认证评论 - Construction and Building Materials
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学术之光就是我 2023-07-24

How long after accepting will the link to the final draft be sent?

@小小白 2023-07-23

7.23 under review

ssssssaaa 2023-07-21

There is a French female editor who is very, very, very disgusting and inefficient! Let's write a letter together to suggest her removal from reviewing papers.

erdbaumechanik 2023-07-20

3.20 submitted
3.21 with editor
3.22 under review
4.16 required reviews complete
4.27 revision with justification of criticisms
5.16 revision submitted to journal
5.17 under review
5.25 required reviews complete
5.30 revision with justification of criticisms
6.05 revision submitted to journal
6.06 under review
6.11 required reviews complete
6.19 accept

3.20 submitted
3.21 with editor
3.22 under review
4.16 required reviews complete
4.27 revision with justification of criticisms
5.16 revision submitted to journal
5.17 under review
5.25 required reviews complete
5.30 revision with justification of criticisms
6.05 revision submitted to journal
6.06 under review
6.11 required reviews complete
6.19 accept

xmoumou 2023-07-17

submitted to journal 3.30 - The article was sent to the journal on March 30th.
With editor 4.1 - The article is currently being reviewed by the editor as of April 1st.
Under review 4.3 - The article is currently under review by the journal as of April 3rd.
Required reviews complete 5.3 - The necessary reviews for the article have been completed by May 3rd.
Revision 5.4 - The article has been returned to the author for revisions on May 4th.
Revision submitted to journal 5.18 - The revised version of the article was sent back to the journal on May 18th.
With editor 5.19 - The article is currently being reviewed by the editor again as of May 19th.
Under review 5.19 - The article is currently under review by the journal again as of May 19th.
Two reviewers have agreed to review 5.19 - Two reviewers have agreed to review the article as of May 19th.
Accept 7.16 - The article was accepted on July 16th.

长安PHD05 2023-07-13

After the rework, it has been two months with the editor, so slow. From New Year's Day until now. Friends with similar situations, please add me on WeChat, let's chat together.

ning030 2023-07-10

The revised manuscript was submitted on June 5th. I sent an email around July 1st to inquire about it, and received an automatic reply stating that the person was at work on the 5th. It is now the 10th, and there is still no news. I am eagerly waiting for this paper to be published so that I can apply for further studies.

稻壳特尔陈 2023-07-10

Sent an email asking for the reason for the overdue, the Journal Manager said it was a system mistake and the results will be received soon.

Timeless ZL 2023-07-08

I have just found a reviewer, but have not completed yet.

在海中学游泳的鱼 2023-07-08

The comments on the latest floor are very fast, and they are reviewed by a reviewer on the next day. It feels more negative than positive, especially the first reviewer who is quick.

CSU-XJU 2023-07-08

Why are they so similar... both completed it on the second day... What is going on?

CSU-XJU 2023-07-08

Jun 13 2023 submit
Jul 5 2023 Required Reviews Completed

The next day, there was an expert reviewer who provided comments. The other two people took about 20 days to provide their opinions. It feels guilty...

孤独的黑板擦 2023-07-07

Currently, both reviewers have completed the review, and it is currently in the "Required Reviews Completed" status for 2 days.

Timeless ZL 2023-07-06

Friends, the initial draft I submitted on June 21st is still under review (UR). I have only found one reviewer so far. Is there a minimum number of reviewers for CBM (Conference on Business and Management) submissions?

NJTECHSZH 2023-07-06

There is a reviewer who accepts manuscript reviews.

@小小白 2023-07-06

Mine too, on 06.25 it was under review, and on 06.30 the review was completed: 1. It feels a bit fast.

Elin-Z 2023-07-06

I want to ask if you have received the results. I have completed the review process with two reviewers in 7 days. I am very anxious.

稻壳特尔陈 2023-07-04

2023 03/15 Submission
03/18 Under review
04/08 One reviewer accepted the review
05/06 Second reviewer accepted the review
05/08 Third reviewer accepted the review
05/26 Required reviews completed
06/03 Editor provided two opinions for revision, one accepted and one suggested minor changes, advised rejection
06/16 Revisions being processed
06/18 Under review
06/20 One reviewer agreed to review
06/26 Second reviewer agreed to review
06/28 One reviewer completed the review
07/04 I received an email from the journal manager saying that my revision is overdue by ten days, confused operation...
The difficulty of the journal has increased this year. In previous years, fellow students in the research group would see their papers published within two months. This year, one senior fellow had two consecutive rejections, and the fate of my paper also depends on luck. It may be related to the recent increase in impact factor and ranking. The speed this year has also noticeably slowed down.
I still don't quite understand why they say my revision is overdue. I will send an email to inquire and clarify the situation.

OAIFB 2023-07-04

Has anyone received any news? It's been almost two months after the repair and there is still no update.

@小小白 2023-07-03

6.30 One review has already been completed, while another reviewer is still reviewing. How is it so fast? Does it mean it will be rejected? Can someone knowledgeable please clarify?

@小小白 2023-07-03

6.20 submit to journal - This means that the document or article was submitted to the journal on June 20th.
6.21 with editor - The document or article is currently being reviewed by the editor.
6.25 under review - The document or article is currently being evaluated or reviewed.
6.30 under review - The document or article is still being assessed or reviewed.
7.3 under review - The document or article is still in the process of being evaluated or reviewed.

CL 2023-07-03

Submitted on February 3rd, finally accepted on July 2nd, approximately five months, but it's finally here. Good luck to everyone.

长安PHD05 2023-07-03

Why is everyone waiting, and you're the only one who's so fast?

槑槑1994 2023-07-03

I don't know if he is the editor-in-chief, but he is French. He wrote a follow-up letter a week ago, but there has been no progress at all.

SCI冲冲冲 2023-07-02

Submitted on June 11th, under review on the 17th. Just hoping for a chance to make modifications, hahaha.

NJTECHSZH 2023-07-02

Why didn't I receive an email with a tracking link after my submission was under review? I hope to receive some guidance after seeing this. Thank you.

findy111 2023-07-02

Jun 29 Submitted to Journal
Jun 30 With Editor

Translation: The text indicates that on June 29th, the document was submitted to a journal. On June 30th, it is currently with the editor.

findy111 2023-07-02

Already submitted, no results yet.

学术之光就是我 2023-07-01

Really fast, finished the major overhaul in 5 days, and then immediately hired upon returning...

学术之光就是我 2023-07-01

Posted on May 2nd
Major renovation on June 21st
Hired on July 1st
Less than two months

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