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陈园润 2023-04-09

Hello, I didn't see the deadline for revisions in the email from the editorial department, and I couldn't find it in the review comments. Could you please tell me how much time is given for revisions and where can I find it?

多多益善~ 2023-04-09

02.12 submitted to journal
02.13 re-submitted to journal
02.13 with editor
02.16 with editor
02.19 with editor
03.04 under review
03.19 decision in process
03.22 minor revision
03.30 revision submitted to journal
03.30 with editor
03.31 with editor
04.03 accept

我有一只小毛驴 2023-03-26

I want to ask, how long did it take for you to receive a response? It has been almost two months for me and it is still under review. Should I remind the editor?

黛芙妮的异想世界 2023-03-13

Is it Professor Wang Aijie from Harbin Institute of Technology?

Wing99 2023-03-09

Personal feeling is that the speed is very fast. It takes about a month to receive feedback and about half a month to make revisions. My manuscript was reviewed by five experts who provided dozens of suggestions. After making modifications one by one, three experts agreed to accept it. It is a very good journal in the second district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Specific timeline:
Received at Editorial Office, 20th December 2022
Article revised, 14th February 2023
Article accepted for publication, 27th February 2023

Accepted …… 2023-03-03

2023.1.9 submitted to journal
2023.1.10 with editor
2023.1.11 revise, reduced figures to 5-6
2023.1.12 resubmitted
2023.1.13 under review, one reviewer completed on the same day
2023.1.28 decision in progress
2023.1.29 revise, three reviewers, major revision, minor revision, and revisions, a total of 12 comments, 10 days for revisions
2023.2.3 resubmitted
2023.2.4 with editor
2023.2.6 under review, one reviewer completed on the same day
2023.2.20 decision in progress
2023.2.20 revise, two reviewers agreed to accept, one reviewer provided 4 minor comments
2023.2.23 resubmitted
2023.2.24 with editor and decision in progress
2023.2.28 accepted, actually accepted on the 24th, but the journal's managing editor sent the email on the 28th
I hope this can provide some reference. The journal's speed is very fast, and it was accepted in less than 2 months. The submission experience was very nice. I hope Environmental Research can enter the first quartile soon.

Lucky新酱 2023-02-20

2022.11.14 - submitted to journal
2022.11.16 - with editor
2022.11.25 - under review (the middle date changed several times)
2023.2.9 - revise
2023.2.14 - resubmitted
2023.2.19 - dip
2023.2.20 - accept
Thanks to Professor Wang Aijie for being very efficient. Thanks to the two kind reviewers. Writing this experience for everyone's reference. I hope everyone's submissions will also have a good result and be smoothly accepted.

Jaanai 2023-02-18

May I ask how long have you been with the editor? I see that everyone else's papers are under review within two to three days, but mine has been with the editor for a while... I'm getting anxious.

隔壁小刘 2023-02-13

It has been four and a half months already. By the way, do you know the editor-in-chief's email? We must urge for the manuscript.

Jaanai 2023-02-12

Hello, may I ask what is the maximum word limit?

Bo Li 2023-02-12

2023.1.5 submitted to journal
2023.1.6 with editor
2023.1.7 under review
2023.1.28 Three reviewers, two minor revisions, one major revision, one reviewer recommended me to cite 17 of their own papers
2023.2.9 revision submitted to journal
2023.2.9 under review
2023.2.10 decision in process
2023.2.11 accept

鲍文风 2023-02-11

The first time I submitted my paper to Environmental Research, the following is the submission timeline:
Dec 07, 2022 - Submitted to Journal
Dec 09, 2022 - Sent back by the editorial department, requesting a reduction in word count and 6-7 figures. Revision requested by Dec 30, 2022.
Dec 27, 2022 - Submitted to Journal
Dec 29, 2022 - Under review by editor
Jan 02, 2023 - Under review
Jan 30, 2023 - Returned with comments from two reviewers. Revision requested by Feb 10, 2023.
Feb 07, 2023 - Revision submitted to Journal
Feb 08, 2023 - Under review by editor
Feb 10, 2023 - Decision in process
Feb 10, 2023 - Completed - Accepted

I hope this provides some relevant information on the timeline for those who are planning to or have already submitted their papers. I would like to thank Professor Robert James Letcher for handling my paper and also express my gratitude to the two expert reviewers for their professional and rigorous comments and suggestions. I wish Environmental Research continued success.

