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Pit_ 2023-08-05

I, with editor, have been under review for 33 days.

eeyes 2023-08-05

July 26 submission
July 29 with editor
Until now, the status has not changed. If it cannot proceed to "under review," please reject it swiftly.

特邀审稿人 2023-08-05

I have reviewed so many drafts, regardless of whether they were rejected or required revisions, most of the decisions were made within about a week. The slowest one was at the end of last year, which took nearly a month, but once I made the revisions and submitted them, the editor immediately accepted them. The entire process did not exceed three months. Why is it that when I submitted my own work from June to August, there was no response to my emails, as if they were ignoring me? Are they trying to make things difficult for me? From now on, can I also casually handle submissions, ask the authors to make a few revisions and then reject them, just to make myself comfortable?

特邀审稿人 2023-08-05

I see many people sharing their results recently, and the chief editor has been handling manuscripts since August, which shows that the chief editor is qualified to handle manuscripts. Additionally, I noticed that the manuscripts that are processed quickly have quick responses at every stage, from submission to review to decision. Compared to those that take several months or even a year, it is really fast, not just a little bit. Alright, here comes my question: What rule have we violated if the chief editor ignores our emails? I have seen reviewers intentionally delaying the review process, does the chief editor of ESWA play the same game? Should we complain?

Salient! 2023-08-05

You are really fast. I filed at the end of April, and the first trial has already been pending for 40 days.

Salient! 2023-08-05

In April, the low investment, the first trial took two months, and the dip has been 40 days already.

乐安的皮卡 2023-08-05

Record your own timeline and share it with everyone.
Submitted on May 28th.
First review ended on June 23rd. DIP (Decision in Process) returned with major revisions from two reviewers, approximately forty comments. The revisions were given about three weeks by the editor-in-chief.
Returned to the editor on July 11th after the first review. The processing was fast, and it was sent out the next day. The reviewers completed the review on the same day, possibly because they had time available. DIP started on July 12th.
Accepted on August 4th.
Overall, the journal's review and processing speed are fast. The only drawback is that the DIP speed is slow, possibly because the editor-in-chief has too many manuscripts to handle and doesn't have enough time. Finally, I hope everyone's manuscripts can be accepted.

好好学习天天向上~~~ 2023-08-04

Boss, we submitted around the same time.
Your review process is so fast, around ten days?
My review took a month, then another month (total of two months).

青青子衿 2023-08-04

This year's second submission
Jun 14, 2023 Submitted to Journal
Jun 15, 2023 With Editor
Jun 18, 2023 Under Review
In mid-July, two reviews were accepted and comments were received. Yesterday, the system was updated, indicating that the editor may have reviewed it again, but there were no revisions or new reviewers. I don't know what's going on. Could it be rejected?
There is also a third submission during the same period, and currently no one has accepted the review comments.
Jul 02, 2023 Submitted to Journal
Jul 03, 2023 With Editor
Jul 26, 2023 Under Review
Could it be that I have submitted too many and caused a negative impact?

特邀审稿人 2023-08-04

I support you, @军. In actuality, the reviewers are given 14 days for the first review, and each subsequent review (second and third) is allotted 7 days per round. If the submission is not timely, the Associate Editor (AE) may interrupt the review process and invite the next submission. This compresses the time for the reviewers but delays the authors during the dip phase. Is the purpose to make the journal's performance indicators look better? Regardless, can we expect high-quality review results from such operations? Of course, you may argue that this journal is not trans, so it should not be expected to have high standards. However, if that's the case, can the dip process be expedited to save everyone's time? A few days ago, another article I submitted around the same time was already returned for revisions. So whenever I think about ESWA delaying my manuscript, I feel the need to complain. The long dip time is already sickening enough. I kept convincing myself that the editor-in-chief is busy and everyone is waiting. But later, I realized something was wrong. Some submissions that were clearly dipped later were processed faster than those dipped earlier? This is unfair and clearly taking advantage of people. It's too selfish. Even when I emailed the editor-in-chief, they ignored me. The customer service response is always the same scripted response. Enough is enough, seriously.

xiaoniuzai 2023-08-04

Can you please provide a link? Thank you.


