注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

Dong-S 2023-05-27

Does this journal charge for page fees?

Dong-S 2023-05-21

Did you pay the money? How long was the interval between being hired and paying the money?

Dong-S 2023-05-21

I also applied in July 2022, had an external audit in September 2022, and received the expert's opinion on October 4th.

Dong-S 2023-05-21

Submitted on July 5th, 2022, reviewed on September 13th, 2022, revised on April 10th, 2023, resubmitted on April 28th, 2023, and accepted on May 8th, 2023.

leon2021 2023-02-16

Just ask everyone, from July 2022 when it was submitted, under review in August, until now it is still in this state, is it normal? During this period, I contacted twice by email to urge, but there was no response. Does anyone have a contact method?

言愉悦 2023-02-14

Hello, may I ask if you have proofread my notification? I submitted it in December, but I still haven't received any proofreading notification until now.

塔特 2022-12-11

2022.11.29 submitted to journal
2022.12.08 with editor
2022.12.09 reject
The speed is acceptable. Perhaps the lack of innovation is the reason for the rejection.

伽罗瓦的春天 2022-11-08

I'm exhausted, it's been over a year since being hired and still not online.

小千123 2022-06-10

Hello, may I ask if you have any results yet? I submitted it on April 27th, and it is still under review now.

鱼鳞 2022-05-20

Every morning, the first thing I do is check for updates, hoping for a quick result.

鱼鳞 2022-05-09

28.04. submission
05.05. back to author (citation format issue, requested to revise and resubmit)
06.05. submission
07.05. with editor
May the mighty gods bless me with an early acceptance.

@好好发文章 2022-02-27

Hello, I would like to ask if there are any requirements for the font of this journal?

@好好发文章 2022-02-27

Hello, can you reply to me? Can I add you as a friend? Because I am preparing to submit to this journal recently, and I have some questions that I would like to consult with you.

ever 2022-01-08

There is an article that I don't know if it has been overlooked or what happened. It has been over a year and it still hasn't been indexed. The normal publication time also takes about eight months.

ever 2022-01-08

I still cannot contact the editor, and I can't even reach the secretary. I don't know what's going on. My other article has been indexed a year later than this one. Are we in the same group? Do you have any news?

ever 2021-11-25

I was hired in December 2020 and proofread the manuscript twice in February. I didn't receive any response after the second proofreading, so I proactively emailed him. I waited for a long time and proofread the manuscript two more times, but it still hasn't been indexed so far. Normally, this journal is published 7-8 months after proofreading, and it is usually indexed almost simultaneously. However, during this period, the editor seems to be completely unreachable.

XYX2020 2021-11-15

Yes, yes, here. Received in October 2020, first revision in November, and then no news. Sent an email reminder on August 19th this year, second revision on August 24th, and still... no further information. Checking the latest articles on the journal's official website, all the accepted papers this year have been published.

李疏水 2021-09-17

It has been forty days since I was hired, but I still haven't received any proof. It's a bit slow.

zzzzzzzle 2021-09-09

May I ask how many days are required for online courses? It is required for graduation and I am feeling anxious. I seek guidance.

zzzzzzzle 2021-09-09

May I ask how many days are required for online? The graduation requirement is to be online, and I am very anxious.

zzzzzzzle 2021-09-09

Can you please tell me if the online speed is fast? I need to be online for graduation requirements, so I am very anxious.

李疏水 2021-08-09

01, Jun. 2021. Submitted to Journal
07, Jun. 2021. With Editor
07, Jun. 2021. Under Review
07, Jul. 2021. Under Review
09, Jul. 2021. Major Revisions Needed
16, Jul. 2021. Revision Submitted to Journal
19, Jul. 2021. With Editor
19, Jul. 2021. Under Review
20, Jul. 2021. Required Reviews Completed
08, Aug. 2021. Accept

I thought it would be slow, but it was finished in just over two months, which went relatively smoothly. There were two reviewers who asked very professional questions.
The review process is for reference only.

alsa 2021-08-08

2021.4.22 - Submit manuscript
2021.6.1 - Review comments returned, given one month for revisions
2021.6.24 - Revised manuscript submitted
2021.7.28 - Accepted

李疏水 2021-07-30

How long does it take? After I submitted the major revisions, it returned to "under review" the next day, and now it has been two weeks since the status changed to "required reviews completed". I don't know how much longer it will take.

XYX2020 2021-07-30

I received it in October 2020, but it hasn't been published yet. I still don't have the complete DOI number. The latest articles in the journal were accepted in March or April this year. I also emailed the editor, but they ignored me. Does anyone have a similar experience to share?

yueer521 2021-07-12

May I ask how long after the submission to the journal does this publication usually undergo changes?

yueer521 2021-07-12

May I ask how long it takes for there to be any changes after being submitted to the journal?

Liella! 2021-04-06

2020. 12.31 Submitted
2021. 03.07 Minor revision
2021. 03.22 Revised
2021. 04.05 Accepted

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