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sadasfasd 2023-02-28

Depending on the research direction and the editor you encounter, some editors are fast while others are slow.
The first time I submitted, it took 2 months with the editor. Because I had to rush for school awards, I directly withdrew the submission and started working on an open-access journal.
Now I am submitting a new work to this journal, and surprisingly the editor found 6 reviewers for me within 2 months and provided extensive revision suggestions (29 comments) very quickly.
I guess I encountered an editor who handles things quickly. Hopefully, I'll have good luck!

qwerasdzxc2 2023-02-28

It has been four months and no one has accepted the manuscript for review.

tpldrt 2023-02-28

feb 27 Required Reviews Completed

Translation: February 27th, Required Reviews Completed

xucz 2023-02-28

Received the comments on the major revisions on the evening of February 27th. There were a total of five reviewers. Surprisingly, my complaint was actually taken seriously.

xucz 2023-02-27

The speed of this journal is really puzzling.
Submitted on May 30, 2022, and sent for review on July 27.
The review process was completed on January 7, 2023, and it has been in the "required reviews complete" status ever since.
I have sent two reminder letters, one to the associate editor who confirmed that my article was still under review at that time, and another to the editor-in-chief who passed the responsibility to the editorial department. The editor said they would review it as soon as possible, but I have not heard anything since then.
I'm really tired. It's been almost a year, and I haven't even received any comments from the first review.
I'm thinking of withdrawing my submission and finding another journal. Can anyone offer some guidance?

天涯的心跳 2023-02-27

Indeed, I am tired. I sent an email to the editor and on the 23rd, he sent the review invitation again, but no one accepted the invitation... Another 5 days have passed... I submitted the manuscript on January 25th and until now, no one has reviewed it... It's an indefinite wait... Newtons, what's going on... Teach me a way to break through...

Lst发SCI啊 2023-02-27

Submitted twice.
First time:
June 2022, submitted.
August 2022, minor revision (4 reviewers, 2 accepted, 1 minor revision, 1 major revision, more than 10 comments).
October 2022, minor revision (5 reviewers, the same reviewer from the first major revision, 3 new comments, 1 additional reviewer).
November 2022, rejected (the reviewer from the first major revision was very harsh, said the experiment did not meet their requirements, rejected).

Second time (another article):
November 2022, submitted.
December 2022, major revision (4 reviewers, a total of more than 30 comments).
Mid-January 2023, revision completed, submitted.
February 2023, accepted (no additional reviewers).

The above comments are for reference only.

qwerasdzxc2 2023-02-27

It has been five months, and there is only one reviewer. We cannot find any other reviewers.

qwerasdzxc2 2023-02-27

I have been unable to find a reviewer. Even those who were invited did not accept, and most reviewers refused to review. It's too difficult.

dream_kang 2023-02-26

Hello, how is your paper now?

Vanxy999 2023-02-22

Similarly, it should be that the first time the reviewer was not invited, so they were invited again, hence the status was updated.

苏坡 2023-02-22

22.10.08 Submitted
22.11.03 Under review
22.12.17 Under review
Now it is 23.02.22, and the status has not changed. The system has already sent reminders, but it is unlikely to be effective.
Contacted the official customer service of Aisville, and they said that there are no reviewers currently reviewing or invited to review. What is the situation? It is my first time submitting, hoping for good luck.

天涯的心跳 2023-02-21

So far, no reviewers have accepted the invitation to review... It feels uncomfortable.

bigbigpang 2023-02-21

It's almost February, and there are still no reviewers accepting the manuscript.

德累斯顿石头人 2023-02-20

Thank you, [JACK-CHEN], for informing. I hope there will be a good outcome, otherwise I plan to send an email to the editor...

JACK-CHEN 2023-02-20

This is the Elsevier customer service system reply template. Wait for two to three days for the Elsevier customer service system to send another email to notify you, but whether the editing is adopted or not is unknown, it's up to luck. Ah, the reply should be like this: "Dear, Thank you for your e-mail and please allow me to extend my sincere apologies for the inconvenience and the delay in my response. I understand that your inquiry regarding your manuscript..."

德累斯顿石头人 2023-02-20

It has been 8 months since submission, and it is still in the second round of review. A reminder letter has been sent through the system. The current response received is as follows, does anyone know what's going on? Is this an automated reply from the system?

Hello! Thank you for contacting Elsevier Researcher Support. To help us jump right into the solution, please ensure you have provided as much information as possible. While you wait, you can take a look at our Journal Article Publishing Support Center where you can review FAQs and 'how to' videos.

超级拉姆 2023-02-20

You're too fast, I'm so envious.

tpldrt 2023-02-20

Oct 20, 2022 Post
Approximately 16 days, major repairs
Jan 21, 2023 Return after first trial major repairs
Feb 08, 2023 Under Review

Vanxy999 2023-02-19

I have been waiting for a month, and still no one has reviewed my manuscript...

天涯的心跳 2023-02-19

Thesis number 9 has been submitted for review, but until now no reviewer has accepted the invitation to review. Do the reviewers not check their emails anymore? When I urge them, they just give me perfunctory responses. How can this be resolved, Newtons?

zhengzkang 2023-02-18

The editor's email is on the homepage. You can also click on "View full Editorial Board" to see the complete list. If needed, you can call the customer service of the submission system or you can send an email to Elsevier. Basically, send all possible communications. However, the editorial team of this journal is not very efficient and tends to be too slow.

badabada666 2023-02-16

My article has been submitted for 8 months, and it has been under review for 7 months. Currently, it is still under review. I have sent a reminder once in the meantime. Sigh.

酷酷小虾米 2023-02-15

Recently, I have encountered some other problems. I sent an email to inquire, but didn't receive a reply. May I ask for the email address of the editor-in-chief, so that I can send them?

zhengzkang 2023-02-15

It has been one month with the editor. Does anyone know the reason? I have sent two emails to the editor and deputy editor, but have received very few replies. The editor is still not being very responsible. If you are in a hurry, it's better not to submit.

听云馆主人 2023-02-14

Very fast journal, accepted in 2 months. One major revision was conducted with 6 reviewers providing several dozen comments. The reviewers' comments were very constructive, and the editor made the decision for a major revision. Finally, the revised manuscript was submitted on the deadline day and accepted for publication one week later.

Vanxy999 2023-02-14

The track email received by the corresponding author contains.

COP 2023-02-13

After the journal accepts the paper, do I not need to format it myself? Why does the publisher directly send me an email asking me to fill out a copyright declaration?

白白白 2023-02-13

Hello, where can I see the complete review? Why can I only see "under review" as the progress?

wsmsn 2023-02-11

First trial has three people, second trial has five people, currently it is still under review for minor revisions.

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