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Williamfantacy 2023-05-13

External audit comments have been returned, feeling nervous, hoping for a good outcome.

Williamfantacy 2023-04-13

Finally passed the three rounds of revisions by the editor and entered the peer review process. Hopefully it will be done soon.

cyz 2023-04-07

This year, it was discovered that the deadline for reviewing and revising manuscripts suddenly shortened to a default of 14 days, compared to the previous two years where it was defaulting to two months. This is too short for major revisions, but just right for minor revisions or formatting adjustments.

Williamfantacy 2023-03-27

Editorial decision: Major revision

On 27 Mar, 2023

Williamfantacy 2023-03-22

Editor assigned
On 18 Mar, 2023
Submission checks complete
On 16 Mar, 2023
Submitted to GPS Solutions
On 16 Mar, 2023

Williamfantacy 2023-03-21


Submission under peer review
16 Mar 2023
Submission passed technical check
16 Mar 2023

Williamfantacy 2023-03-16

2023.3.13 submitted
2023.3.15 revised (Editor-in-chief's comments returned, mainly regarding article format, image format, grammar, etc.)
2023.3.16 revised

AW001 2022-12-18

I have a very basic question to ask. When submitting a paper, should it be in single-column or double-column format? I submitted in double-column format, but it was rejected... and I couldn't find a detailed template.

GRL 2022-12-05

Submitted at the end of September, underwent a major revision for over a month, followed by 20 days of minor revisions before being accepted in 5 days. The entire process took less than 3 months. The reviewer's comments were very detailed.

The editor-in-chief has his own academic taste and provided great assistance in the review process, also serving as the reviewer for this paper. GPSS is considered a top journal in the field of geodesy and GPS, and I hope it continues to improve.

Miya_ 2022-11-28

Posted in early May, revised in early July, submitted in mid-August, accepted with minor revisions in early October, resubmitted at the end of October, and accepted in mid-November. The overall process took six months. The reviewer's comments were very detailed.

jmy9292 2022-03-11

Posted on March 1st, now I have been invited as an editor...

jmy9292 2022-03-11

I would like to ask everyone for a favor. I recently submitted a paper to GPSS, but the status changed from "Editor assigned" to "Editor Invited" after 2 days, and it hasn't changed since then. Has anyone encountered this situation before? What does this mean?

TianmingYun 2022-01-10

GPSS should be the top journal in the field of satellite navigation, with a focus on engineering technology, algorithms, and models. In addition, the journal has added many special topic submissions, including the GPS Toolbox section, which has many open-source contributions! The submission cycle is as follows:

2021-04-26 [Initial submission]
2021-05-05 [Editorial revision before review]
2021-05-25 [Under review]
2021-08-25 [Major revision: two reviewers, one minor revision, one major revision]

2021-09-17 [Author revision]
2021-10-16 [Review completed: two reviewers, one acceptance, one language editing]

2021-10-28 [Manuscript revision]
2021-12-16 [Minor revision, pending publication]
2021-12-19 [Article accepted]

xu_2022 2022-01-08

Only the account of the corresponding author can see the review status.

yuan_328 2021-12-30

September submission, early October editing and format revision, still under review on December 30th. The editor mentioned that there are not enough reviewers. I'm wondering how non-authors can check the progress of the review. It feels awkward to keep asking the supervisor about the progress.

lingbaishi 2021-09-09

The editor-in-chief and the AE (Account Executive) are both very aloof, they don't reply to emails.

lingbaishi 2021-09-09

After four months, I received a notice for major revisions. They gave me two months to make the changes, and I have already submitted the revised manuscript.

好久不见 2021-08-05

I have been under review for over 50 days on my end, I don't know if it's necessary to follow up.

wangxiaoer 2021-07-05

All the editors are working, so it depends on whether the editors are busy or not. In addition, there is a tight resource of GPSS reviewers.

lingbaishi 2021-05-10

The journal is very slow, why are you all so fast? It took me more than two weeks to revise before reviewing, and now it has been two whole months since I submitted and I am still looking for reviewers.

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