
Apr 21, 2021, 8:55 PM - Under Review
Apr 27, 2021, 4:45 AM - Accept
After being rejected and resubmitted with major revisions, the article was finally accepted. It took a total of 4 months. The journal's review process was efficient, with the review results being provided in about 20 days. PS. These records were written down by myself.

老杨同学 2021-05-06

3.17投出 - Submitted on March 17th
4.30返回一审结果:大修 - First review result returned on April 30th: Major revisions required
其中一个审稿人让公开源代码,请问我该怎么回复? - One of the reviewers asked for the source code to be made public, how should I respond?
我能不能回复“如果文章能发表,我会公开源码”? - Can I reply, "If the article is accepted, I will make the source code public"?

仰望星空- 2021-05-05

The final time is 2021, a typographical error.

仰望星空- 2021-05-05

Measurement, diagnosis field's well-established trans, highly recognized, with a good reputation, finally succeeded after being rejected and resubmitted, taking eight months.
October 2020: Submission
December 2020: Rejection
January 2021: Resubmission
March 2022: Major revision
May 2022: Accepted after revision.

自由如风。 2021-05-03

The first SCI paper of my life, with an impact factor of around 3. The content is relatively simple in the translation section, and the entire submission process went unexpectedly smoothly. However, being able to get it published is still very exciting! Although I have met the graduation requirements, I still need to work harder in the future. I will try to translate more difficult texts. Let's go!

芭芭拉 2021-04-26

Supplement: Revised for the third time on April 14th.

芭芭拉 2021-04-26

December 29, 2020, all subsequent years are 2021.

芭芭拉 2021-04-26

December 29th submission
January 24th first review feedback: major revisions required;
February 14th revised
February 28th second review feedback: minor revisions; two reviewers approved, one reviewer suggested conducting hypothesis testing
March 11th revised
April 2nd third review feedback: the inappropriate method was used for hypothesis testing in the previous revision, realized it after revising it themselves. The reviewer was very nice and patient, and they selected the appropriate hypothesis testing method.
April 18th acceptance!
The reviewers were responsible and relatively fast. There was a misunderstanding of the suggestion for hypothesis testing during the first review. If it had been understood at that time, it is likely that the paper would have been accepted after major revisions. The suggestions made by other reviewers were sharp, professional, and ensured a high standard of paper quality.

巨馍蘸酱er 2021-04-23

May I ask how to see such detailed manuscript dynamics? Is it from the new EM system or the previous system?

GGidea 2021-04-23

Dec 29, 2020 5:59AM - With Editor
Dec 29, 2020 8:48PM - Under Review
Jan 2, 2021 10:53PM - Under Review
Jan 23, 2021 3:23AM - Decision in Process
Jan 25, 2021 1:00AM - Reject&Resubmit
Resubmit in 3 weeks...
Feb 19, 2021 3:06AM - Submitted
Feb 21, 2021 3:22AM - With Editor
Feb 21, 2021 8:04PM - Under Review
Feb 24, 2021 8:39PM - Under Review
Mar 18, 2021 7:47PM - Decision in Process
Feb 19, 2021 3:06AM - Major Revision

GGidea 2021-04-23

After resubmission, the manuscript will be sent to the previous reviewers, and one additional reviewer has been added. The previous reviewers were satisfied with the revisions, while the new reviewer raised some questions, and the editor requested major revisions. The following is the submission process (unfinished) for reference only. Overall, the review process is quite fast, taking about 20 days on average.

巨馍蘸酱er 2021-04-23

After a month and a half of submission, the rejection was received, and after making revisions for another month and a half, it was resubmitted with uncertain results.

I would like to ask whether there will be new reviewers added after the resubmission of the rejected manuscript, apart from the initial reviewers. What is the probability of acceptance after resubmission?

20岁的肉体 2021-04-06

May I ask how long it took for you to be hired for online publication?

asdfg 2021-03-28

2020.7.3 First submission, three reviewers
8.8 Rejection given by the editor

8.16 Gathered courage to resubmit after making revisions
9.16 Same three reviewers as before, major revisions suggested by the editor
10.5 Revised manuscript submitted
November Editor suggests resubmission after rejection

12.15 Third submission
2021.1.20 Major revisions
2.4 Revised manuscript submitted
3.6 Minor revisions, relieved to see it finally being minor revisions, all reviewers except the first one agreed that there were no issues. The first reviewer mentioned problems with the textual description of the paper, stating it resembled a conference paper. Although the editor suggested minor revisions, significant changes were made to both the simulation and experimental sections, fearing another rejection...
3.13 Revised manuscript submitted
3.25 Decision in process
3.27 Reviewer who consistently provided new suggestions for the paper felt satisfied with the modifications. Ultimately accepted.

