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BIT-ZT 2023-06-16

Xiao Xiuxiu has returned for one month already, and is still under review.

Kovalente 2023-06-15

In the second review result, one did not provide any comments, one agreed to publish, and another one suggested a major revision.

Kovalente 2023-06-15

I would like to ask, even after the third revision, will it still be rejected?

yuxxx111 2023-06-14

Thank you, my major overhaul has been submitted for 3 weeks, but it is still assigned to AE. Good luck!

Xiangkai Shen 2023-06-14

Status update:
On June 8th, the status changed to "Awaiting AE Recommendation." Personally, I speculate that it means the revised manuscript has been sent for review, but the system status has not been updated. As of now, the status remains "Awaiting AE Recommendation." Good luck!

yuxxx111 2023-06-13

Is it still assigned to AE now?

yuxxx111 2023-06-13

I've been waiting for AE's recommendation for one and a half months.

Mr.ZHU 2023-06-13

The current state has not changed.

小于师兄 2023-06-13

Brother, what's the situation now?

Mr.ZHU 2023-06-08

23.5.9 Submitted, assigned to AE
23.5.11 Under review
23.6.8 Awaiting AE Recommendation

Xiangkai Shen 2023-06-02

No change. It has been a month already and it is still assigned to AE. I can only wait and see slowly... Maybe the associate editor is too busy. Good luck!

yuxxx111 2023-06-02

Mine too, have you received any news today?

Xiangkai Shen 2023-05-28

Major revisions have been returned, but it has been over three weeks in the "Assigned to AE" status. Is it because the system hasn't been updated or is the editor-in-chief too busy? Has anyone encountered this situation recently?

关注MeUmy喵 2023-05-27

The first two reviews were conducted quickly, and the questions raised were insightful.
2022.11.29: Submitted
2022.12.4: Under review
2023.01.13: Major revisions
2023.02.23: Submitted revision 1
2023.03.10: Major revisions
2023.04.09: Submitted revision 2
2023.05.27: Accepted

诸神叹息 2023-05-25

The journal has a fast review speed, and the reviewers are very professional.

Submitted on 14th December 2022.
Major revision suggested on 29th January 2023 (Five reviewers, four positive and one negative).
Resubmitted on 12th March 2023.
Minor revision suggested on 4th April 2023 (Two reviewers agreed for publication, one reviewer did not provide any comments, and another reviewer agreed but raised two concerns. In the end, the negative reviewer no longer insisted and proposed one modification).
Resubmitted on 25th April 2023.
Accepted on 25th May 2023.

LLLLLuh 2023-05-21

Hello, may I ask if the page limit for resubmission after rejection is still eight and a half pages?

Carraway 2023-05-16

The third submission to TIE underwent major revisions three times before finally being accepted (by 7 reviewers). The second submission was rejected (with only three reviewers, none of whom understood my article). This time, I am just trying my luck and not expecting much. I only hope to receive the review comments within approximately 45 days, following the usual practice in the field of electrical engineering.

Carraway 2023-05-16

2023.05.09 submit - Submitted on May 9, 2023.
2023.05.11 in eic office - In the EIC office on May 11, 2023.
2023.05.13 assigned to ae - Assigned to AE on May 13, 2023.
2023.05.14 under review - Under review as of May 14, 2023.

清晨看露 2023-05-09

2023.4.30 submit
2023.5.1 in EIC office
2023.5.9 assigned to AE, under review
2023.7.10 awaiting AE recommendation

Submitted on April 30th, 2023
In the EIC office on May 1st, 2023
Assigned to AE and currently under review since May 9th, 2023
Awaiting AE recommendation as of July 10th, 2023

在读博士,求PE 2023-04-26

You see, those early access papers are just a few pages long. I've seen some that are around 10 pages, and there are even some that are 14 or 15 pages long.

蜚声 2023-04-25

Not yet revised, it is said to be within 9.5 pages.

assetssci 2023-04-24

Hello, I used my account (first author) to submit the paper, and the supervisor (second author) was marked as the corresponding author in the manuscript. Now it has been accepted and I am asked to confirm authorship in the IEEE author gateway. The confirmation question is whether I am the corresponding author or a coauthor (without separate distinction for corresponding and coauthor). However, after confirming, I found that in the article details, I am listed as the corresponding author. Should I make changes in the subsequent proof or will the final publication information follow the manuscript annotation? Looking forward to your response, thank you very much.

assetssci 2023-04-24

Hello, I used my account to submit the paper, with the supervisor marked as the corresponding author in the manuscript. Now it has been accepted and I have been asked to confirm authorship in the IEEE author gateway. The confirmation question is whether I am the corresponding author or a coauthor (corresponding and coauthor are not separately distinguished). However, after confirming, I found that in the article details, I am listed as the corresponding author. Should I make changes in the subsequent proof or will the final publication information be based on the manuscript's annotation? Looking forward to your reply, thank you very much.

assetssci 2023-04-24

Hello, I used my account to submit the paper. The corresponding author, as indicated by the supervisor in the manuscript, has now been accepted. They asked me to confirm authorship in the IEEE author gateway, specifying whether I am the corresponding author or a coauthor (without distinguishing between corresponding and coauthor separately). However, after confirming, I noticed that in the article details, I am listed as the corresponding author. Should I make changes in the subsequent proof or will the final publication information be based on the annotation in the manuscript? I look forward to your reply. Thank you very much.

slowlyandfirmly 2023-04-18

I have also been in the EIC office for more than ten days. Why is that? It should normally be reviewed quickly. Are they under pressure with submissions? Is it necessary to send an email to inquire about it?

bitwjc 2023-04-18

May I ask, how long is the final revised version, OP?

梦的城南 2023-04-18

I would like to ask everyone, has anyone ever submitted to TIE but got rejected because it didn't fit the direction? Would you recommend submitting to TII instead? After completing the redirect link in the email, I couldn't find my submitted manuscript in TII's system. Is there a delay or something? If anyone has had a similar experience, please kindly let me know.

Howie123 2023-04-16

The lack of experimental verification should be the reason why you did not introduce the hardware components. An experimental rig, which must be used by the authors for verification, must contain hardware components other than a PC/laptop. Experimental verification requires the inclusion of hardware components other than a computer.

小怪兽5541 2023-04-15

My paper was with the EIC for 17 days when it was just submitted. Now it has been with the EIC for another 9 days after the review.

Mike_Zhao 2023-04-13

The submission has been at the EIC office for three weeks now, and there is still no progress.

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