注: 认证评论选取于全球各个学术评论平台和社交媒体。

HMT 2023-08-01

April 20, 2023: Submitted to Journal
April 21, 2023: With Editor
May 01, 2023: With Editor
June 07, 2023: Under Review
June 16, 2023: Required reviews complete
June 29, 2023: Required reviews complete
July 02, 2023: Revision and modification
July 12, 2023: Revision submitted to Journal
July 12: With Editor
July 22: Under review
July 23: Required reviews complete
July 31: Accept

韩大大 2023-06-07

3.6: Submission
3.8: The editor replied, expressing interest in the content of the article, and requested that it be revised before resubmitting.
3.23: Resubmission, to be reviewed by the end of the month.
5.08: Minor revisions required. Two reviewers praised the content of the article and suggested only formatting changes. One reviewer raised four professional questions, which required minimal changes to the article and mainly needed clarification.
5.13: Revision requested.
6.06: Accepted.
This is an established journal that used to be in the first tier but is now in the second tier. However, it is still highly recognized at our school. The editors are quite efficient.

周末也要学习呀 2023-04-25

My third article, Xiao Xiu returned.

流体大牲1 2022-11-08

April 2022, end of the month, first draft
May 2022, end of the month, first reviewer; June 2022, end of the month, second reviewer
August 2022, end of the month, received comments
September 2022, end of the month, accepted after revisions

周末也要学习呀 2022-08-19

Hello, may I ask if you are doing major repairs or minor repairs? My major repair was returned a few days ago.

kai哥 2022-02-18

October 2021, initial submission.
By the end of November 2021, received reviewer comments. Both reviewers were very professional and raised many questions, which were very helpful for improving the overall article.
In January 2022, made revisions, and acceptance was confirmed in February.
Overall, I am very satisfied with the speed and professionalism of the review process. The journal primarily accepts experimental articles, preferably with in-depth mechanistic analysis.

Kev 2021-11-02

Hello, may I ask which email you are inquiring about, thank you!

和尚庙住持 2021-03-31

Very fast!
2020.12.09 submitted
2020.12.09 submitted to Journal
2020.12.10 with editor
2020.12.14 under review
2020.12.30 under review
2021.02.03 minor revision
2021.02.26 revised version submitted
2021.02.26 under review
2021.02.27 under review
2021.03.29 sent inquiry letter
2021.03.31 accepted

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