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finnhan 2022-09-16

literature review
2021-11-9 submitted
2021-12-17 major revision/2 reviewers/top 15%
2022-01-22 submitted again
2022-02-25 minor revision
2022-03-04 accepted
2022-03-08 online

清真黄焖鸡 2022-09-15

8.3 Submission
8.26 The reviewer gave a major revision with 11 questions.
9.12 Returned for revision.
9.14 Accepted.
AM's editing efficiency is very high, and the processing is very fast. The reviewer is also very professional and efficient.

quinoxalinone 2022-09-14

Submitted on April 20th, the first review took 20 days. Received the first review comments on May 10th, with minor revisions requested twice and one rejection. The editor gave the opportunity to resubmit after rejection, so an additional 2 months of experiments were conducted. Revised and resubmitted on July 25th, received comments on August 8th. The rejected part remained rejected, but the other two sections were accepted directly. The editor then requested major revisions. Revised again on August 22nd, and on September 9th, the editor notified the acceptance. Overall, the process lasted nearly 5 months. We are grateful to the editor for giving us so many opportunities.

缺舟一帆渡 2022-09-11

Submitted in mid-July, reviewed on the same day, received feedback after one month. Extensive revisions were made and returned after another month. Currently, waiting for further updates... P.S: The reviewer is very professional and asked many challenging questions. However, the improvement in the article is very apparent. Fingers crossed...

littlewu 2022-09-06

Submission on June 14th.
Major revision on July 12th, with three reviewers. One rejection, one major revision, and one minor revision. Editor requested major revision.
Revised on July 18th.
Rejection on August 8th. Rejection included 6 questions. The other two reviewers had no issues. Editor rejected the paper.
Appeal on August 8th. Responded to all 6 questions in an email and appealed to the editor.
Accepted on August 9th. Email stated to wait for further information.
Major revision on August 17th. Editor requested major revisions.
Revised on August 20th, reorganized the "respond to reviewers" file and refined the section on the mechanism of the article.
Accepted on September 5th, at around 3:20 PM. Editor sent the paper to the original reviewers and a new reviewer (reviewer number 4) who all accepted without any objections.
Reflection: Overall, I feel very fortunate. I am an independent PI in a small research group and have been working hard in scientific research since the beginning of last year. Leading by example, I have pursued excellence with my students and have gradually published a series of absorber articles (AM, AFM, AS, SMALL, et al.). It has not been easy, often staying up late to revise articles and pondering over questions from reviewers that my students couldn't answer. I have lost a lot of hair and have been constantly frustrated. Yesterday, I finally broke through the ceiling of my research group and continue to strive for high-level scientific research. I am grateful for the reviewers' questions, which greatly improved our article. I also extend my gratitude to the editor for their tolerance, which allowed us to publish our first AM article on controllable gel-based absorbers.

呆短短 2022-09-03

8.20 submission, still no news so far.

心心安安 2022-08-30

I also share the good fortune.

心心安安 2022-08-30

Congratulations, also sharing in the joy.

心心安安 2022-08-25

Benefiting from the good luck of the host.

597509989 2022-08-15

Submitted on August 8th, it has been a week, and it is still with the editor.

缺舟一帆渡 2022-08-11

Wish you good luck, brother.

ray1 2022-08-10

Can I still apply to AFM or AS if I am rejected by AM?

Qiang Friedrich 2022-08-09

AS met the brothers

缺舟一帆渡 2022-08-05

It will become under review. Currently, the status has not changed.

lll馨骨朵儿 2022-08-05

Does the OP have any updates? How long after submitting will it be with the editor? If it is under review, will there be any dynamic updates?

caomeijiang 2022-07-26

Submitted on May 2nd, received feedback on May 30th. The reviewer's opinions were the same as the author's; two positive and one negative. The feedback was that the novelty of the innovation was insufficient. The editor requested major revisions, and the experiment was supplemented. The revisions were completed on July 11th, and the paper was accepted on July 25th.

1shawn 2022-07-26

Who is the editor of the original poster?

缺舟一帆渡 2022-07-25

The original text is already in English: "The post owner should be able to argue, right? Both are positive opinions."

Qiang Friedrich 2022-07-25

7.25 Transfer pending

There are three reviewers, one with a very positive opinion, one with a moderately positive opinion, and one with a negative opinion. The editor has suggested transferring the paper to Advanced Science.

The reviewer with the negative opinion did not provide any specific modification suggestions but mainly stated reasons why this article should not be published in AM.

Currently, the boss is still considering whether or not to proceed with the transfer.

缺舟一帆渡 2022-07-22

OP, you will see the feedback soon. I wish you good results. I have noticed that the editor likes to work on articles on Fridays.

Qiang Friedrich 2022-07-22

7.22 Required Reviews Completed.

This means that all the necessary reviews have been finished.

Qiang Friedrich 2022-07-22

It should be under review.

缺舟一帆渡 2022-07-22

Do you have any news, OP?

缺舟一帆渡 2022-07-22

Has the original poster received any updates? I still haven't received any updates.

Jia SN 2022-07-10

This speed is really fast. I have been submitting for 9 days and it is still in the "manuscript submitted" status.

Qiang Friedrich 2022-07-10

22.7.04 Submitted to nc and simultaneously posted on arXiv
22.7.05 Rejected by the editor of the condensed matter direction of nc, resubmitted to AM on the same day
22.7.05 Manuscript submitted
22.7.06 Under editor review
Will update when there is news, hoping for acceptance.

风控 2022-07-07

Did you submit it for review?

风控 2022-07-07

May I ask how long it takes for "with editor" to be reviewed?

111@ 2022-07-02

May I ask how the current situation is?

Mokia-Lee 2022-06-17

Continuing from last time, on 6.17 we received it. Thank you very much for the concern, and I wish all the big shots a smooth submission!

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