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锦瑟无端五十弦 2023-01-18

The efficiency is very high.
Submitted on December 13, 2022, under review half a day later.
With editor office on December 27, 2022.
Conditional acceptance after minor revision on January 4, 2023.
Submitted revision on January 9, 2023.
Accepted on January 18, 2023.

锦瑟无端五十弦 2022-12-14

The text translates to: "Under review in just three hours after submission, very efficient."

matata 2022-11-03

May I ask where you have submitted the application, thank you.

dingdfa 2022-01-02

May I ask where did you finally vote, oh?

organomaterials Yu 2021-10-14

Complain about her. Present facts and reason with her, so she loses her job. Don't think that she can act recklessly in front of her fellow countrymen, because in front of white people, she is just a dog.

Woodward2021 2021-09-20

Li Grundl, the editor, gave extremely unprofessional opinions during the review process. They did not carefully read the article and falsely claimed that the author did not cite a certain reference (when in fact they did). Furthermore, they arrogantly provided unprofessional suggestions and used them as a reason for rejection. This was a very disappointing submission experience.

zhengyuze 2021-09-14

Submitted an article, will be sent for external review within a week. Results will be available in 1 month and 20 days. There are 3 reviewers, all suggesting minor revisions, while the editor suggests major revisions (this editor seems to prefer major revisions!). After revising, it was accepted within 2 days.

organomaterials Yu 2021-08-29

The article that has not been submitted to ASC was submitted to another journal with an impact factor of more than 5 and was accepted within a month. The catalysis journal has a fast-growing impact factor and is about to surpass ASC. ASC is not doing well, as organic synthesis articles are holding it back and its impact factor is not increasing. On the other hand, catalysis journals, with the support of photocatalysis and energy catalysis, have a fast-growing impact factor, and ACB is almost reaching 20.

For good articles related to catalysis, there is no need to consider ASC. They can be submitted to catalysis journals. Even if their impact factor is not 5, their future development will be faster than ASC.

seraaa 2021-07-24

Grundl's deputy editor, also known as the Banana Man. Don't understand the meaning? Is this person difficult to deal with?

中和 2021-07-12

Recently, I have been in an abnormal state. After submitting my work, I haven't received any updates for 6 months, so I decided to withdraw it by sending a letter. However, I didn't receive a response. Nevertheless, I submitted it elsewhere. This shouldn't be considered as simultaneous submission, right? I have kept the withdrawal letter in my sent folder as evidence.

XQ 2021-07-10

It took about 8 months of ups and downs before it was finally accepted. The quality of the reviewer was average, and they were irresponsible, as they sent me the review comments from another article. I contacted the editor but received no response, so I only replied to one of the reviewer's comments. After revising, they claimed that I did not address the reviewer's comments and when I tried contacting the editor again, it was fruitless. I explained the situation in the response letter during the revision. Upon resubmission, the editor added two more reviewers, but luckily their comments were acceptable (they were all trivial comments with no significant quality). After making the revisions, the paper was accepted. Because of the editor's and reviewers' irresponsibility, it took a long time. Fortunately, I had already met the graduation requirements, otherwise it would have caused a delay. I still have lingering fear, and I won't dare to submit again in the future. Judging from the quality of the article above, it is average and not of the same high quality as JOC, and it is even inferior to the quality of organic chemistry in China. It seems to be a journal with low standards.

朱卫东 2021-07-10

2020.6.10 submitted
2020.7.18 with editor
2021.7.10 with editor
This status has been going on for a year, what's going on, did the editor die?

Jack Chow 2021-07-09

Recently, the review process has noticeably slowed down. It takes two months just to be with the editor, and several more months to complete the review. Could it be because of the pandemic?

阿黄 2021-07-09

Good ideas are easily stolen when they are dragged out. This is a lesson learned, so ASC should be cautious in investing.

阿黄 2021-07-09

There is a deputy editor named Li GRUNDL, who is known as the Banana Man. However, life is not easy for people like him, no matter how arrogant they may appear towards their compatriots, they are not even considered as valuable as an asterisk in Europe.

阿黄 2021-07-09

Just a second-tier journal, with a longer review period, quite frustrating.

Omega虎 2021-07-08

A magazine that is quite disappointing, I have submitted for over 10 months and it is still "Article Received". I sent a withdrawal letter but didn't receive any reply. I won't submit to them anymore. Now it's been relegated to the second tier, which is meaningless. Even if it gets published, it's useless. I originally wanted to say it's like "chicken ribs" (something with little value), but although chicken ribs may be tasteless when eaten, it's still a pity to discard them. However, this is not a pity to discard. It's garbage.

organomaterials Yu 2021-07-07

The best way to deal with such anti-China journals is to not cite them. Organic synthesis is already a niche field, and the impact factors of related journals are dropping rapidly. If nobody cites them anymore, they will be even more insignificant.

organomaterials Yu 2021-07-07

This journal nitpicks on Chinese people, especially using academic ethics as an excuse. A friend of mine had previously submitted an article without mentioning that it had been submitted to another journal before. It was discovered, and not only was it not sent for review, but the journal also banned them from submitting to ASC for a year (in reality, this journal has an inflated sense of self-importance, as there are plenty of other good journals to submit to, and it wouldn't matter if they didn't submit to ASC for ten years). When I submitted an article last time, I cited my previous work, and the journal claimed it was excessive self-citation, an issue of academic ethics. This time, I learned from that experience and tried to minimize citing my own work, only including the most relevant ones. However, they still claimed that the necessary citations were missing, once again citing it as an academic ethics issue. Therefore, there is no need to cater to such a low-cost, poorly-attituded journal towards Chinese people. I will not submit to it or cite it. Additionally, it seems that the impact factors of the other journals in this series in Europe are not great, barely surviving.

organomaterials Yu 2021-07-07

The review process is slow, efficiency is low, and the impact factor cannot increase. There is no need to submit to this journal. The recognition is also not high. There is no chance to get funding by publishing in ASC, at least JACS and ANIE are a starting point. Considering the overall reputation of the school, the impact factor of this journal is only 5-6, which means nothing. Instead of spending time on it, it is better to focus on improving the work to aim for a impact factor above 10.

In addition, some people say that this journal has strict requirements, but it is actually strict towards Chinese people, which is discrimination, especially with some banana people editors.

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