注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

RICARD 2023-08-07

Add a case:
2022.12.08 submit
2023.03.02 major revision
2023.04.06 submit
2023.06.26 minor revision
2023.07.03 submit
2023.08.07 accept

a1425508580 2023-07-21

Hello, I would like to ask you, in my first review, there were only two reviewers and one associate editor. They gave me a major revision, but the comments were satisfactory. Do you think I have a good chance of being accepted? I'm feeling a bit anxious...

北纬30度 2023-07-11

The reason is that the number of pages exceeds 12 pages, and it has already been successfully under review.

Rain 2023-07-10

Has the original poster received the email? What is the reason?

Sirius083 2023-06-07

Hello, may I ask if there are any other statuses in the submission system between "awaiting admin processing" and "under review"? Thank you!

Sirius083 2023-06-07

Hello, are there any other statuses between "Awaiting Admin Processing" and "Under Review" in the submission system? For example, "With Editor" or "Editor Invited". Thank you!


It is said that the number of submissions this year is extremely large, and many of them have been rejected. The submissions for the Trans series this year were also very high, and the editors rejected them if they were not satisfactory in any way.

等待 2023-06-06

There is a formatting error, I will send you an email in a few days to ask for the correction.

北纬30度 2023-06-06

A few days later, the system status changed from "submitted" to "draft returned by administrator." What does this mean? Is it a formatting error? There was no email guidance.

科研-婷婷 2023-05-19

My first opinion is a major revision. I would like to ask if all the updated content in the manuscript needs to be highlighted, or is it sufficient to only mark the changes related to the reviewers' comments? Besides the comments, I have also made many other modifications.

小菜鸟 2023-04-27

I am really worried that after the change of editor-in-chief, TFS has also started to have the option of rejecting and resubmitting. Previously, I have submitted many times and either got rejected or received major revisions, then minor revisions, and finally acceptance. I am very worried that the new Chinese editor-in-chief will follow the same pattern as TCYB, rejecting and resubmitting like crazy to increase the impact factor and rejection rate.

小菜鸟 2023-04-27

After the change of editor-in-chief, TFS has started to have the option of rejecting and resubmitting articles, which is really worrying. Previously, I have submitted many times and either received rejection or major revisions, followed by minor revisions, and finally acceptance. I am very worried that the new Chinese editor-in-chief will act like SHI from TCYB, rejecting and resubmitting articles crazily to increase the impact factor and rejection rate.

V 2023-03-28

Need to submit a response letter, and highlight the modifications in the manuscript, same as major revisions.

科研-婷婷 2023-03-27

Do I need to submit a revision statement when resubmitting after a rejection?

V 2023-03-04

06-Feb-2022 first submit
09-Jun-2022 reject and resubmit, three expert opinions including two reviewers and associate editor
01-Aug-2022 second submit
17-Nov-2022 Major revision, one reviewer and associate editor have no comments, another reviewer has comments, added one more reviewer
19-Dec-2022 third submit
16-Jan-2023 minor revision, only the newly added reviewer has comments
04-Feb-2023 forth submit
24-Feb-2023 Accept

爱梳头的胖子 2022-12-31

This journal is from EIC to ADM, all from HUST. Does that mean it is a domestic journal?

心之所往 2022-12-05

2022/3/24 Submit
2022/3/24 Under review
2022/4/24 Awaiting Decision
2022/4/25 Major Revision
2022/5/17 Submit
2022/5/17 Under review
2022/5/31 Awaiting Decision
2022/6/1 Major Revision
2022/6/10 Awaiting Admin Processing
2022/6/10 Under review
2022/6/15 Awaiting Decision
2022/6/15 Accept

fuzzy pluto 2022-10-22

After submitting the initial draft, the result returned was "Reject and Resubmit."
After making revisions, it was resubmitted, and two months later, "Minor Revision" was given.
After returning the revised version, it took about one and a half months to receive the acceptance decision, which took approximately one week.
After acceptance, the paper will be made available online for one week.
The three reviewers provided professional advice, but it was difficult to respond to.
(If any foreign professor specializing in the combination of ambiguity and artificial intelligence is looking to recruit a Ph.D. student, please reply or contact me!)

Dr.Liyq 2022-10-20

TFS and TNNLS are obviously of higher quality than TCYB. TCYB seems to have quite a few relationships that contribute to water pollution.

JeremyLau 2022-07-16

Congratulations! May I ask if you could share the detailed review process? Does "under review" remain unchanged until the review is completed?

心之所往 2022-07-13

A pretty good journal, with fast editing processing speed. The review period is about one month, and the chief editor's decision is usually made within 2-3 days. The cost-effectiveness is very high.

JeremyLau 2022-05-19

Rejected. The feedback indicated that two reviewers provided an opportunity for revision, but one reviewer suggested rejecting the manuscript. In the end, the manuscript was rejected.

sdsywp 2022-04-23

Are those reviewers still the same after the rejection and resubmission?

心之所往 2022-04-10

How is the situation now? Has the final result been announced?

JeremyLau 2022-04-01

It's like this. The first trial took about three months. I have been waiting for the decision stage for a week now.

心之所往 2022-03-30

Please share your experience and timeline for submitting manuscripts, okay?
It was my first time submitting to this journal. I submitted in the morning, and in the afternoon, the status changed to "Under Review." Does this mean it is already being reviewed?
2022/3/23 Awaiting Admin Processing
2022/3/23 Under Review

JeremyLau 2022-03-28

May I ask how long does the awaiting decision process take?

tgz4fox 2022-03-08

Submitted in August of the 21st year, the manuscript received revision suggestions less than four months later. Among the three reviewers, two affirmed the manuscript while one rejected it. The writer resubmitted the rejected manuscript. After making revisions in December, it was submitted again and directly accepted in March of the 22nd year.

JeremyLau 2022-02-17

Hello, may I ask how is the speed of external review? Can you please share the review process? Thank you.

微风吹过那些年 2021-12-21

Excuse me, you are so amazing, have you ever sent it?

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