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Loki 2021-12-03

04-Apr-2021: Submission
18-Jun-2021: Reject (revise and resubmit), only one reviewer's comments were received, and there was no indication of whether the reviewer accepted the paper. The reviewer's comments were very fair and helpful for improving the paper.
09-Jul-2021: Resubmission after revision
02-Sep-2021: Reject (revise and resubmit), this time there were two reviewers, who provided a total of 14 comments, most of which were questions. I addressed the reviewers' questions and comments based on their responses and made appropriate revisions.
10-Sep-2021: Resubmission after second revision
25-Nov-2021: Minor Revision, one reviewer's comments, there were basically no major issues, a total of eight questions and two revision suggestions, the rest were inquiries. One of the reviewers raised a question regarding my response to their comments in the previous submission, stating that it was not clear enough. Therefore, I comprehensively addressed the comments and made revisions accordingly.
29-Nov-2021: Submission of minor revisions
30-Nov-2021: Accepted without further revisions

Overall, the journal's editors and reviewers were very responsible, but the process took quite a long time. I am very grateful to the editors for continuously providing opportunities for revisions.


9-09 Submission
10-12 Rejection and resubmission
11-15 Resubmission (with a slightly long modification time)
12-02 Accepted directly

Windy 2021-12-01

The guidelines for different associate editors are different. Writing a paper requires both skill and luck. However, this thing is still too subjective.

Ls_Zhang 2021-12-01

I also submitted this before, saying that the theme does not match, so I changed my submission. What's strange is that my junior fellow student submitted this and actually won. The research content is different, but the format and the problem to be solved are the same. Unbelievable.

起个网名想破脑袋 2021-12-01

Dude, is your paper still in the "under review" stage now?

zzzzyy 2021-12-01

Did you resubmit the rejected manuscript? I also encountered a similar situation where my submission was rejected by the editor after a week, stating that the research content did not align with the sensor topic. Then, I replied to the editor's email explaining that there are many articles in my field that can be found in this journal. I resubmitted the manuscript, but it has been another week and I still haven't received any updates.

起个网名想破脑袋 2021-11-29

Submitted on November 1st, until the end of the month, there has been no news. Looking at the review time of others, some received responses in less than a month, while others waited for up to six months. I am feeling anxious and would like to chat with someone who is in the same situation.

起个网名想破脑袋 2021-11-29

Just invested for a month, still no news, don't know what the situation is.

Windy 2021-11-25

Page editing is generally not done by the chief editor, but rather by the associate editors in various fields, who are responsible for your thesis.

QQstone 2021-11-24

Just asking everyone, do you contact the editors of the submission interface to urge for manuscripts, or do you contact the chief editor mentioned on the journal's homepage?

星***辰 2021-11-23

For such a long time, the original poster can contact the editor to inquire about the progress of the review. Previously, when I had an article, it took three months for the first review to be completed. During that period, I contacted the editor.

星***辰 2021-11-23

The original text translates to: "The moderator's paper review is quite fast, but it has been one and a half months and I still haven't received any results."

星***辰 2021-11-23

The text translates to: "Submitted on October 9th to the system, it has been one and a half months now, and the status has been Under Review, still waiting..."

Windy 2021-11-22

lyhbk, classmate, can you provide some details about the specific nodes received for publication? Is it early access or official release?

Windy 2021-11-22

I also have this issue, the article has been in early access all along. I don't know if my supervisor has received the proof and the email for paying the excessive length fee. The person below directly published it, was it in early access or the formal publication?

Duration1 2021-11-21

When will I receive the payment information for the over-page fee? Is the notification of payment information sent to the corresponding author via email?

Duration1 2021-11-21

When did all of you receive the payment information for the overpage fee? Is the notification of the payment information sent to the corresponding author via email?

lyhbkz 2021-11-21

I just accepted an article. After acceptance, I was asked to submit the final draft, and then it was published directly without requiring proofreading or payment of extra page fees. Is it the same for you? This journal used to require proofreading and payment before publishing, right?

lyhbkz 2021-11-21

After being hired, they asked for the final draft to be submitted and then published directly, without asking for proofreading or payment of extra page fees. Is it the same for you? This journal used to require proofreading and payment before publishing, right?

Windy 2021-11-15

Already hired, the struggle between the editor-in-chief and the reviewers. The reviewers want minor revisions to the title and abstract, and the editor-in-chief accepts them directly. I don't know if IEEE Sensors Journal is in need of submissions.

Windy 2021-11-15

From submission to acceptance, it took nearly 6 months, a moderate speed. The editor wanted to accept it, but one reviewer kept talking and delaying several times. It turns out that the difficulty of acceptance for IEEE members, senior members, and fellows in IEEE journals is worlds apart. Unfortunately, I am none of those.
2021.11.13 Accepted, submitted final version.
2021.10.19 Submitted, made experimental additions and wording changes according to reviewer 1's comments, although I felt it was meaningless.
2021.10.01 Minor revision. Reviewer 2 thought it was great and even recommended it for the Best Paper Award. Reviewer 1 thought the innovation was insufficient and the experiments were lacking. Kept talking incessantly.
2021.09.05 Submitted, delayed for nearly two months before submission.
2021.07.08 Rejected and resubmitted. Reviewer 1's comments were vague, stating that the current version was unacceptable but had advantages. They suggested a major revision before reconsideration. Reviewer 2 was very familiar with my content and even summarized advantages that I hadn't thought of. They gave very fair evaluations, stating that although it had slight innovation at the technical level, it was very novel when combined with applications and had significant potential value in many fields.
2021.05.20 Submitted.

Windy 2021-11-15

Hey buddy, what is the manuscript number?

QQstone 2021-11-14

It is said that there is hope if you resubmit the rejected manuscript. You are quite fast with this action.

Harrit_X 2021-11-14

Posted on October 23, rejected and resubmitted on November 14, asked to resubmit by the third reviewer, rejected by the first reviewer.

sysxf123 2021-11-13

My mind is also confused, I can't figure it out.

bingo_ 2021-11-09

Haven't you urged? I haven't received any news for a month.

Harrit_X 2021-11-06

I submitted my manuscript on October 23rd, and as of November 6th, it is still awaiting a decision. I feel that the likelihood of rejection is quite high.

QQstone 2021-11-06

It has been 4 months and 10 days with no movement at all... There are very few people whose review process takes longer than mine. I am really anxious now.

扣群616873871 2021-11-03

This journal has potential.

星***辰 2021-10-28

Usually two reviewers.

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