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智能和机械 2021-10-18

May I ask how long does it usually take for "Decision in process" to be completed? It has been more than a day for me and there is still no result, while the previous time it only took two hours to get a result.

pegn 2021-10-17

Will change the reviewer.

pegn 2021-10-17

Generally, several reviewers.

cluo 2021-10-15

You can disregard this.

风之小翼 2021-10-15

Have you provided the Chinese author's name? I am also eager to know how to handle it. Thank you!

pegn 2021-10-15

Good luck comes quickly, but bad luck comes slowly.

cluo 2021-10-15

Some fast, some slow.

DDkk 2021-10-14


风之小翼 2021-10-14

7.5 Submission
8.10 Major Revision Feedback
8.30 Revised
10.13 Accepted
The second review is even slower than the first one, almost thought it would be a disaster...
Thanks to the journal, thanks to the reviewers.

Pubsuccess 2021-10-05

Just checked, the explanation should be this. Once the assigned reviewer clicks on the accept or reject button in the review invitation email, the status date will be updated. If it is a rejection, one of the alternative reviewers will be automatically selected by the system and sent an invitation email (the editorial board doesn't need to do anything), which is why the update is so fast.

cool 2021-10-04

I haven't received the review comments yet, and I'm feeling too anxious waiting...

Pubsuccess 2021-10-04

Has your review comments come back?

Pubsuccess 2021-10-04

10.3PM Under Review

Pubsuccess 2021-10-03

10.3 The status has been updated, still with editor.

Pubsuccess 2021-09-30

26submitted means that something has been sent or handed in, typically in reference to a document or a form.

29with editor means that something has been sent to an editor or is being dealt with by an editor.

cool 2021-09-30

This is related to editing, and it will take me about 10 days.

Pubsuccess 2021-09-29

How long does it take from "submitted" to "under review"?

cool 2021-09-28

I would like to ask everyone, why does the "under review" time vary so much?

cool 2021-09-28

Sep 11, 2021 11:56 PM - Under Review
Sep 12, 2021 4:24 PM - Under Review
Sep 13, 2021 4:25 AM - Under Review
Sep 15, 2021 5:57 AM - Under Review
Sep 16, 2021 7:56 AM - Under Review
Sep 17, 2021 7:43 AM - Under Review
Sep 17, 2021 12:55 PM - Under Review
Sep 18, 2021 12:51 AM - Under Review

Sep 23, 2021 3:28 PM - Under Review
Sep 27, 2021 5:38 AM - Under Review
Sep 27, 2021 8:10 AM - Under Review
Sep 28, 2021 3:29 AM - Under Review

sanctitude 2021-09-24

2021.3 First submission
2021.5 Review comments returned, rejected and resubmitted (three reviewers, one minor revision accepted, one rejection, one revision, editor rejected and resubmitted)
2021.6.27 Resubmission
2021.7.29 Minor revision (three reviewers, two agreed to accept for the first time, one rejected due to lack of innovation, editor requested minor revision)
2021.8.5 Minor revision revised
2021.8.31 Minor revision (only the previous reviewer, still questioning innovation, editor still requested minor revision)
2021.9.9 Minor revision revised
2021.9.24 Accepted (no review, editor directly accepted)

小法师wjl 2021-09-22

I would like to ask if the "native language name" in the employment email is required or optional?

ye2019 2021-09-16

Currently, the required reviews have been completed. I am extremely anxious.

青山古松 2021-09-15

2021-7-15-Major revision
2021-8-22-Minor revision

The teacher urged me to submit this journal. The reviewers have a high level of theoretical and engineering expertise, and it is also a well-established journal in the field. It is highly recognized within the industry.

风之小翼 2021-09-12

2 days after major repairs with editor, 7 days under review, and another 7 days passed without any change in status.

ZHAO J C 2021-09-11

How many days after the major repair submission does it become "Under review"?

ZHAO J C 2021-09-11

It has been five days since the major repair was submitted and it still shows as submitted successfully, which is normal.

主观臆断 2021-09-10

4.24 Submission
6.5 Rejection and Resubmission
6.29 Resubmission
8.10 Minor revisions
8.15 Revised draft with price increase
8.23 Acceptance

SUNRISE 2021-09-10

2021.04.21 Submission
2021.05.17 Suggested rejection and resubmission
2021.07.10 Resubmission
2021.08.10 Minor revisions
2021.08.20 Revised
2021.09.07 Accepted

pegn 2021-09-08

Several reviewers a

pegn 2021-09-08

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