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煲仔 2023-08-08

May I ask if there is any news about the manuscript reminder? I submitted mine a month earlier than you, but it is still in the peer review process.

Lighty 2023-08-07

2023-8-7 Urgent submission reminder;

cysky 2023-08-04

May I ask if the original poster is in the field of computer vision? Is CV suitable for submitting to this journal?

rikeilong 2023-08-04

8.3 s-ae: assigned, in peer review

This means that the task or item has been assigned and is currently undergoing evaluation by peers.

Lighty 2023-08-03

Are there any investments made around the same time? I haven't heard anything for three months. Should I follow up? The focus is on target detection.

Accept 2023-08-01

6.29:投出 - Submitted on 6.29
7.6:pre-screen - Pre-screened on 7.6
7.11: 因投稿系统中未填写该期刊最接近的文献,immediate reject - out of scope - Immediate rejection due to failure to provide closest literature to the journal in the submission system - out of scope.
7.11:重投 - Resubmitted on 7.11
7.23: ae:not assigned ,in peer review 至今 这是什么情况? - AE (Associate Editor) not assigned, in peer review until now. What is the current situation?

qiujiangwang 2023-07-31

Last time, the editor-in-chief distributed the AE after finishing the weekend, turning it into peer review.

cfx 2023-07-28

On July 27th, I sent an email stating that it had been three weeks but the submission had not been reviewed yet. Immediately after, an Associate Editor was assigned for peer review.

jjjlin2 2023-07-26

Hello, may I ask how long the specific hiring process takes?

Lighty 2023-07-25

CV, recently saw the time of classmates with similar interests:

Manuscript received on March 28, 2023;
revised on May 30, 2023;
accepted on June 2, 2023.

Perhaps I am just unlucky?

rikeilong 2023-07-25

6.25 submit - Submit by June 25th
7.11 Immediate Reject - Rejected immediately on July 11th
7.24 resubmit - Resubmit by July 24th

whz_spl 2023-07-24

可能是周末的原因 translates to "Possibly due to the weekend."

qiujiangwang 2023-07-24

I saw that the upstairs department had allocated it after urging them earlier. I also sent an internal email to the editor-in-chief on Friday, but they haven't replied to me yet...

cfx 2023-07-24

It is estimated that the university teacher is on vacation. I submitted my article on July 6th, but until now, it has not been assigned to an editor.

whz_spl 2023-07-22

The submissions made these days, the allocation of SAE is very slow.

老坛酸菜牛肉面 2023-07-21

I'm sorry, but you haven't provided any text to translate. Please provide the text you would like to be translated, and I'll be happy to assist you.

搜山炼丹 2023-07-21

What is your major? Is it related to your major?

qiujiangwang 2023-07-21

It has been 10 days and SAE has not been assigned yet...

qiujiangwang 2023-07-21

7.10 Submit to the journal
7.11 Include contributions of each author and resubmit.

Lighty 2023-07-21

I was also assigned to AE immediately and the status changed to "in peer review". In peer review should include AE finding reviewers. Therefore, the actual time in the hands of reviewers is unknown, and it is also unknown when AE found the reviewers.

Lighty 2023-07-21

I had a peer review on April 20th. The situation hasn't changed since then.

Lighty 2023-07-21

No news yet, everyone who invested at the same time has already obtained theirs.

whz_spl 2023-07-20

July 19th, reminder for submission.
July 20th, assign original AE, in peer review.

小蜜蜂2018 2023-07-20

Do I still need to pay if I choose non-open access after being employed?

cfx 2023-07-18

July 17th: It changed from "in peer review" to "submitted"...

luckyayaya 2023-07-17

Can I exceed the word limit for the revised manuscript? One of the reviewers suggested that I convert the images into spanning format, which would cause the manuscript to exceed the word limit.

搜山炼丹 2023-07-16

2023.5.5 Submission
5.12 Allocation of Senior Area Editors
5.30 Allocation of AE in peer review

Still no news until now.

whz_spl 2023-07-15

Re-submitting for peer review in just one day, so fast. It's been five days since I re-submitted with revisions and the Associate Editor still hasn't been assigned.

whz_spl 2023-07-15

After reapplying, AE has not been assigned for a long time. Does this mean the difficulty is to be directly rejected? Seeking answers from experts.

whz_spl 2023-07-15

May 15th: Submission
May 18th: Assigned SAE pre-review
May 31st: Assigned AE
July 1st: One AQ, one R, editing rejection
July 10th: Resubmitted after modification
July 15th: AE has not been assigned yet

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