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奔跑的Ph.D蜗牛 2023-08-01

May I ask where to check if the manuscript has been accepted for review? It has been almost 4 months under review and there is still no news. I am anxious.

米糖咖啡 2023-07-18

6.14 UR, but the Trank link shows that it has not received any reviews to date, and the date has not changed either. Can anyone please remind the editor to find a reviewer again?

奇怪 2023-05-17

Submit the revised draft one week later, on May 17th. Thank you to the editors and reviewers, and best wishes for the continued success of the journal!

小小鱼 2023-05-13

April 12, 2023. Under review.

奇怪 2023-05-09

Share my submission experience.
2023.2.5. Submitted, one author did not confirm the email, stayed in the editorial department for half a month.
2023.2.28. Under review.
2023.4. In the middle of the month, received a reviewer's comment, but cannot view it, status still under review.
2023.5.7. Editor gave minor revision and modification. One reviewer asked very professional and detailed questions. Currently in the modification stage.

我就是一块肥肉 2023-04-19

April 19, 2023, revised and accepted on the same day.

刘矿工 2023-04-13

With the editor not sending it for review for nearly 20 days, I sent an email to inquire at noon and got a direct rejection in the afternoon. A completely speechless incident.

我就是一块肥肉 2023-04-13

April 8, 2023, under review.
April 12, 2023, minor revision. Hoping everything goes smoothly.

我就是一块肥肉 2023-04-08

April 8, 2023 under review.

我就是一块肥肉 2023-04-08

April 8, 2023, under review. I hope everything goes smoothly.

pigwei 2023-04-08

Received 18 December 2022;
Received in revised form 15 March 2023;
Accepted 27 March 2023

The reviewer's expertise directly addresses the core of the paper.
After revision, the theory becomes more comprehensive.

我就是一块肥肉 2023-04-08

December 9, 2022 Submission
December 20, 2022 Under Review
March 15, 2023 Major Revision, one reviewer
April 6, 2023 Submission after major revision
Waiting for updates

dddddddddhp 2023-04-05

30.03 submitted
31.03 with editor
05.04 under review
03.05 required reviews completed
08.05 minor revision
12.05 revision submitted to journal
13.05 accepted

30th of March - Submitted
31st of March - With editor
5th of April - Under review
3rd of May - Required reviews completed
8th of May - Minor revision
12th of May - Revision submitted to journal
13th of May - Accepted

刘矿工 2023-03-31

It feels much slower than theoretical fracture mechanics. Previously, when I submitted the theoretical and applied fracture mechanics, it was sent for review the same evening. It has been a week since submitting efm, and it is still "with editor".

Zhu@safaty 2023-03-23

May I ask when is the deadline for applying for a delayed submission? Is it before or after the due date?

Zjc0604 2023-03-16

EFM and TAFM are truly like brothers, forever in the second district of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

大佬求放过 2023-03-03

It is possible that they could not find reviewers, and the initial review process was very slow, taking about 5 to 6 months. There were two reviewers, both highly professional, with one of them even having published in Nature. Both reviewers recommended major revisions and provided one month for the revisions. After the revisions were made, the paper was accepted for publication in about a month.

吴青椒2020 2023-01-05

The speed of the manuscript review gets full marks. The submission was sent for review on the second day, and two months later, it required major revisions. There was only one reviewer, but they provided 17 comments, all of which were difficult to modify. I spent two months making the revisions and then, more than 20 days later, it was directly accepted for publication.

温水煮青蛙 2022-11-29

10.13 submitted
10.16 with editor
10.17 under review
11.07 major revision
Two reviewers, reviewer 2's comments are very professional and greatly help improve the quality of the article!
Also, they are very meticulous, pointing out issues with formatting, grammar, etc.
11.12 revision submitted
11.16 with editor
11.17 major revision, but no feedback provided
11.19 Sent an email to the editor-in-chief to inquire about the situation; received a reply on the 20th. The feedback mainly concerns language and formatting issues.
11.23 Delayed by the pandemic for a few days, resubmitted again.
11.28 with editor
11.29 accept
Received the reviewer's comments in just 20 days, very fast! The expert was very meticulous! Accepted in 45 days!

taylor1993 2022-11-06

The so-called mentor not only needs to provide guidance but also needs to encourage and lead students to explore the unknown and discover new problems and phenomena. Of course, nowadays, both master's and doctoral degrees are very demanding and not easy, so it is even more important to handle the pressure, calm down, and effectively solve problems. When unable to persuade students, it is necessary to change methods or respect their choices, as individuals have their own thoughts and should not be treated as obedient machines. Since you are now a doctoral supervisor and have also been a student, you understand the challenges that students face. To be honest, apart from exceptional individuals like Qian Xuesen and Qian Weichang, most of the doctoral graduates in the last century were just ordinary people who knew a few study techniques. Nowadays, looking at the world, the competitiveness of doctoral degrees is extremely high, and a slight mistake can lead to being left behind, so it is important to keep up with the times. Unless you have the intelligence of Newton or Poincaré, it is hoped that you can make some contributions beneficial to humanity in China or the world.

marlonli 2022-11-05

It's really pathetic that a doctoral supervisor is acting like this. It's truly disappointing that such a child follows you. You really think you're a doctoral supervisor and play a role, borrowing your words (you are really not one). As a colleague, if I know you in real life, then I'm sorry, it's my tragedy. For every student, there should be equal teaching, guidance, and patient encouragement, that's what a teacher should do. Lastly, I truly feel sorry for the students in your current group.

秋荷 2022-10-31

The review comments are very professional.

pigwei 2022-10-14

The main consideration is the research content, sometimes requiring a long time, sometimes requiring a relatively short time.

pigwei 2022-10-14

Fastest Submission Experience
In April, I submitted an EFM (Editorial, Feedback, and Manuscript) and it was accepted in about four months.
In August, I submitted another one, and the process was even faster.
Submitted on August 13th, it was reviewed and sent for evaluation the next day.
Revisions were requested on September 11th.
Revised version was resubmitted on September 22nd.
Accepted on October 13th.
It was a very pleasant submission experience, as the editor-in-chief was very friendly and the reviewers provided professional opinions.

leovin 2022-09-26

Received at Editorial Office
25 Apr 2022
Article revised
30 Aug 2022
Article accepted for publication
25 Sep 2022
Less than six months in total. The experts' opinions were very professional. A prestigious journal.

shideya 2022-09-20

I suggest changing the investment due to being too impatient.

kangwei123 2022-09-12

Did the original poster say JAM?

核jiw 2022-09-02

So slow! If it takes me half a month just to review, I'll have to wait until Chinese New Year. Waiting for graduation.

核jiw 2022-09-02

Bro, has it been this long? I am just under review.

科研小虫666 2022-08-27

Don't worry, my paper with the editor took ten months, and after eleven months it was given a major revision. After the revision was done, it was accepted. Keep going! Old-established journals in the past used to be slow. I remember there was an old-established ASME journal that took one and a half years to accept a paper.

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