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科研菌 2023-08-09

I have four reviewers for the first review.

luyuan1994 2023-08-09

The first article I submitted in November last year was numbered over 19000... This year, the progress has been astonishingly fast.

锵锵锵 2023-08-07

After investing, it was discovered that the number has already reached over sixteen thousand...

morningyjl 2023-08-07

June 22 Submitted
June 25 With editor
June 26 Under review
July 15 rrc and minor revision
July 21 Revision submitted
July 22 Accept
July 28 Online

June 22 Submitted
June 25 With editor
June 26 Under review
July 15 Review, revise, and minor revision
July 21 Revision submitted
July 22 Accepted
July 28 Online

老默的鱼 2023-08-05

It's really troublesome and torturous. Two minor repairs still have to be done one month apart.

hennanshou 2023-08-04

Version 4:
Jun 29, 2023 Revision submitted to journal

Jul 03, 2023 With Editor/Under Review

Aug 04, 2023 Accept

This journal does not allow many revisions, but I had one major revision and two minor revisions before submitting it for review four times, which is relatively uncommon. The waiting process has been agonizing.
This paper was born during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the process of writing it was difficult for one person. Fortunately, it was not in vain, and the victory lies in perseverance and not giving up!

I am grateful to the extraordinary editor Dr. Philippe Garrigues and assistant editor Mrs. Cayago! I also appreciate the efforts of the anonymous reviewers of the paper!
I wish all academicians, participants in the Thousand Talents Program, recipients of the 973/863 projects, recipients of the Chang Jiang Scholars Program, winners of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and recipients of the National Science Fund for Excellent Young Scholars a hundred percent success in their publications.

hennanshou 2023-08-04

Version 1:
Mar 03, 2023 Submitted to Journal
Mar 13, 2023 With Editor
Mar 17, 2023 Under Review
Apr 05, 2023 RRC
Apr 06, 2023 RRC
Apr 07, 2023 Major Revision

Version 2:
Apr 25, 2023 Revision submitted to journal
May 02, 2023 Under Review
May 17, 2023 RRC
May 19, 2023 RRC
May 19, 2023 Minor Revision

Version 3:
May 21, 2023 Revision submitted to journal
May 25, 2023 With Editor/Under review
Jun 08, 2023 RRC
Jun 29, 2023 Minor Revision (40 days)

maryexe 2023-08-04

Although the number of published articles has indeed been rising every year, it has not reached ten thousand. The average monthly number of articles in 2022 is 600, with a total of over 7200 articles. There is a high probability of remaining steady or slightly lower this year.

老默的鱼 2023-08-04

8.4 is still under review...

Kevin Wu 2023-08-04

Submitted in February, it is still under review. I don't know what the situation is.

ll195 2023-08-03

How long has it been since your with editor? Still no news?

maxxx 2023-08-03

8.1 has become "under review" again.

Leo0 2023-08-03

May I ask how fast is this journal?

老默的鱼 2023-08-02

Is it the second round of UR now? If it's still the first round of UR, you should send a reminder email to ask. This editor is not responsible.

tutulxg 2023-08-02

"沾沾喜气,一月份投的,现在还是ur" translates to "Enjoying good luck, invested in January, still UR now" in English.

DZY 2023-08-02

During the submission process, will I receive emails with suggestions for modification and revision in my own mailbox?

老默的鱼 2023-08-01

Unfortunately, but does it mean that even with minor revisions, the paper will still be rejected???

Baozhi 2023-07-31

Already rejected, three reviewers provided suggestions, one suggested minor revisions, one suggested major revisions, and one rejected it. As a result, it was rejected, and it is recommended to submit elsewhere.

SCUH 2023-07-30

7.10 CCR translates to "July 10th Corrected Copy Request."
7.29 Major Revision translates to "July 29th Major Revision."
RRC历时 20天 translates to "RRC lasted for 20 days."

mdy111 2023-07-29

July 28th, evening - major revision.

zzqzz 2023-07-28

Traducción al inglés:

21 de abril de 2023

18 de julio de 2023

27 de julio de 2023

advance111 2023-07-27

7.10 submitted to journal - This means that something (probably an article or paper) was submitted to a journal on October 7th.

7.14 with editor - This means that on July 14th, the submitted content is now being reviewed or processed by the editor of the journal.

mdy111 2023-07-27

From July 21st until now, the first instance has been RRC continuously.

ikun111 2023-07-26

I see you online, let's become friends. I will add you to the system.

ikun111 2023-07-26

How are you? It's been half a month and there's been no response.

Plauson Gregg 2023-07-26

Online for a month, currently not indexed by WoS, unsure if it will be available in September.

cnpk 2023-07-26

7.26 with editor translates to "7.26 with editor" in English.

凡仔发发发ssci 2023-07-26

The translation of "7.18 accept" into English is "acceptance of 7.18."

maxxx 2023-07-26

4.30 Submission
Modified the format during 5.1 period
Changed to "Required Reviews Completed" since 6.25 and until now
Sent an email reminder on 7.18
Why is the RRC taking so long?

maxxx 2023-07-26

It has been a month and there is still no movement from RRC.

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