Wait until 100 days, I will send withdrawal messages within the system, ignoring him completely, and directly submit to another journal. I am not a beginner, and I have seen review processes taking 4-5 months. It's the first time I've seen a review process take more than 3 months, and I can understand that review time can be long, as it is the responsibility of the reviewers. Even if they reject the paper, they can still provide helpful feedback. Do you think it's worth the hassle for just one submission?

早日毕业cy 2023-08-02

However, if you copy the entire content of the email, the format will be very messy. What does "revise" mean in this context? Can you provide some guidance on how to revise it?

北纬30度 2023-08-02

I waited for 17 days for the dip, and it took me almost a month for my RRC. However, the review process was indeed fast.

微笑看明天_李宁 2023-08-02

Yes, that's right. I am also confused.

微笑看明天_李宁 2023-08-02

Please refer to the website https://www.ariessys.com/wp-content/uploads/EM_PM_LaTeX_Guide.pdf for instructions on how to correctly upload LaTeX files.

科研汤 2023-08-02

2023.8.2 with editor translates to "August 2, 2023 with editor."

千里、快哉风 2023-08-02

This LaTeX template of this format can be found on Overleaf.

早日毕业cy 2023-08-02

Hello, I also recently received a revise email and wanted to ask, does Section #1-a include the entire content of the email?

特邀审稿人 2023-08-02

The results come out quickly in general if the authorlist includes the editor or a famous scholar. If not, it may take three to five months to get the results, and it's useless to rush them. So, if you have no connections or background and don't want to be delayed, I don't recommend submitting to this journal. I heard this from a colleague in another group. I have submitted a request to withdraw the manuscript, but the editor ignored me. I'm afraid that if I immediately submit elsewhere without completing the process here, it could result in academic misconduct. Sigh, time is being wasted every day, and I deeply regret it now.

无敌 2023-08-02

"Decision in Process" has been ongoing for three months, with two reminders sent in between but no response. Speechless.

微笑看明天_李宁 2023-08-02

March 17th - Submission
July 25th - Reviewed by two reviewers
August 2nd - Received revise notice from the editor. Is this considered a major revision or a minor revision? Given 20 days to revise.

Pit_ 2023-08-01

I submitted it on 6.29, and it is just under review today.

拼命发sci的科研狗 2023-08-01

How long does it usually take with the editor? It has been a week and there hasn't been any response at all. Is it really this slow?


If urging for manuscripts is effective, then I won't complain here anymore...

Yunliang Qi 2023-08-01

Delayed a batch. The first trial took a whole year to produce results, and the major repairs were just submitted 10 days ago.

特邀审稿人 2023-08-01

I have urged it, there is a "send email" option in the submission system. The customer service also helped to urge it. It has been several days, but there has been no change in status. I looked at the comments below and found that the editors selectively ignore some authors. I guess the reason may be that some authors on the author list are well-known or acquaintances of the editor. The editor may give them special treatment and process their submissions urgently. As a grassroots author, I guess if I urge the editor directly, they will simply ignore me. Many people below have also urged, but at most, there is no response. Fortunately, the final result is still good.

Reject 2023-08-01

Military, have you ever tried to urge for a manuscript? Will urging for a manuscript be rejected?

helpme 2023-08-01

The text is written in a mixture of English and Chinese. Here is the translation of the Chinese part into English:

"Submitted at the end of January, it took one month for the first review and three months for the second review. Now it is the third review, and the reviewer has already finished reviewing, rrc."


I am a first reviewer, reviewing manuscripts for one month, very fast, but is dip so difficult? Do we need to hold an international conference to decide or can we award the Nobel Prize? If it works, great, if not, reject the manuscript. I will submit to other journals instead of dragging me like this. I don't want to waste the emotions of the reviewers by submitting the same manuscript multiple times. I don't even know how long the second review for dip will take, it's truly agonizing. I guarantee that I will submit to this journal again, even if my leg is broken.

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