认证评论 - Energy
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独孤求爱007 2021-03-19

The translation of the text "楼,和你情况差不多" into English is: "The situation is similar to yours."

老詹 2021-03-19

So slow, with the editor not making any progress for 20 days.

肖E先生 2021-03-17

It has been a month and the editing has not been assigned yet...

energy storage 2021-03-17

It has been fifteen days with the editor.

独孤求爱007 2021-03-17

It has been five days and still with the editor, is this speed normal?

pjn 2021-03-16

After undergoing major repairs, minor repairs, major repairs, major repairs, and minor repairs, which took a year and a half, it finally passed the six reviews and was officially accepted. It was truly a bumpy journey.

昕Grace 2021-03-06

Low-carbon economy direction:
November 8, 2020: Submitted
December 8, 2020: Received review comments, major revision with approximately 60 changes.
February 8, 2021: Completed revisions
March 3, 2021: Accepted

Tsai 2021-02-21

The reviewer who may have provided feedback refused to continue with the second round of review, so a new reviewer was sought. The second review required major revisions, which took one month to complete. After submitting the revised version, acceptance was notified within two days.

漂泊在外的游子 2021-02-10

Directly using a Word template.

语丝忆江 2021-02-08

May I ask if the template you submitted after modification is in Word or in LaTeX? Waiting for your reply.

漂泊在外的游子 2021-02-05

September submission
December first review comments returned
January revisions completed and submitted
February accepted for publication
The review process is very strict, and the reviewers are also very professional. The review time is relatively long, and there are many detailed questions. It is important to be confident before submitting, otherwise it is easy to not be able to answer the questions.

lauj 2021-02-05

2020.01.20 submitted to journal
2020.01.24 with editor
2020.01.28 under review
The second article on Energy is progressing smoothly at the moment. It has been under review for a week since submission, and the same reviewers who were recommended for the first article are reviewing it. These reviewers are experts in the industry whom I know personally, so I assume the editor also approves of them. Therefore, the review process is expected to be quick. I hope everything goes smoothly!

ccuiww 2021-01-20

I just want to say it was not easy at all. It took until halfway through the third attempt to get accepted. After four major revisions, the reviewers' comments were very insightful. It can be considered interdisciplinary research, mainly focusing on the application of spatial statistical models in energy economics. Initially, I submitted it to Applied Energy, but the editor said it was not the right field, so I tried Energy instead. I am very grateful for the editor's unwavering support and continuous opportunities for revision. I also appreciate the perseverance of myself and my co-authors. In the end, we finally received good results!

ccuiww 2021-01-20

I just want to say it was not easy. It took until my third attempt to get accepted, after going through half of the revisions. The reviewers' comments were all very helpful. It can be considered interdisciplinary research, primarily focusing on the application of spatial statistical models in energy economics. I initially submitted to AE, but the editor said it wasn't the right field, so I tried Energy instead. I am very grateful to the editor for giving me the opportunity to make changes and for their constant support. I also want to thank myself and my coauthors for not giving up. In the end, we finally received good results!

ccuiww 2021-01-20

2019.5 submit
2019.8 major revision: one reject, three major revisions
2019.10 revision1 submit
2019.12 major revision: one reject, three major revisions
2020.2 revision2 submit
2020.5 major revision: one major revision, one minor revision
2020.7 revision3 submit
2020.10 major revision: one major revision, one accept
2020.12 revision4 submit
2021.1.18 required reviews completed
2021.1.19 accept

2019.5 - Submitted
2019.8 - Major revision: one rejection, three major revisions
2019.10 - Revision 1 submitted
2019.12 - Major revision: one rejection, three major revisions
2020.2 - Revision 2 submitted
2020.5 - Major revision: one major revision, one minor revision
2020.7 - Revision 3 submitted
2020.10 - Major revision: one major revision, one acceptance
2020.12 - Revision 4 submitted
2021.1.18 - Required reviews completed
2021.1.19 - Accepted

ccuiww 2021-01-20

This is usually the step before making a decision. If the review is accepted and the editor has no comments, the decision will be made the next day. If there are several days in between, it means that the review opinions are inconsistent, and the editor will provide their own comments during the review process. This would be a revision.

enhaikuoyi 2021-01-20

Was the status estimation rejected?

LeoVenchi 2021-01-14

2020.09.20 submitted to journal
2020.09.25 with editor
2020.10.02 under review
2020.11.01 required reviews completed
2020.11.06 major revision
2020.12.10 revised submit
2020.12.10 with editor
2020.12.11 under review
2021.01.09 required reviews completed
2021.01.10 accept

2020.09.20 submitted to journal
2020.09.25 with editor
2020.10.02 under review
2020.11.01 required reviews completed
2020.11.06 major revision
2020.12.10 revised submit
2020.12.10 with editor
2020.12.11 under review
2021.01.09 required reviews completed
2021.01.10 accept

zz557 2021-01-12

Mine is in the same state. Have you received any updates on yours? The results will be available in a few days.

Malcomn 2021-01-12

2020.08.13 with editor
2020.08.25 under review
2020.10.20 revise
2020.11.17 submission
2020.01.11 accept

The status "with editor" lasted for about two weeks, and then it was sent for external review. A total of three reviewers were invited. The first reviewer found the research interesting and innovative, and raised a lot of relevant questions. They suggested minor revisions before acceptance. The second reviewer did not believe that our topic fit the scope of ENERGY journal and recommended that we submit to a related specialized journal. The third reviewer acknowledged the research's innovativeness and significant practical value in engineering, and suggested minor revisions before acceptance. Considering the opinions of all three reviewers, the editor requested major revisions. It took about a month to complete the revisions and resubmit. The review process took one and a half months, and the paper was ultimately accepted.

Overall, ENERGY journal is a highly reputable publication in the field of energy. The reviewers' questions were insightful and targeted the key points. In today's interdisciplinary environment, ENERGY journal still accepts topics from the traditional energy field. This is a great encouragement and boosts my confidence. I believe this may also be a reason for the continuous increase in ENERGY's impact factor. I wish everyone success in their research endeavors.

Dcy 2021-01-10

I also submitted on December 25th, and now it is still with edit. I guess the editors are on holiday for Chinese New Year.

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