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后撤不走步 2021-08-25

Do you know if there are any predecessors who are familiar with the journal "IEEE Sensors Letters"? Why is it so difficult for me to find relevant information about it? I can't find it on Lethub either. How does its review time, difficulty level, and other information compare to regular journals? I seek guidance from all the experts~

梦想的奇点 2021-08-24

Once submitted, the manuscript will be under review until the editor is ready to make a decision.

加油啊 2021-08-24

Hello, may I ask if the journal submission remains "under Review" once it reaches "awaiting decision"?

梦想成真 2021-08-14

Who are you urging the manuscript to? It's impossible for me to send an email to that editor in the system.

梦想成真 2021-08-14

May I ask who you are urging the manuscript to? It has been a very long time since I heard any news, it has been three months, I am extremely anxious. Sending an email to the editor in the system doesn't work at all.

星***辰 2021-08-14

Last year I submitted a paper, and today I finally received the acceptance notice sent by the editor. The whole process went through four rounds of revisions:

December 3, 2020 - Submission
March 29, 2021 - Revised and resubmitted after the first round of review, with feedback from two reviewers and a total of 12 comments.
April 18, 2021 - Upload after revisions.
May 29, 2021 - Second round of review. Reviewer 1 rejected the paper due to dissatisfaction with the response to their comments and their limited English proficiency, while Reviewer 2 suggested direct publication. The editor requested further revisions before reconsideration.
July 18, 2021 - After language editing, the revised paper was submitted to the system.
August 7, 2021 - Third round of review. Reviewer 1 provided minor revisions and three suggestions: 1) Adding experimental results to the table, 2) Including authors' contributions, and 3) Praising the quality of the revised manuscript. Reviewer 2 recommended direct publication.
August 8, 2021 - Uploaded the revised version according to the feedback.
August 14, 2021 - Accepted.

I am grateful that despite one reviewer's explicit rejection, the editor still provided an opportunity for revisions. After multiple rounds of modifications, the paper was finally accepted. The first round of review took longer, possibly due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

星***辰 2021-08-14

Hello, I would like to inquire about the page charge for this journal.

The email mentioned: "Note: The voluntary page charge for IEEE Sensors Journal is $110 per page for the first eight pages; mandatory overlength charges of $175 per page apply thereafter."

May I ask if there is a fee for pages within the first eight pages?

njm20210412 2021-08-12

Within one to two weeks.

梦想成真 2021-08-11

I have been in this state for 8 days now. It has been over two months since the manuscript was reviewed, and there is still no decision. I am extremely anxious.

素鸢半暖 2021-08-11

OP, hello, just now the status changed to "Awaiting Decision," may I ask how much longer until there are results?

njm20210412 2021-08-09

Has anyone modified the corresponding author? I would like to ask about the process.

njm20210412 2021-08-09

The speed of reviewing is relatively fast.

后撤不走步 2021-08-05

03-Mar-2021 Submit
28-Mar-2021 Reject (revise and resubmit)
21-May-2021 Resubmit after major revision for two months
26-Jun-2021 Minor Revision
26-Jul-2021 Minor Revision
30-Jul-2021 Accept
This is my first SCI paper in my life, and I am very grateful to JSEN for giving me the opportunity to revise and resubmit the article when it was not mature enough for the first submission. After two months of major revisions based on the reviewer's comments, the quality of the article has indeed improved significantly. Although the following two minor revisions were a bit frustrating, fortunately, the outcome was good.

小鲸鲤 2021-08-05

Posted on February 21st
Returned for major revisions on April 1st
Submitted again on May 20th
Returned for minor revisions on July 13th
Submitted again on July 30th, accepted directly

The editing efficiency is quite high. My first SCI paper was guided by my friends, which was very surprising, hahaha. The reviewers are all very friendly and their comments are quite targeted. I wish your journal continued success!

opm 2021-08-03

Is this journal chargeable?

核动力小强 2021-07-28

January 17 submission
April 1 awaiting decision
April 12 under review
April 29 revise and resubmit
June 2 resubmitted
June 23 awaiting decision
June 25 under review
June 30 awaiting decision
July 6 revise and resubmit
July 24 resubmitted
July 28 accepted

The first SCI article took seven months from submission to acceptance, with ups and downs. There were a total of four reviewers, all of whom were very diligent and responsible, and their suggestions greatly improved the article. Apart from being a bit slow, everything else is satisfactory.

sifan 2021-07-28


Submitted on May 29, 2020.
First review on July 20, 2020: Suggested resubmission (major revisions). Time for major revisions: 40 days.
Completed revisions submitted for review on August 26, 2020.
Direct acceptance on September 30, 2020.

The entire process took a total of 4 months.

dml97 2021-07-27

7.26 minor revise submission
7.26 accept (Received acceptance email a few hours later)

QQstone 2021-07-24

The text translates to: "The article I submitted yesterday is now showing 'under review' today. I'm wondering if it has been sent for review or if the editor is still doing the initial review. Can someone please clarify?"

梦想的奇点 2021-07-23

That means your article must have received the editor's approval, so one reviewer can provide a decision for revision. As long as you revise it well, there shouldn't be any major issues. Good luck!

梦想的奇点 2021-07-23

It should be that the reviewer's comments have not yet returned. You can send an email to inquire about the progress of the review, which may speed up the process. After my paper was rejected and resubmitted, it remained under review for 7 weeks. After I sent an email for consultation, I received feedback within a week.

梦想成真 2021-07-20

Why do they review so quickly, but it's so slow for me? They provided feedback within a month, can I urge them to review? It's already been 45 days, I'm so worried.

Loki 2021-07-20

Excuse me, everyone. If there is only one review comment given, which suggests rejecting the submission and resubmitting a new manuscript, will more reviewers be sought for the re-submission?

reznov 2021-07-19

2020.12.26 submitted
2021.3.7 reject (revise and resubmit)
2021.5.7 resubmitted
2021.6.27 minor revision
2021.7.18 revision submitted
2021.7.18 accept
The submission experience was good, and the comments provided by the reviewers were valuable. I hope the journal continues to improve.

晋渝 2021-07-19

The original text is already in Chinese, so there is no need to translate it.

The text says "The original poster is so fast, perfect result."

Loki 2021-07-17

My submission took nearly three months for the result, and I was asked to make modifications and resubmit within two months. It has already been resubmitted and is still under review.

dml97 2021-07-16

5.26 submission
6.17 first decision - reject and re-submission (major revise)
6.25 re-submission
7.12 accept with minor revise
The reviewer's comments were spot-on, significantly helping improve the quality of the article.

QQstone 2021-07-15

Dear brothers who have submitted before, should the author's introduction at the end of the article be prepared before submission or is it edited after acceptance?

梦想成真 2021-07-12

I started submitting my work on June 6th, but until now, there has been no news and it is still under review. It seems like most people receive a response within one month. Sigh, I suddenly feel like my submission might not be successful.

梦想成真 2021-07-12

It has been over a month and still no news, I feel like it's not going well.

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