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scikk 2023-05-09

Are there only two reviewers? Can I resubmit it?

科研汤 2023-05-09

2023.5.9 reject The difficulty has clearly increased compared to before. Both reviewers were positive, but the Associate Editor rejected it.

letpubSCU123 2023-05-09

2023-05-09 In Peer Review

科研汤 2023-05-09

2023.5.9 awaiting decision

科研汤 2023-05-09

2023.5.9 awaiting recommendation, no changes.

风之小翼 2023-05-08

I envy you for getting results so quickly. I submitted mine in early February and still haven't received any news.

letpubSCU123 2023-05-07

Record sharing submission process.

xilai Li 2023-05-07

Is it considered peer-reviewed?

科研汤 2023-05-06

Within about a week, the communication mailbox will receive emails.

幸运的小哆啦 2023-05-06

Okay, thank you. Sorry to bother you again, but may I ask how long it will take to receive the payment notice for the additional charges of exceeding 11 pages?

科研汤 2023-05-05

Approximately one week or so. Communication can receive emails.

科研汤 2023-05-05

2023.5.3 is a date and "awaiting recommendation" is a phrase.

heltahu 2023-05-03

Record the submission process:
2023.4.27 submitted;
2023.5.2 in peer review.

幸运的小哆啦 2023-05-01

Brother, may I ask how long it takes to receive proof after transferring the copyright? Is it necessary to have early access and then wait for proof and notification of layout fees? I don't know if everyone can receive this email. ???

幸运的小哆啦 2023-05-01

Brother, may I ask how long it takes to receive the proof after transferring the copyright? Is it necessary to have early access and then wait for the proof and notification of the layout fee? I'm not sure if everyone will receive the email. ??

幸运的小哆啦 2023-05-01

Brother, may I ask how long it takes to receive the proof after transferring the copyright? Is it early access first and then wait for proof and notification of the layout fee? I'm not sure if everyone will receive this email. ?

幸运的小哆啦 2023-05-01

Brother, may I ask how long it takes to receive proof after transferring the copyright? Is it first early access and then waiting gradually for proof and notification of the layout fee? I don't know if everyone can receive this email.

lucky pig 2023-04-25

2023年2月3 Submitted
Submitted on February 3, 2023.

2023年2月13 In Peer Review
In peer review since February 13, 2023.

2023年3月14 Awaiting Recommendation
Awaiting recommendation since March 14, 2023.

2023年3月21 minor revise (given 3 weeks for revision)
Minor revision required. Given 3 weeks for revision.

2023年4月3 a revision has been submitted
A revision has been submitted on April 3, 2023.

2023年4月11 Accept as Transactions Paper
Accepted as Transactions Paper on April 11, 2023.

Karen4543fdsv 2023-04-25

My reason is that I included a figure in the reference list. This journal only sends emails to corresponding authors. You can take a look at the teacher's email.

果果 2023-04-21

It may be that no references from TCSVT were included.

Karen4543fdsv 2023-04-21

I have also encountered this. The manuscript was directly rejected. It's really frustrating.

Karen4543fdsv 2023-04-21

"Add 1, I am too, what the hell"

DogEgg 2023-04-20

2022/10/8 submitted
2023/2/13 major revision
2023/3/17 submitted
2023/3/28 minor revision
2023/4/19 accept

The first review took quite a long time, four months. The editors and reviewers were strict in their requirements for innovative aspects. Many experiments requested by the reviewers were added during the major revision. Additional experimental data was also included during the second revision. It feels much more challenging now than before, I'm not sure if it's a good thing. Nevertheless, I wish the journal continued success in its endeavors.

RyanLaw 2023-04-19

2023.4.12 Submitted
2023.4.19 In Peer Review

2023.4.12 Submitted
2023.4.19 In Peer Review

scikk 2023-04-17

I have also encountered this situation, what is the reason for it?

风之小翼 2023-04-17

Yes, I feel that this year has become much slower. It has been two months since I submitted the manuscript, but I haven't received any news.

算哪个小饼干 2023-04-16

It has been over three and a half months since I submitted it on December 30th, and there is still no news at all. I'm getting really anxious...

果果 2023-04-14

Given two major revisions? I thought there was only one chance for a major revision.

invincible123 2023-04-13

I will also take some good luck.

DogEgg 2023-04-13

Wow, bro, why hasn't anyone replied to you? Let me reply to you and take a breath of fairy air.

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