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yunshang 2023-08-09

The submission was made on March 10th, and on April 18th, three reviewers agreed to review it. On April 22nd, one reviewer completed the review. I thought there would be results soon, but it's been almost 4 months and the other two reviewers haven't made any progress. I'm in a hurry to graduate and find a job. Please help the poor child /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

gogofly 2023-08-09

@ResearchDog88, the results that came out in the evening.

gogofly 2023-08-09

@Invited reviewer, the editor hasn't replied at all for several days, there is no news at all.

特邀审稿人 2023-08-09

Thirdly: I don't know what field you are studying. Some fields look at partitions, some look at CCF. I work on knowledge graphs. You can check the publication list of the top 10 CS laboratories in China to see who has published in ESWA. Basically, expanding a conference paper is equivalent to a journal paper. I think some experiments are not done well enough to meet the standards of top conferences and journals, so they resort to C-level or Zone 1 publications to make up the numbers. You mentioned that the acceptance rate is low, I don't know where you got this data from. The official website states that it is 25%, is that considered low? I see that you have also published in NC and TNNLS, although these two journals are not considered top in our field, the impact factor is still quite high. I don't understand why you would choose to submit to ESWA. Is it because you estimated a low acceptance rate, so you feel the quality is high? I hope you can persist until the end. I apologize for not accompanying you.

特邀审稿人 2023-08-09

Secondly, what is incomprehensible is that during the review process, I found that many decisions were made quickly. Furthermore, haven't you noticed that many people who submitted after you have already received their results? Why is it that our time is being controlled, but not others'? Doesn't this raise doubts? Of course, I emailed the editor-in-chief to communicate, but they ignored me. Withdrawing my submission is a last resort, perhaps the editor-in-chief will pretend not to have seen it and still send me the reviewer's comments. However, I certainly will not respond anymore. I have submitted to Trans for a first review, which took six months, and that's acceptable. But I don't want to be dragged for three to five months. It's pointless and only wastes your time. If you don't understand it this way, then stick to your own ideas and do as you wish.

特邀审稿人 2023-08-09

I really didn't expect someone to mention me in the middle of the night. Firstly, you said the review process would take three months, but in reality, our article has already been reviewed long ago. DIP is not reviewing it anymore. You also mentioned that this is a way to control time, which basically means delaying. This is indeed very frustrating, but at this point, I can still understand this approach.

好好学习天天向上~~~ 2023-08-09

@Invited Reviewers
Bro, we can understand your mood, mine is also in a dip right now. Recently, every time I open the comments, I can always see your comments and criticisms. It is normal for the first review to take three months (yours seems to be less than three months, even other journal reviewers will not keep reviewing for a month, so I think it's fine to control the review time). If you are doing remote sensing, I suggest you submit to TGRS, it's relatively easier and faster for review.

This year: TGRS currently has only 3800+ numbers, while ESWA has already reached 9000+ with a lot of submissions. Both have similar publication volumes in the first zone, around 2200. Therefore, ESWA is not easy, and its acceptance rate is lower than other top journals. I suggest you directly submit to top journals in the field.

ESWA has also become crowded, so it's difficult.

特邀审稿人 2023-08-08

Flip forward, there is another person like you who received feedback from others and it seems like they got rejected in the end. You should be more careful in this situation. Moreover, you can't even ask the editor because he never replies, it's an awkward situation.

特邀审稿人 2023-08-08

I'm wondering if there is a possibility that for people who have a long dip time, the editor has already sent you a decision letter, but to the wrong person. After a long time with no response, they eventually realized the mistake and quickly sent it again. Hahaha.

特邀审稿人 2023-08-08

I guess, could it be that the editor opened multiple windows to copy and paste the decision letter and accidentally mixed up the opinions, copying someone else's opinion and giving it to you? Hahaha, it's hilarious. The first time I laughed so hard while reading the comments section of ESWA journal. If that's really the case, then maybe the long review time is not intentionally delayed by the editor. If they can make a mistake even in copying and pasting, with such a level of competence, it's really difficult to expect the editor to handle manuscripts quickly.

科研狗88 2023-08-08

When was the message given, in the morning or in the afternoon?

gogofly 2023-08-08

The good news is that I finally received the review comments, but unexpectedly, one of the reviewers' comments do not belong to my article. Can anyone please advise on what to do in this situation?

Irrevers 2023-08-08

The suggestions given are all to modify and accept. It can be considered relatively positive.

特邀审稿人 2023-08-08

Generally speaking, as long as the article is not too bad, and as long as you are willing to wait, the result is usually revision. Most of the reviewers for this journal are authors who have submitted to this journal, so their level is just average. It is slightly better than the ordinary engineering index. Most of the reviews are based on the principle of giving major revisions if they don't understand, so it is relatively easy. When I reviewed articles before, I saw that others were processed quickly, so I thought the delay was only for a small number of people. I didn't expect that after submitting, not only was it slow, but they also ignored me.

lingerxin 2023-08-08

How to see that three reviewers have accepted it.

Irrevers 2023-08-08

2023.3.30 Submit to journal
2023.5.28 Decision in Process
2023.8.7 Revise All three reviewers have accepted, and their suggestions are good for revision.
2023.8.8 With Editor Waiting patiently for the second round of tormenting dip.

向日葵班插班生 2023-08-08

Help, it's taking so long! I have been waiting for my second review for almost three months, five months is too exaggerated. How am I supposed to graduate like this? Orz.

科研狗88 2023-08-08

The second review for the DIP has been 5 months already, it's a trash journal.

科研汤 2023-08-08

2023.8.8 revise
Two reviewers, 16 comments, not easy to make improvements. Given 21 days for revision.

茄子哦 2023-08-07

It has been more than 50 days since Dip50, and as the brothers said, this magazine really ignores people. There has been no response from customer service or the email address provided.

chenxia1 2023-08-07

I really envy your speed.

Chen a 2023-08-07

Does anyone know how long the deadline for reviewers to review is?
One reviewer has already accepted the review for thirteen days and still hasn't provided feedback.
Feeling a bit anxious.

特邀审稿人 2023-08-07

@军 Yes, that's right. I also submitted a retraction request, but all the emails sent to the editor seemed to disappear without a trace. It's as if we are invisible, as if we never submitted our manuscripts. Oh well, let it be. I have been converting the format these past few days and preparing to submit elsewhere. There's no need to keep wasting time on this.

tasfeiyu 2023-08-07

The second review of DIP has been 3 months already, and they haven't responded to the withdrawal email. I have already submitted to another journal a month ago and have no intention of dealing with this journal anymore.


Dear invited reviewer, this week marks nearly 100 days since I started my dip. I am now sending withdrawal messages through the system and directly submitting elsewhere, regardless of the consequences. Many artificial intelligence algorithms simply cannot afford to wait, as they have time constraints. After a year, it becomes difficult for many algorithms to be published in even third-tier journals.

特邀审稿人 2023-08-06

Brothers, I have submitted a request to withdraw the manuscript. I mentioned that if there is no response after a few days, it will be considered as default consent. Today is the deadline, so there shouldn't be any problem with switching to another option now, right?

eeyes 2023-08-06

Realistically, the review comments I submitted took about ten days for the dip. Currently, they have already been revised. I'm not sure why some articles take so long for the dip process.

青青子衿 2023-08-06

If it's one positive and one negative, then it should be rejected, right?

科研汤 2023-08-06

There may be differences in opinions.

青青子衿 2023-08-06

How many reviewers have reviewed the dip after everyone? Wasn't it two? After my two reviewers have finished reviewing, I invited another reviewer today.

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