注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

hlp 2021-04-10

First submission, may I ask what GA images are? The editor sent me this message, it seems like they want me to choose: "Please see the two different GA images attached (one embedded in the manuscript and one provided separately) and let us know how to proceed."

wqfjnu 2021-04-08

2020.12.13 Submitted
2021.01.01 Reject (Revise and Resubmit)
2021.01.27 Submitted
2021.02.15 Reject (Revise and Resubmit)
2021.02.20 Submitted
2021.03.11 Reject (Revise and Resubmit)
2021.03.14 Submitted
2021.04.03 Accepted

2020.12.13 Submitted
2021.01.01 Reject (Revise and Resubmit)
2021.01.27 Submitted
2021.02.15 Reject (Revise and Resubmit)
2021.02.20 Submitted
2021.03.11 Reject (Revise and Resubmit)
2021.03.14 Submitted
2021.04.03 Accepted

wqfjnu 2021-04-06

Excuse me, how do I upload a Word version of the file when submitting the final file? I only found a place to upload PDF files and didn't see where to upload a Word version.

TokgoWalker 2021-04-06

10-Jan-2021 Under Review
27-Jan-2021 Awaiting Decision
05-Feb-2021 Received modification suggestions
10-Feb-2021 Response, under review
06-Mar-2021 Awaiting Decision
07-Mar-2021 Under review
13-Mar-2021 Awaiting Decision
13-Mar-2021 Received modification suggestions
17-Mar-2021 Response, under review
23-Mar-2021 Awaiting Decision
30-Mar-2021 Accepted, final file sent back.

danmou111 2021-03-31

Our opinions are exactly the same, both pointing out that it is completely useless, lacking any innovation. Currently, we are still making modifications.

Liumama 2021-03-30

My first review opinion is very similar to yours. The reviewer who rejected it used harsh language, directly stating that the innovation is not enough and pointing out formula errors. I then made major revisions according to their opinions. I don't know if the editor changed the reviewer for the second review, but basically there were no comments.

后撤不走步 2021-03-29

Thank you for your suggestions and encouragement! I have decided to make good revisions according to the reviewer's comments and resubmit. Let's do our best!

星***辰 2021-03-29

It took 4 months from submission to receiving the first round of feedback. I have just received the editorial comments and will resubmit after making revisions. There are two reviewers in total. The first reviewer raised 3 questions, which are relatively easy to answer. The second reviewer raised 12 questions, some of which are difficult to address and require additional experimental results. Fortunately, there is a two-month revision period provided. I will carefully revise the manuscript and hope for a positive outcome.

星***辰 2021-03-29

It's better to make good revisions based on the comments from the reviewers. Keep going! I just received the comments from the first round of review, and our situations are similar.

wind2020 2021-03-29

I am similar to you, and I also gave the second reviewer a good scolding. After the revision is done, it will be accepted. Keep up the good work!

后撤不走步 2021-03-29

2021-3-3 Submission
2021-3-23 Status changed from under review to awaiting decision
2021-3-28 Received first-round review, editor provided revise and resubmit
There were only two reviewers in total. One reviewer provided minor revisions and suggested 5 changes. The other reviewer harshly rejected the article, finding it completely lacking. TT (crying face)
Now I am preparing to make the revisions based on the reviewers' comments. I am currently torn between whether to continue submitting to this journal or to submit to another one (because I feel that the second reviewer's comments were too negative).
In addition to sharing, I also hope that experienced colleagues passing by can provide some advice. Thank you!

星***辰 2021-03-27

No need to fill in author information, just fill in your content according to the journal template. However, keep the First a. author. Fellow IEEE, Second B. Author, and Third C. Author Jr. Member IEEE.

wind2020 2021-03-26

No need to cover up, just follow the template.

虚拟打印机 2021-03-25

Hello, may I ask you something? Do we need to hide the author information when submitting to this journal? I noticed it on the template, but I'm not sure if it needs to be removed.

虚拟打印机 2021-03-25

Hello, do we need to hide the author's information when submitting this? I noticed that the template includes it.

核动力小强 2021-03-25

My speed is also similar to yours. I submitted my manuscript in mid-January and a few days ago, I sent an email to the editor asking for an update, and they replied that they were urging the reviewers. Currently, it is still under review.

星***辰 2021-03-23

2020-12-2 Submitted to the system.
In February 2021, I sent an email to the editor, and the editor replied that they are urging the reviewer to provide their comments.
On March 23, 2021, I received the first review result, and luckily the status changed to "awaiting decision".
Hoping for a good outcome...

wind2020 2021-03-23

January 19, 2021 Submission
February 8, 2021 Minor revisions, rejected and resubmitted. Editor decided to reject and resubmit.
February 27, 2021 Resubmitted
March 22, 2021 Accepted
The review process was quite fast, with results given within a month.

cluo 2021-03-11

If the result is being hired after minor repairs, then it will be very fast.

Liumama 2021-03-11

The reviewers were quite responsible. In the first review, there were three reviewers, and they provided seven or eight comments for both minor revisions. There was also one rejection, with harsh wording but valid points. Based on their suggestions, the paper was extensively revised and submitted almost two months later.

In the second review, there were hardly any comments, except for some English suggestions. After making slight corrections to grammar errors, it was submitted and accepted directly.

Liumama 2021-03-11

2020.11.30 Submission
2020.12.16 First Review Reject (revise and resubmit)
2021.02.04 First Review Revised
2021.02.16 Second Review Minor Revision
2021.02.24 Second Review Revised
Half an hour later, the editor replied and agreed to accept.

Giving feedback in just half an hour on the first encounter...

Tomous 2021-03-10

Hello, I would like to ask, does this journal require a layout fee of $110 per page for not exceeding 8 pages?

^冬日暖阳^ 2021-03-09

Hmm, not all the articles in the recording have sensors.

漩涡 2021-03-08

You don't have to do it this way... You can take a look at the previously accepted papers.

^冬日暖阳^ 2021-03-08

Does the title of the thesis need to include "Sensor"?

漩涡 2021-03-08

I was directly rejected, with the reason being that the references I cited were published in another journal, indicating that I should have submitted to that journal instead. Speechless...

hdy_daniel 2021-03-05

Does the major revision mentioned by my brother refer to the status of "Reject (revise and resubmit)"?

NXE 2021-03-05

Thank you. Is it page 9 with the index? Best wishes~

dyh 2021-03-05

It is best not to exceed nine pages. After the review, if the experts feel that there are areas you need to supplement, you can make the necessary additions. Good luck.

NXE 2021-03-05

May I ask how many pages is your thesis? I didn't see any page limit mentioned in the journal, but someone said there is a restriction.

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