小镇科研 2023-02-08

My submission for review was pretty fast, but the status has remained unchanged since no one accepted the first round of reviewer invitations. Previously, if no one accepted within three to four days, a new batch of invitations would be sent. I'm not sure what happened this time. When I asked customer service, they said the editor made some changes to the manuscript a few days ago, but I don't really understand.

立青高飞 2023-02-06

2022.12.1 with editor
2022.12.2 under review
2022.12.16 revise
2023.1.2 revision submitted
2023.1.3 with editor
2023.1.4 under review
2023.1.15 revise
2023.1.19 resubmitted to Journal
2023.1.23 accept
Thank you to editor Wang Aijie for their high efficiency. The manuscript did not stay long in the editor's hands, and the longest review time for one round was only two weeks. There were three reviewers, with the first reviewer suggesting two minor revisions and one major revision. In the second review, one of the reviewers agreed to accept both the minor and major revisions, while the other reviewer raised many irrelevant questions and provided 17 references for citation. After discussing with my boss, we directly replied to the editor that the provided references were not relevant to the article. The editor received the response and accepted the article without adopting the suggestions from that reviewer. Once again, thank you to editor Wang Aijie for not condoning the unreasonable requests made by the reviewers and accepting the article on the second day of the Lunar New Year.

隔壁小刘 2023-02-06

On 2023.2.6, it is still under review. Only one reviewer has agreed to review it. I have reminded them four times, but there is no response. I am really unlucky.

兽兽 2023-02-05

Entered incorrectly, submitted on 2022.12.25.
Reviewed by editor on 2022.12.26.

兽兽 2023-02-05

2022.12.6 With Editor
2023.1.9 With Editor
2023.1.10 Under Review
2023.1.27 Revise
2023.1.31 Revision submitted
2023.2.1 With Editor
2023.2.4 Accepted
Thank you kind editor and reviewers!! The process was very fast.

兽兽 2023-01-24

May I ask how long the reviewer has reviewed for?

kbo 2023-01-23

How long does it take to receive the decision after "decision in process," my friends? There are 2+ reviewers, hoping the editor will give an opportunity!

隔壁小刘 2023-01-10

10.10 submitted, 40 days for review, it is still under review now. I feel disgusted.

兽兽 2023-01-07

What happened to the original poster afterwards?

飘飞的梦00 2023-01-06

2022.11.19 Submitted to Journal
2022.11.20 With Editor
2022.11.25 Under Review
2022.12.17 Decision in Process
2022.12.18 Revise
2022.12.29 Revision Submitted to Journal
2022.12.30 With Editor
2023.1.5 Decision in Process
2023.1.6 Accept

2022.11.19 Submitted to Journal
2022.11.20 With Editor
2022.11.25 Under Review
2022.12.17 Decision in Process
2022.12.18 Revise
2022.12.29 Revision Submitted to Journal
2022.12.30 With Editor
2023.1.5 Decision in Process
2023.1.6 Accept

kbo 2023-01-03

Why did the editor invite a reviewer? Isn't that too much? Review invitations sent: 1.

li-ethan 2022-12-29

How are you, OP? I am also.

Acho 2022-12-22

The general practice is to have two or more reviewers for initial review. If there is a difference of opinion in the review comments, the manuscript should be sent to other experts or editors for arbitration. This is the common operational logic of journals. Best wishes.

隔壁小刘 2022-12-07

Excuse me, is it normal for only one reviewer to agree to review? Will there be no more invitations for new reviewers?

隔壁小刘 2022-12-07

My 20-day manuscript is currently in the hands of the editor. It has been 45 days since the external review started, but there is still no progress. I dare not rush for the submission.

Acho 2022-12-05

The speed is fast, probably because there is a strict one-month deadline - from the time the reviewers accept to the submission, it doesn't stay in the hands of the editor for long.
After submitting the manuscript, it took two months to receive comments from two reviewers. After minor revisions, it was accepted within three days.
I hope my comments can be somewhat helpful and also, I hope the journal continues to improve :)

不断努力的小白 2022-12-01

March 6, 2022 Submitted to Journal
March 7, 2022 With Editor
March 10, 2022 Under Review
April 9, 2022 Minor Revised
April 22, 2022 Resubmitted to Journal
April 29, 2022 Accepted
The journal is faster and does not procrastinate.

哈哈哈1992 2022-11-28

This is probably already cold.

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