Submission - Rejection - Resubmission - Major revisions - Resubmission after rejection suggestion - Resubmission - Major revisions - Minor revisions - Acceptance, a difficult process!

nevo 2021-03-17

May I ask how much is the layout fee for this journal?

taro3144 2021-03-08

2020.12.02 Submission (Submitted a version at the end of November, but was rejected by the associate editor for not meeting the journal's requirements)
2021.01.06 Major revision (Given 3 weeks to make revisions)
2021.01.17 Resubmission
2021.03.06 Acceptance

taro3144 2021-03-08

2020.12.02 Submission (Submitted at the end of November, directly rejected by the associate editor on the grounds of not being within the scope of the journal)
2020.01.06 Major Revision (Given 3 weeks for revision)
2020.01.17 Resubmission
2020.03.06 Acceptance

哈哈123321 2021-03-06

November 26, 2020 Waiting for Editing Assignment
November 30, 2020 Under Review
December 25, 2020 Decision in Process
December 27, 2020 Major Revision
January 21, 2021 Submitted
January 25, 2021 Under Review
February 5, 2021 Decision in Process
February 9, 2021 Minor Revision
February 18, 2021 Submitted
March 5, 2021 Accept

taro3144 2021-03-05

How long did it take for your status to change from "decision in process" to "accept"?

taro3144 2021-02-28

May I ask how to determine whether the reviewer's comments suggest minor revisions or major revisions? The letter from the editor did not mention anything about minor or major revisions.

坚强的胡萝卜 2021-02-25

Submitted at the end of October 2020, feedback was received in mid-December. The first two reviewers raised many questions, most of which were incisive. The third reviewer only suggested grammar revisions. After making the necessary revisions, the paper was resubmitted in early January. Minor revisions were requested in early February, and after submitting the revised version, the paper was directly accepted by the editor. The reviewers and editor were all good, and the review process was not slow. Although the impact factor is not very high, it has been increasing every year. Currently, the journal is in the second quartile, and it is believed that it will improve further in the future.

xxq 2021-02-25

The first review returned after three months, with three reviewers. One acceptance, two major revisions were suggested, and the editor gave a rejection with an invitation to resubmit.

After making revisions, the paper was resubmitted and the editor found two more reviewers. In the first round, all three reviewers agreed to accept the paper. In the second round, one major revision and one minor revision were suggested, and the editor gave a minor revision. The acceptance came one month after the revisions.

Overall, the reviewers were very diligent, and emphasized the need for sufficient experimental validation. The difficulty of acceptance was high, but the impact factor is not high, it is in the second quartile.

科研小汪求待见 2021-02-24

Submitted at the end of December, made several format revisions and resubmitted;
The review process took one month, both reviewers are experts in the field;
The editor gave a reject decision without offering a chance for further revisions and resubmission;
The reason for this may be because the paper was previously classified as a top-tier publication in Zone 1, and being an established IEEE Trans journal, there has been a surge in submissions from Chinese researchers, causing the journal to strive for excellence...

DDDor1Mi 2021-01-20

Submitted in the first half of July, recommended for rejection and resubmission.
Resubmitted in mid-September, major revisions made in late October, but the changes were not difficult as it was related to the wording. It took two weeks to receive feedback after resubmission.
Manuscript received on September 13, 2020;
revised on October 21, 2020;
accepted on November 5, 2020.
Date of publication: November 16, 2020 (online);
date of current version: December 24, 2020 (published).

pegn 2021-01-12

It has been almost five months, and the outcome is unknown.

孤独的伤 2021-01-12

This journal has general requirements. I have published two papers in the past 20 years. The review process is very fast compared to other similar journals.

cluo 2021-01-08

Continuing, this trans is a well-established brand. Although its interface and partitioning aren't very advanced, it is still a very good representative work.

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